The Zinc Experiment

So, I have been taking the zinc infused "prostate health" supplement now for 5 months.

I have not noticed any changes. If I don't cum for 2 days I get a nice volume and maybe 3 pumps.

After the first cum, the subsequent cums in close temporal proximity to the first are all very low volume with maybe 1 to 1.5 pumps.

fwiw :)

well, I guess all hope is lost. Liz's friend AmandaLee's thread has me blowing a load daily. :D
And .... what are they???? :D

oh, the results were just above the question I had answered from klippert. No real noticeable effect for me, using the prostate health zinc supplement. Trying to get/keep the old carcass in good working order, but ejaculate volume seems to be dropping as the years build. :)

ps - enjoying your many threads.

Is there? I really don't know much about it other than what GoldSoundz and SuckonSimon mentioned.

There's different types of zinc?

Likely not, but there may be lots of products containing it, so which product contains the right dosage of Zinc?

And is it available in the UK?
An obsession of mine

Hi. I was very interested to find this thread as I have been obsessed with the amount of semen that I produce for most of my adult life. When the volume started to drop, in my late thirties, I took action. I stopped smoking (I was on 300 cigarettes a week!), moderated my drinking (slightly!) and started taking a zinc tablet every day.

The results didn't start right away, but appeared to arrive gradually over a period of months. The volume increased (Not Peter North amounts but back to my usual and, on a good day, a little more so). After about six months or so, I started to have the occasional wet dream, something that I hadn't experienced for a long time. After about two years, I was receiving some very special attention from my wife, after working away from home for five days. When I ejaculated, due to my poor aim, my first three spurts shot past her face and hit the bedroom curtains, four or five feet away! Never had a climax like that before and, sadly, never since!

So, lifestyle changes and a daily zinc tablet worked for me. I now also drink a lot more water than I used to and I believe that helps. I will be looking out for posts on this thread, as it is a subject that is important to me as I measure my masculinity in this way. I know that this is BS and I shouldn't, but you can't help what makes you feel good about yourself, can you?
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So, lifestyle changes and a daily zinc tablet worked for me. I now also drink a lot more water than I used to and I believe that helps. I will be looking out for posts on this thread, as it is a subject that is important to me as I measure my masculinity in this way. I know that this is BS and I shouldn't, but you can't help what makes you feel good about yourself, can you?

Lifestyle changes are great for this kind of stuff! Diet is probably the largest part. While supplements being effective or not is so far unproven, we do know that stuff like eating a lot of fruits and veggies and less meat will mean you'll have better-tasting cum.

From personal experience, I can say that I did find results by stacking supplements as well as making the infamous "cum smoothie." It can very well be placebo, but I felt that while taking L-Arginine, Zinc, Pygeum, and Lecithin, I was finding much better results and having larger loads, with the best one being enough that I could have easily filled a line of shot glasses. With the smoothie added in as well, it sure did make my partner enjoy swallowing a whole lot more!

I can't remember exactly what the ratios were in the smoothie but there's some basic stuff that you can put in that will help. Pineapple, celery, banana, apples, mango juice, fresh ginger, cinnamon, nutmeg, honey, strawberries, egg whites, maca powder, wheat germ, and kiwis were things I mix and matched often when I made the smoothies. Beyond that though, remember to stay hydrated! Having plenty of water in the tank is essential for loads.
BIG, BIG, BIG fan and advocate of guys adding mango and/or pineapple to their diets. They totally help offset the negative effects of alcohol and coffee. At least imhe as a cum connoisseur! :D :devil:
BIG, BIG, BIG fan and advocate of guys adding mango and/or pineapple to their diets. They totally help offset the negative effects of alcohol and coffee. At least imhe as a cum connoisseur! :D :devil:

Definitely makes a huge difference. We have a lot of both fruits here and it certainly works for my man. ;):devil::heart:
An obsession of mine

I love this thread and want to applaud all of you Goddesses out there who appreciate the amount of love that the man in your life wants to spend on you.

It's always been an obsession of mine, so much so that my first story on Literotica deals mostly with this subject. The male character needs a woman in his life that will be into this, while the female character has a fear of it, bordering on phobia. The first five chapters have been posted, with mostly positive comments and each chapter so far has been given a rating of 4.5 or higher. It is posted in the Non con/Reluctance section, but there is no real non con in the story, the emphasis being on reluctance.

If anyone is interested in reading this story, it can be found here:

Apologies for shamelessly touting my work in this manner. Being a newbie here, I'm not even sure it's allowed and if not, I respectfully hold my wrist out to Admin, for the slap that may be coming my way.


Saint D.
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BIG, BIG, BIG fan and advocate of guys adding mango and/or pineapple to their diets. They totally help offset the negative effects of alcohol and coffee. At least imhe as a cum connoisseur! :D :devil:

It's great, nutritious, and a huge benefit for any relationship! Hell, thanks to this thread I've gotten back into doing smoothies with plenty of pineapple! Thankfully I don't have much caffeine or alcohol in my diet so I don't have to worry about that, but I do love me my meat! Hell, wish my partner would do the same but she hates pineapple!
More info please

BIG, BIG, BIG fan and advocate of guys adding mango and/or pineapple to their diets. They totally help offset the negative effects of alcohol and coffee. At least imhe as a cum connoisseur! :D :devil:

What about mango or pineapple martinis, gin (or vodka) and fruit juice? What does the cum taste like, after drinking these? :D :devil:
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I love this thread and want to applaud all of you Goddesses out there who appreciate the amount of love that the man in your life wants to spend on you.

It's always been an obsession of mine, so much so that my first story on Literotica deals mostly with this subject. The male character needs a woman in his life that will be into this, while the female character has a fear of it, bordering on phobia. The first five chapters have been posted, with mostly positive comments and each chapter so far has been given a rating of 4.5 or higher. It is posted in the Non con/Reluctance section, but there is no real non con in the story, the emphasis being on reluctance.

If anyone is interested in reading this story, it can be found here:

Apologies for shamelessly touting my work in this manner. Being a newbie here, I'm not even sure it's allowed and if not, I respectfully hold my wrist out to Admin, for the slap that may be coming my way.


Saint D.

I honestly don't mind the shameless plug. But, since you seem so very apologetic and I don't get to let my inner bitch out to play often enough ...

... you're a bad, bad, naughty boy!!! :caning:

(there, happy now? ;) :) )

It's great, nutritious, and a huge benefit for any relationship! Hell, thanks to this thread I've gotten back into doing smoothies with plenty of pineapple! Thankfully I don't have much caffeine or alcohol in my diet so I don't have to worry about that, but I do love me my meat! Hell, wish my partner would do the same but she hates pineapple!

Oh you're most welcome!

It definitely does make a diff for women too.

Dare you to ask me how I know :devil:

What about mango or pineapple martinis, gin (or vodka) and fruit juice? What does the cum taste like, after drinking these? :D :devil:

DEEE-licious! Especially with mango imho.

Except not with gin. Gin is disgusting.

Didn’t notice a difference

Aww, that's too bad. I encourage you to try again. The effect isn't immediate. Especially if you have a lot of other toxins like coffee or alcohol or, I hate to say this, dark chocolate, in your system. In those cases it can take 2-3 days to cleanse.

Give it another try and let us know how it goes!
I honestly don't mind the shameless plug. But, since you seem so very apologetic and I don't get to let my inner bitch out to play often enough ...

... you're a bad, bad, naughty boy!!! :caning:

(there, happy now? ;) :) )

Oh you're most welcome!

It definitely does make a diff for women too.

Dare you to ask me how I know :devil:

DEEE-licious! Especially with mango imho.

Except not with gin. Gin is disgusting.

Aww, that's too bad. I encourage you to try again. The effect isn't immediate. Especially if you have a lot of other toxins like coffee or alcohol or, I hate to say this, dark chocolate, in your system. In those cases it can take 2-3 days to cleanse.

Give it another try and let us know how it goes!

I’ve gotta back Liz up on this one. I’ve got the sweetest Jizz my wife has ever tasted, and she tasted a LOT before we met! One day after riding me cowgirl, she scooted forward after I came and rode my face to show me just how sweet it was. That took me by surprise, but I have to admit the pineapple juice did make it very sweet indeed.
This is dangerous; I'd advise you to do some research before continuing. There was a study out a few years ago, about Zinc's effectiveness in treating the common cold. It's gotten pretty popular in the last 10 years or so as lozenges, sprays, etc. While there hasn't been any solid evidence that is does suppress or treat the common cold, what they DID find was that use of Zinc deadens and eventually kills taste buds. And once this happens, they don't regenerate and return. I'd be careful with this, just FYI.

Of course, there no no evidence whatsoever between zinc and semen production, unless you're a junkie for clickbait.
How Much Zinc?

I take 50 mg of zinc daily. Also L-Arginine. I added lecithin for a while. I am 69 and have an almost daily date with madame Palm. 3 contractions and very little volume. Less than a teaspoon. Maybe a little more if I take a few days off.
I’m not sure what zinc is supposed to do. I do know about L-Arginine and nitrous oxide production but that doesn’t seem to really work with that much effect either.
I take 50 mg of zinc daily. Also L-Arginine. I added lecithin for a while. I am 69 and have an almost daily date with madame Palm. 3 contractions and very little volume. Less than a teaspoon. Maybe a little more if I take a few days off.
I’m not sure what zinc is supposed to do. I do know about L-Arginine and nitrous oxide production but that doesn’t seem to really work with that much effect either.

There is a product called Semenax that advertises on porn sites.

Has any one tried it? Of course the video in the add is ridiculous.

Also I measured recently and total volume, semen and precum, as collected in a condom was about 1/2 table spoon.

I'm going to go 4 days with out over this weekend and so I will measure on Tuesday AM to see if there is any increase.

Someone's been taking his zinc supplements like a good boy! :D

Someone's been taking his zinc supplements like a good boy! :D
I remember this, and a couple of your other threads, convincing me to make an account when I did. Such a random post

(Well not that random but you know us perverts keep up with what you're doing 😁)
I'm still in the "don't get any on me" stage

LOL - I'm sometimes in the "don't get any in my hair" stage - especially after I've just washed it (I have really long hair) - so I can relate to that too Shane. lol

(you're not alone though. my husband seems permanently stuck in the "don't get any on me" stage too because he's not even willing to risk being in the same room when I'm with another guy! scaredy-cats! :p)
I am in the middle of the zinc experiment right now.

Sex about three times a week is normal for us. It seemed not to make much difference for the first week.

Then on about day 11, whammo! Filled my wife to overflowing. So much cum that she marveled about it (she had no idea I was trying this out). She had to spend some time cleaning herself up to keep from making a mess out of the bedding.

It is possible that variables other than zinc supplements were afoot, but I am pretty sure the zinc is what did the trick.

As interesting as it was, quantity of cum is not necessarily a kink of ours--I was mostly just curious about this rumor.
LOL - I'm sometimes in the "don't get any in my hair" stage - especially after I've just washed it (I have really long hair) - so I can relate to that too Shane. lol

(you're not alone though. my husband seems permanently stuck in the "don't get any on me" stage too because he's not even willing to risk being in the same room when I'm with another guy! scaredy-cats! :p)
I can relate, well not to the having a long haired imaginative sexpot of a wife part, but to the not even wanting to make eye contact another guy with a hard on (you've definitely caused more than a few boners come to think of it) let alone having to think about doing some matrix style moves to avoid something that she may well love being the reason for.
I'm glad to hear you satisfied your curiosity Bill! You'll have to let us know if your wife's curiosity leads her to giving you a surprise bj one morning to see if you are able to match your same level of "enthusiasm". Did you tell her about taking zinc afterwards?

For any others out there thinking about trying it, yes, it normally does take about 10 days to 2 weeks to kick in and make a difference. Especially if you're still having regular sex during that time. Check it out on Google if you don't believe me. I swear I'm not making this up! 🙂