The write in white thread

A pretty face gets old. A nice body will change. But a good woman will always be a good woman.
You know what I find amazing for the longest time BBW has been harassing me and Cathy for no reason said nasty things to us and all we were doing was posting back and fourth, never bothered a single a single soul, but the gloves came off when she posted my mom on her signature. fuck that shit. she wants this to end she will apologize to me and cathy and take that off her signature. she was vicious, now I'm going to be vicious. enough was enough and what boggles my mind is all you are standing up for her, not one stood up for us. this ends when she apologizes and take that off her signature.
A creative man is motivated by the desire to achieve, not by the desire to beat others.
Ayn Rand
Yep...couldn't agree more

Apparently some people are classless and never had good parents to teach them treat others the way you want to be treated. pure classless people, but I'm sure they're okay with being classless. must have got far in life
“Fill each day with life and heart. There is no pleasure in the world comparable to the delight and satisfaction that a good person takes in doing good.”
John Tilloston (1630-1694);
Archbishop Of Canterbury
I'm not standing up for any of you. I saw the post that started it and frankly it looked like she was joking -- that was my take. It should've been a non-issue. Too many people got involved and made fun where there was none.

You are right that people can post around you but often the fun gets lost. Every thread belongs to everyone, the thread started is just that -- the starter. I can see how she took things to the next level but you two are far more mature than she.

You have something together, like Jenny and Oman, Arden and Saron etc. so enjoy it and let others enjoy your love too. That isn't happening and it's a shame. Someone has to take the first step. How about getting rid of your signatures? See what can be accomplished -- make the first move.

Put her back on ignore and leave it alone again, that seemed to be a good solution. The only side I'm taking is the side of doing the right thing. Let Lit be fun again for you. I say this with respect to both of you, Smotherman, Cathy knows that of me, as I know her heart and it's a good one.
Trust me I understand what you're saying, but BBW has said pure nasty things to us and I mean nasty it wasn't a joke. she followed us through thread after thread. we have everything she said to us, we still overlooked it, I drew the line when she posted my mom in her signature. she owes us an apology and take my mom off her signature and this will end. We have every right to post to each other not fearing some asshole will post nasty comments to us. when she apologizes and take that off her signature I'll stop simple as that.
Understood, Smotherman. She crossed a line and I hope she will remove that from her signature. I think all sides need a cooling-off period as they say, and hope that'll happen soon.
Come on folks- this needs more wang.


Great VV, now I want cake! To be honest, I always want cake. And brownies, I ALWAYS, ALWAYS want brownies. Ice cream is good too. See what has happened here, VV...; )

Since I have to do codes by hand I'm done here. Awful isn't it? You can all clap now. :)
Thank you for understanding Cathleen. all I want is that off her signature, an apology would be nice to me and Cathy and we will squash this. I love my mom so much and she had no right what so ever to post that in her signature
Thank you for understanding Cathleen. all I want is that off her signature, an apology would be nice to me and Cathy and we will squash this. I love my mom so much and she had no right what so ever to post that in her signature

I feel the same of my mom, the loss is always there and no one should tread on that.:rose:
Please let this go well for him...for the both of them. PLEASE

Not pertaining to anything in the thread.