The world's population is decimated.


Ms Snooby Pants
Mar 18, 2001
Only ten people survive a horrible global plague. It is up to them to rebuild Earth's human population. Who are they?
Well, me of course.

Someone needs to keep a damper on the possibility of Gaylords returning.

Plus you cats need a connection to the chronic.
They are all Inuits for reasons of genetics and isolation fromt eh plague.

I would tell you their names but it requires symbols not currently available in any font.

I sense that Mishka is beginning to get mindwarped due to impending finals. Its going to be a fun ride.
Still need to pick 3 more...


Well, let's see...

1) Stephen Hawking- Smart as fuck. He's the problem solver and philosopher. I'm not sure about that wheelchair on the beach though


2) Katie Holmes- uhhh...companionship.


3) Denzel Washington- he's just cool.


4) Rowdy Roddy Piper- for the kilt. And to help me lift logs and shit.


5) Mischka- We need a brilliant legal mind to maintain discipline on the island.


6) Jillian Barberi- weatherperson and possible touch football and recreation coordinator


7) Richard, the gay guy from survivor I- fishing instructor.


8) Jenna Jameson- sex partner. duh.


9) Martin Sheen- President of the island. And he could give acting lessons, direct small plays, and lead us in any island protests and strikes.


10) Me. cuz I'm bad, i'm bad, you know it! Wheee!
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I'm pretty sure that number 6 is a fictional character, Mr. Child. You'll need an alternate.

And on a side note, can you imagine what the kid of Hillary Clinton and Stephen Hawking would like like?
Mischka said:
I'm pretty sure that number 6 is a fictional character, Mr. Child. You'll need an alternate.

And on a side note, can you imagine what the kid of Hillary Clinton and Stephen Hawking would like like?

Okay, I'm replacing Spongebob with Ava Gardner. Do these people have to be alive, or can we pretend they're alive?

Hillary Clinton + Stephen Hawking = ugly as fuck.
Problem Child said:
Do these people have to be alive, or can we pretend they're alive?
That just brought a terribly unhealthy image to mind. Yes, they have to be currently alive and kicking to survive the impending doom.
1. Bob Villa-building
2. Ed Norton-Sewers
3. Emerald-cooking
4. lavender-sex
5. Anyone from "Peco"-electricity
6. Sunstroke-sex
7. Ed Nye(sp)-science guy
8. mischka-sex
9. Barry manilow-wardrobe and mood music
10. Me
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Mischka said:
That just brought a terribly unhealthy image to mind. Yes, they have to be currently alive and kicking to survive the impending doom.

Okay, then I want to replace Ava Gardner with Jillian Barberi


And I'm kicking out Hillary clinton and replacing her with you.
I'm suBstroke now? lol

Casey Casum is definitely among them. Nothing can kill that man.

Lembra dessa música?
Canta, dança sem parar
Sobe, desce, como quiser.
Sonha, vive como eu. Pula, grita...
Não se reprima. Não se reprima. Não se reprima.
Não se reprima. Não se reprima, pode gritar.
Não se reprima. Não se reprima. Não se reprima.
Dança, canta, sobe, desce, vive, corre, pula como eu.
sunstruck said:
I'm suBstroke now? lol

Casey Casum is definitely among them. Nothing can kill that man.

huh...what...I don't see any typo's...
Rambrat said:
1. Bob Villa-building
2. Ed Norton-Sewers
3. Emerald-cooking
4. lavender-sex
5. Anyone from "Peco"-electricity
6. Sunstroke-sex
7. Ed Nye(sp)-science guy
8. mischka-sex
9. Barry manilow-wardrobe and mood music
10. Me
Barry Manilow, Bob Vila and Ed Nye. You're planning on fathering the entire next generation, aren't you?
Mischka said:
Barry Manilow, Bob Vila and Ed Nye. You're planning on fathering the entire next generation, aren't you?

Saw right through that didn't you...:D
Rambrat said:
huh...what...I don't see any typo's...


Oh, and I can't populate anything so I'd have to be the cook or something.

Fluffer! lol I can do that.
sunstruck said:

Oh, and I can't populate anything so I'd have to be the cook or something.

Fluffer! lol I can do that.

no...the sex would still be good...:D

besides, you probably can't cook and you're too accident prone to give you any tools...
Problem Child said:

Well, let's see...

1) Stephen Hawking

2) Katie Holmes

3) Denzel Washington

4) Rowdy Roddy Piper

5) Hillary Clinton

6) Spongebob Squarepants

7) Richard, the gay guy from survivor I

8) Jenna Jameson

9) Martin Sheen

10) Me

I'm so glad you made it PC.
But who is the girl you're going to offer your DNA ?

And what do you think is that scottish wrestler good for ?
Wait - I bet he has to control the other guys for you, ya sicko...

Rambrat said:
besides, you probably can't cook and you're too accident prone to give you any tools...

I'm an excellent cook and I have built a ton of stage sets. I'm great with a circular saw.

I want to replace Bob Vila in the list! He can't actually build shit anyway.
I like how I'm the only naked one in your line-up, PC. I am such the wanton slut sometimes.
sunstruck said:
I'm an excellent cook and I have built a ton of stage sets. I'm great with a circular saw.

I want to replace Bob Vila in the list! He can't actually build shit anyway.

Houses are 3-dimensional hon...

Bob's out...we'll use Al from Home Improvements....

does this mean sex is out?