The video game thread


Penisaurus Dix
Sep 9, 2000
Sorry, I had to do it. I've just got this hunch that I'm not the only one out there with the gaming habit. So, I'm wondering if anyone else plays them on a regular basis. And, if you do, what system, what games? Are you a Sims junkie? Role-playing addict?
Personally, Playstation 2 is my drug of choice, and rpg's are my favorite entree.
Alas, I have little time to keep up with video games and my connection is too bad to play Unreal and Counter-Strike most of the time. Now, if I want to have fun, all I have is alcohol and porn. Maybe I'll take pot.
A thread after my own heart! :D

I'm an Xbox-er .. I own five games right now and play them as often as I can: Halo, NFL 2K3, All Star Baseball 2003, Project Gotham Racing and WWF Raw. Of course I rent a ton of games as well.

Waiting for NHL 2K3 to come out on the 30th so I can get online (I am also a beta tester for the XBox Live) and start kickin major hockey ass online!
PS2, Warcraft, The Sims, Everquest are my addictions, when i remember to play them
MechaBlade said:
Alas, I have little time to keep up with video games and my connection is too bad to play Unreal and Counter-Strike most of the time. Now, if I want to have fun, all I have is alcohol and porn. Maybe I'll take pot.

You are too good for pot, Mecha. ;)

I love love love The Sims. But I play PS2 more than anything though. I love race car games. But my new favorite is Kingdom Hearts. :D So GTA:3 has to take a backseat for a while.
I dunno...if it's a game like DAO 3...I'm almost unbeatable in it. Not to mention I'm good at any game I play.
Grant Theft Auto 4: Vice City

I still play GTA:3 like everyday.

I don't even try to beat it, I probably made a million dollars in car accidents alone.
You GTA fans are gonna be so pissed when "True Crime: Streets of LA" and "Halo 2" comes out :D
Liontamr said:
You GTA fans are gonna be so pissed when "True Crime: Streets of LA" and "Halo 2" comes out :D

How do you figure?

I got an X-box and a PS2.

Halo is the only game you need for X-BOX.

Halo 2 should be off the chain.
Liontamr said:
You GTA fans are gonna be so pissed when "True Crime: Streets of LA" and "Halo 2" comes out :D


I personally don't care. I don't have an Xbox, so why should those games bother me?
Burning Chrome said:
How do you figure?

I got an X-box and a PS2.

Halo is the only game you need for X-BOX.

Halo 2 should be off the chain.

From the previews and inside stuff I've read, True Crime is gonna be alot like GTA.. Same ideas and type of gameplay.. I don't know honestly if it will make GTA-ers green, but it will give Xbox-ers something to point to as a counter to GTA.

Dead To Rights is much better than Maxx Panye in my book.. You just can't shoot up a room in DTR like you can in the other... the use of the dog is a cool feature as well.

Project Gotham Racing 2 should be off the hook as well.. reading some of the little things that may just be added has me seriously jacked about it!

Not that a PS2 is bad.. It has it's good points as well - game selection being a big one.
StrawberryPez said:

I can't wait!!! I have my copy on reserve!!! :D

And that's why I love you baby:D :heart:

Cibo, I f'in ruled at DOA 2...give me a ps2 controller for 3 and I'm sure you'd have yourself a challenge:) need to be shown the light of the playstation, Halo's nothing compared to the library we have:p
Spaceboy said: need to be shown the light of the playstation, Halo's nothing compared to the library we have:p

Well all my friends have a PS2 .. I'll admit I am jealous that they get to keep and play the original PS games and play them on PS2.. and that the selection is much bigger.. But in all reality it's quality, not quantaty that I am after.

Despite our differences I think we can all agree on one thing...

At least no one here is admiting to owning a gamecube or dreamcast! :D
Oh Lion....*pats your head* I don't watch comercials for Xbox, they don't interest me. I have not seen anything for it that I want to play. You can keep your Xbox, and I will be happy with my PS2.

I understand your views, that it is wonderful to you. But that is because you don't have a PS2, which is probably why an Xbox isn't interesting to me; because I don't have one.
Heh, I'm a major video game fan (put it this way, when you once sat up for 3 days straight, not going to sleep, just to play Ultima Online, you know you have a video game addiction :)).

Haven't got a PS2, X-Box or Gamecube I'm afraid... but I need some cash for that, and then I'll see which has the best wrestling game on it (yup, that's how I choose my console... which one has the best wrestling game... so far it's Gamecube :D).

But as it stands, the family in total (I live at home) has a PSX (mine), PC (Mine), N64 (sisters), SNES (sisters) & Megadrive (whole families, it's also called a Genesis for you Yanks :p hehe).

So erm, yeah if we had the cash we'd probably have all the new age consoles, heh, and the only reason I haven't got a Dreamcast is I sold it (well the best game on it was Sonic Adventure, followed closely by Soul Calibur :D).

So, anyone wanna talk classic gaming, I'm the guy to talk to, hehe, I don't check much on the new age stuff, not until I get some of the new consoles myself (i.e. when they cut the price, probably after Christmas ;))

It was brand new when I got it for Xmas though.

You mean.. I'm old? *sobbing*
Liontamr said:
Well all my friends have a PS2 .. I'll admit I am jealous that they get to keep and play the original PS games and play them on PS2.. and that the selection is much bigger.. But in all reality it's quality, not quantaty that I am after.

Despite our differences I think we can all agree on one thing...

At least no one here is admiting to owning a gamecube or dreamcast! :D

I'll have you know I've owned both the GC and DC...I loved the dreamcast, the only reason I got rid of it was because the game supply dried up...though I've thought about getting one again, just to play the great games on it. The gamecube, however, was a sour experience. Almost no good games...still. Most I can play on the PS2 anyway.
Aww of course Atari isn't old....just because it was made back in the....anyway.... of course you're not old either...not that I have any idea how old you are....*insert foot in mouth*
Spaceboy said:
I'll have you know I've owned both the GC and DC...I loved the dreamcast, the only reason I got rid of it was because the game supply dried up...though I've thought about getting one again, just to play the great games on it. The gamecube, however, was a sour experience. Almost no good games...still. Most I can play on the PS2 anyway.

I still own my DC but I don't own any games other than NFL2K ...

I'm not even gonna touch the Gamecube..

BTW, I do have a NES as well :D And no matter how much I love NFL 2K3, Tecmo Bowl is always gonna be the greatest football game ever!
Spaceboy said:
I'll have you know I've owned both the GC and DC...I loved the dreamcast, the only reason I got rid of it was because the game supply dried up...though I've thought about getting one again, just to play the great games on it. The gamecube, however, was a sour experience. Almost no good games...still. Most I can play on the PS2 anyway.

Hehehehe, sorry, have to laugh, what about Wrestlemania X8? I've been told by many sources that it's an well updated version of the No Mercy game for the N64, so it's gonna be a classic :).

Also had Greg Dean (basically one of the definitive guru's of the computer game world in a geeks eyes ;)) tell everyone that the new mario game owns, so I wouldn't mind giving that a shot, then you have Super Smash Brothers on GC.

Also the updated Resi Evil, gotta be worth a look (plus no other console will see a Resi Game, GC have got exlusive rights to that methinks).

So plenty of reasons to get a GC... of course PS2 has Final Fantasy.... but I've played X-Box... hated it, didn't like Halo either to be honest, I'll stick with my Unreal Tournament and Quake 3 on my PC thankies :p

Of course as for the Dreamcast comment, you're right,t hat's why I got rid of mine, they had quite a few games on it (around the 200 to 300 mark I think), but most were so crap you didn't know they existed in the first place, and the internet costs were stupidly expensive.

Ack, I'm ranting, hehe. I'll cut this here :)