The Vault is Real a Boarderlands Story. [ Closed vampyrickitten0]


RP Enjoyment
Oct 23, 2006
-On the bus heading to The Arid Badlands a Youngman with a pair of Goggles on his head and a pair of bright green eyes looked around. He had on a bandana and a vest on over his tee shirt. His Jeans a bit ripped but in tact. He carried a Repeater on his belt and a Sniper on his back. He sighed as he had his backpack support on so he will have room to do a few thing.-
In the back of the bus, a willowy form seemed to fade in and out of everyone's vision as she stared out the window. She had short auburn hair, styled in a spiked cut that framed her delicate face. A smg rested comfortably on her hip, and if you looked closely you could see a greenish color liquid swimming around the clip. A sawed-off, double-barrel shotgun rested across her back, and an ammo pack was encircled around her waist and thighs. She preferred not to be bulked up, because it impeded her phaselock talent.
-The young man looked as the bus stopped he got up and bumped lightly in to the woman leaving as well.-"Oh excuse me."-he smiled as they got off the bus and looked around.-" you after the Vault or just carrying protection."-he chuckled.-"I am after the Vault...Names Miles and yours?"
Elisabeth defensively went to phase strike whoever had just bumped into her, but stopped herself when it was the only other person on the bus. She smiled at his question, and laughed as well. "I guess a vault hunter can always sniff out another vault hunter. There would be no other reason to come to Pandora. It certainly isn't for the scenery. My name is Elisabeth, it's nice to meet you Miles."
-He grins.-"Well then what now...what to do what to do."-they walked meeting with Clap trap who gave them the Display module and used the New-U station he nods.-"I see now why dad told me not to pack clothes here...these are cool."
"From what I've heard, we just let claptrap go through the town and explain everything, and than we just let the townspeople guide us on our way to the fault. My parents didn't tell me much about the vault or pandora except to always be prepared for anything to happen or you won't survive the journey."
"Well there is A Claptrap here....I wonder if it is the same ordeal?"-turns out it wasn't they got to the gate leading to Fyrestone and it was open.The Clap Trap told them Enjoy and I will see you at Fyrestone-"Um....hmmm."-he pulled out the Custom Repeater he had as he looked around a shout was herd as they saw Bandits coming for them as The Claptrap seem to bolt under the fence and Miles began shooting at the bandits that that shot at them.-
Lis swore as they began getting shot at. Within seconds she was in her phaseshift form and darted between two of the bandits, a mass of acid and fire. The bandits began screaming as the acid ate their flesh and was fed by the fire until they were a pile of ash. She pulled out her shotgun and the sound of shotgun blasts drowned out the howls of pain as they pierced the flesh of two more bandits.
-His shots were Acurate as he sent out his pet Blood Beak around hurting the Bandits there were a lot of this fucks."-DAM YOU!"-he shouted as he shot at the bunch of pricks.-"DIE!"-he said as he shot at them from behind the container as he ran up a bit shooting more.-
The bandits managed to get a handful of shots off at her, but she was invulnerable to damage while in her phaseshift. She flipped them off and ran over to two more, punching him with an acid fist straight in the jaw, her foot coming around to kick the other in the stomach and sending him flying backwards.
-Miles got his shots in as his pet did the rest they cleared them selvees a path and got to fyrestone after there ordeal with these nightmares.-
"Well if anything while I'm here, I'll become a hell of a good shot." Lis smiled as they entered Fyrestone. The town seemed desolate, even though it was clear that people did live there. "Well hell, where is everybody in this place?"
-he shrugs as they met Dr.Zed and they walked over talking to him.-"Well well welcome strangers. I am Zed a medical officiant."-Miles smiled.-"We need a place to stay got any place?"-Zed looked.-"I got a extra house it is cleaned up and stuff how ever better find a way to sleep there is no furniture."-he said as Miles nod.-"I see."-they walked to the house Zed told them to go to a few houses down.-"I think we better see what we can find if we hope to at least sleep. Good thing i did pack pillows and a blanket just in case."
"Like my daddy always said, gotta be prepared for anything Lis, or you'll find yourself being eaten alive by skags." She laughed and opened her bag and pulled out a pillow and a small blanket.
-He smiled and closed the door behind him and sighed locking it as he set it up and began to take out everything making sure the parts were clean and ready to be used.-"So what will we be doing tonight how about chat?"
"We can chat. Why don't you start and tell me more about yourself Miles? It's the least we can do since we're hunting for the vault together."
"I grew up on North Pandora a nicer Area where i learned how to fight and protect my self. I am a full graduate and i know about Animals and there instincts. I also am very well versed in poison and some medicine."-he smiled.-"I also have a list of activities i like in my own head."-he smiled and looked to her eyes.-