Really Really Experienced
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- Aug 15, 2012
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Gael Adams knew growing up that she wasn’t one of those lucky pretty girls. Her hair was a wild frizzy mane of curls and waves uncontrollable and winner of three brush thrown downs and counting. She loved the deep dark blue of her eyes but hated how large they looked on her face or the freckles that peppers her cheekbones as if highlighting their owl like appearance. Add that to her small button nose and pocket sized build and she all but lived up to the nickname given to her by her older brother, “Pixie”.
As Gael got older she took to hiding behind drab, loose overly large baggy clothes, books and strangely enough soccer. Where many would have peg holed Gael to be a nerd and a nerd only, she excelled at sports, favoring soccer. Though it did little to boost her popularity, even being made team captain of the varsity soccer team and MVP two years in a row still found people struggling to remember her name, her real name, as Pixie somehow stuck around even years after her brother graduating.
“Darling will you please get ready?” Victoria Adams pleaded with her daughter. In less than half an hour their guest would be arriving and the house had been artfully arranged to look like an article straight out of a Southern Living magazine. The only hitch in the arrangement was with her daughter’s less than proper dress for such an occasion.
“Hmm?” Gael turned to look at her mom knowing the moment she did that she had done wrong. “What?” She meekly asked betting on a cute smile to get her out of whatever trouble she had landed herself into this time.
Victoria took and deep breathe as she replaced the napkin she had refolded for the fourth time. “Gael Kensington Adams…” She slowly breathed forcing a bright smile. Her Mother taught her that ladies never raised their voice but sometimes that child of hers… She silently prayed. “If you don’t get upstairs and change into that dress laid out-“ Victoria threatened her voice clipped at the end. “Child don’t make me finish that sentence.” Her voice and its southern accent thickening the angrier she got.
On any normal day she would have argued but like her senior picture she gave in and dressed as the southern belle her Mama liked to pretend she raised. “Yes Mama.” It was the wise choice because she could feel her mom’s eyes on her the whole way out the kitchen and up the stairs. Even with a floor between them Gael didn’t stop until she had made it into her room. More time then she wanted to test revealed her mom had x-ray vision. Or hidden cameras. Both she wouldn’t be surprised to find out, she never got away with anything.
“No.” That it would be a dress was no doubt and confirmed by her mom downstairs but it was like salt in the wound that it was pick and just so… “Girly.” Gael grumbled nudging her door closed with her toe, an action her mom would call kicking. She took one last look at her baggy cargo shorts, oversized baseball tee, floppy beanie and bare feet. “Another no.” She snorted seeing the heels under the dress. Was she brave enough to wear a different dress? No. Would she risk the stern look and subtly comment from her mom if she changed footwear? Heck yes she would. She quickly decided pulling a pair of boots from her closet. It’s not like her mom could even get properly mad, she had after all willingly bought these boots for her not that long ago.
Forty-five minutes later and fifteen minutes late to her own party, Gael made her entrance having finally managed to beat her wild curls into something more belle like thanks to 400 degrees of behave. Her styling wand was a thing of magic and equally as worshiped as her hair straightener.
“You look wonderful Pumpkin.” William praised when he saw his daughter.
Gael blushed and looked away. She was never any good with compliments no matter who they were from. “Thanks Papa.” She smiled accepting the glass of sparkling cider, a favorite of hers since diapers. “Where’s Mom?”
William only laughed as his wife breezed into the room at the exact moment the question was phrased about her whereabouts.
The pinched look on Victoria’s face lasted less than a heartbeat. “I do like those boots.” She said making herself known to her daughter. “Perhaps not with that dress…” Victoria trailed with a delicate raise of her eyebrow.
“Gael!” Olivia Turner claimed the title of best friend since fourth and she welcomed herself into her friend’s house as if it were her own. They were two peas in a pod but visually they were complete ends of the spectrum. She was tall, an Amazonian 5’9, easily towering over Gael’s 5’3. With raven hair straight and glossy, dark eyes and fair skin with just a hint of olive to it. Her body slim with the graceful curves of womanly charm. “Hi Ma, Pa.” Liv chimed with a charming smile.
Her parents greeted their unofficial second daughter before she whisked Gael away before having to make some reply to her mom. “You’re here early.”
“Yeah.” Olivia all but bounced with excitement. “I heard from Gwyn that Liam is going to Roanoke University.” She proudly beamed.
“Are you serious?” Gael’s heart skipped at the news but it was quickly flatlined with the harsh reality. “I mean, that’s cool.” She sighed. For three of the last four years of high school Gael had a crush on Liam Masters. His twin sister Gwyn was another bestie and the Porthos in the their Three Musketeers troupe. A cute cheerleader taller than Gael and shorter than Olivia, with adorable dimples and strawberry blond hair in playful waves. She was sure to show up at graduation party with Liam in tow, if she wasn't already there. Thing she loved best about Gwyn was her ability to accept that her friend had feelings for her twin brother. Coming to an agreement early on that Gwyn would say nothing to her brother as long as Gael never came to her for help or advise. It was a deal Gael was happy to keep.
Sensing her friend’s mood swing Olivia tried a new tactic. “Come on, college is a place for new beginnings. With a makeover and some styling tips I bet you would catch his eye and have him fawning all over you by the end of the month.”
Gael just shrugged. “Maybe.” She tried with a smile knowing that Liv wouldn’t give up until she at least smiled. “Come on lets go mingle before mom nips at our heels.”
“Or puts us to work.”
“There is that.” Both girls laughed joining the gathered group on the porch.
As Gael got older she took to hiding behind drab, loose overly large baggy clothes, books and strangely enough soccer. Where many would have peg holed Gael to be a nerd and a nerd only, she excelled at sports, favoring soccer. Though it did little to boost her popularity, even being made team captain of the varsity soccer team and MVP two years in a row still found people struggling to remember her name, her real name, as Pixie somehow stuck around even years after her brother graduating.
“Darling will you please get ready?” Victoria Adams pleaded with her daughter. In less than half an hour their guest would be arriving and the house had been artfully arranged to look like an article straight out of a Southern Living magazine. The only hitch in the arrangement was with her daughter’s less than proper dress for such an occasion.
“Hmm?” Gael turned to look at her mom knowing the moment she did that she had done wrong. “What?” She meekly asked betting on a cute smile to get her out of whatever trouble she had landed herself into this time.
Victoria took and deep breathe as she replaced the napkin she had refolded for the fourth time. “Gael Kensington Adams…” She slowly breathed forcing a bright smile. Her Mother taught her that ladies never raised their voice but sometimes that child of hers… She silently prayed. “If you don’t get upstairs and change into that dress laid out-“ Victoria threatened her voice clipped at the end. “Child don’t make me finish that sentence.” Her voice and its southern accent thickening the angrier she got.
On any normal day she would have argued but like her senior picture she gave in and dressed as the southern belle her Mama liked to pretend she raised. “Yes Mama.” It was the wise choice because she could feel her mom’s eyes on her the whole way out the kitchen and up the stairs. Even with a floor between them Gael didn’t stop until she had made it into her room. More time then she wanted to test revealed her mom had x-ray vision. Or hidden cameras. Both she wouldn’t be surprised to find out, she never got away with anything.
“No.” That it would be a dress was no doubt and confirmed by her mom downstairs but it was like salt in the wound that it was pick and just so… “Girly.” Gael grumbled nudging her door closed with her toe, an action her mom would call kicking. She took one last look at her baggy cargo shorts, oversized baseball tee, floppy beanie and bare feet. “Another no.” She snorted seeing the heels under the dress. Was she brave enough to wear a different dress? No. Would she risk the stern look and subtly comment from her mom if she changed footwear? Heck yes she would. She quickly decided pulling a pair of boots from her closet. It’s not like her mom could even get properly mad, she had after all willingly bought these boots for her not that long ago.
Forty-five minutes later and fifteen minutes late to her own party, Gael made her entrance having finally managed to beat her wild curls into something more belle like thanks to 400 degrees of behave. Her styling wand was a thing of magic and equally as worshiped as her hair straightener.
“You look wonderful Pumpkin.” William praised when he saw his daughter.
Gael blushed and looked away. She was never any good with compliments no matter who they were from. “Thanks Papa.” She smiled accepting the glass of sparkling cider, a favorite of hers since diapers. “Where’s Mom?”
William only laughed as his wife breezed into the room at the exact moment the question was phrased about her whereabouts.
The pinched look on Victoria’s face lasted less than a heartbeat. “I do like those boots.” She said making herself known to her daughter. “Perhaps not with that dress…” Victoria trailed with a delicate raise of her eyebrow.
“Gael!” Olivia Turner claimed the title of best friend since fourth and she welcomed herself into her friend’s house as if it were her own. They were two peas in a pod but visually they were complete ends of the spectrum. She was tall, an Amazonian 5’9, easily towering over Gael’s 5’3. With raven hair straight and glossy, dark eyes and fair skin with just a hint of olive to it. Her body slim with the graceful curves of womanly charm. “Hi Ma, Pa.” Liv chimed with a charming smile.
Her parents greeted their unofficial second daughter before she whisked Gael away before having to make some reply to her mom. “You’re here early.”
“Yeah.” Olivia all but bounced with excitement. “I heard from Gwyn that Liam is going to Roanoke University.” She proudly beamed.
“Are you serious?” Gael’s heart skipped at the news but it was quickly flatlined with the harsh reality. “I mean, that’s cool.” She sighed. For three of the last four years of high school Gael had a crush on Liam Masters. His twin sister Gwyn was another bestie and the Porthos in the their Three Musketeers troupe. A cute cheerleader taller than Gael and shorter than Olivia, with adorable dimples and strawberry blond hair in playful waves. She was sure to show up at graduation party with Liam in tow, if she wasn't already there. Thing she loved best about Gwyn was her ability to accept that her friend had feelings for her twin brother. Coming to an agreement early on that Gwyn would say nothing to her brother as long as Gael never came to her for help or advise. It was a deal Gael was happy to keep.
Sensing her friend’s mood swing Olivia tried a new tactic. “Come on, college is a place for new beginnings. With a makeover and some styling tips I bet you would catch his eye and have him fawning all over you by the end of the month.”
Gael just shrugged. “Maybe.” She tried with a smile knowing that Liv wouldn’t give up until she at least smiled. “Come on lets go mingle before mom nips at our heels.”
“Or puts us to work.”
“There is that.” Both girls laughed joining the gathered group on the porch.