The UK Kink Thread

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FluteMaster said:
In that case - put a stopper in the bottle, and consider yourself in company.

So tell me, what is your poison tonight?

vodka and bicardi, which ever ones closest to where im sat at the time lol

get a bit restless never stay in same position to long
tash87 said:
vodka and bicardi, which ever ones closest to where im sat at the time lol

get a bit restless never stay in same position to long

Hey, that's a new one - drinking by location, mind you, it's a long way from Russia to the West Indies.

I have a lethal cocktail I make using Russian Vodka stored in the freezer.

It involves a drop of Martini swirled around the glass and poured away, then fill the glass with the vodka and add an olive.

Goes down very smoothly and hits the brain like a sledge hammer. :D
FluteMaster said:
Hey, that's a new one - drinking by location, mind you, it's a long way from Russia to the West Indies.

I have a lethal cocktail I make using Russian Vodka stored in the freezer.

It involves a drop of Martini swirled around the glass and poured away, then fill the glass with the vodka and add an olive.

Goes down very smoothly and hits the brain like a sledge hammer. :D

lol im not that creative..........i dont even use a glass unless i have company (saves the washing up)
tash87 said:
lol im not that creative..........i dont even use a glass unless i have company (saves the washing up)

Ahh but there is a method in my madness. After a couple of those, I lose the will to make any more - and so I save on vodka.

Anyway, less of the alchohol. What little kink brought you to Lit and this thread?
FluteMaster said:
Ahh but there is a method in my madness. After a couple of those, I lose the will to make any more - and so I save on vodka.

Anyway, less of the alchohol. What little kink brought you to Lit and this thread?

lol well hunni that is a close kept secret for now until i am more comfortable in myself

anyway what u mean lesso f the alcohol...........thats never a gd thing lol
tash87 said:
lol well hunni that is a close kept secret for now until i am more comfortable in myself

anyway what u mean lesso f the alcohol...........thats never a gd thing lol

ouch <grin> - I consider myself well and truly put in my place - and with style and panache as well. :eek:

And as for the alcohol, I just get bored after a while. I keep trying to get drunk, and lose the will half way there. I thinks it because it's not my vice of pleasure, which is why I prefer Lit to Liquor. :rolleyes:
FluteMaster said:
ouch <grin> - I consider myself well and truly put in my place - and with style and panache as well. :eek:

And as for the alcohol, I just get bored after a while. I keep trying to get drunk, and lose the will half way there. I thinks it because it's not my vice of pleasure, which is why I prefer Lit to Liquor. :rolleyes:

well i get drunk once every 6 months if im lucky cause i wont drink when ma daughters in the house, but i dont have her to night so am making up for lost time :D
tash87 said:
well i get drunk once every 6 months if im lucky cause i wont drink when ma daughters in the house, but i dont have her to night so am making up for lost time :D

lol - sounds like a very reasonable way of behaving, just a as long as the after effects aren't too painful. :eek:

How long has the aged relative got the kid? Do you also get the option of a lie in tomorrow?
FluteMaster said:
lol - sounds like a very reasonable way of behaving, just a as long as the after effects aren't too painful. :eek:

How long has the aged relative got the kid? Do you also get the option of a lie in tomorrow?

my mum has her til 4 tomorrow, usually i would have a lie in but am gonna take the chance to do some xmas shopping cause gettin round shops with a buggy is a nightmare
tash87 said:
my mum has her til 4 tomorrow, usually i would have a lie in but am gonna take the chance to do some xmas shopping cause gettin round shops with a buggy is a nightmare

Oh my god, that brings back some memories. My eldest is now 16, and causes other sorts of problems, but at least he can shop for himself (when he can be arsed) :rolleyes:
FluteMaster said:
Oh my god, that brings back some memories. My eldest is now 16, and causes other sorts of problems, but at least he can shop for himself (when he can be arsed) :rolleyes:

lol well mines only just 2 so canny send her shopping by herself yet
tash87 said:
lol well mines only just 2 so canny send her shopping by herself yet

But I bet you get plenty of Grannies telling you how cute she is. :cathappy:

But, I can understand how tough it is.

Well my dear, I must head off to bed as I'm still recovering from a very late flight last night back from Ireland.

Thankyou for the chat, and I look forward to more another time. :D

ps - good luck with the Xmas crowds tomorrow. :p
FluteMaster said:
But I bet you get plenty of Grannies telling you how cute she is. :cathappy:

But, I can understand how tough it is.

Well my dear, I must head off to bed as I'm still recovering from a very late flight last night back from Ireland.

Thankyou for the chat, and I look forward to more another time. :D

ps - good luck with the Xmas crowds tomorrow. :p

good night hun sweet dreams :rose:

I'm 75% submissive... and there was me thinking I've been unleashing my more dominant side lately..

Doh! :)
Morning Kinky People

Just though i would sneak in and say hi when the thread would be deserted,.....well with everyone being at church :devil: so i shall go and play with myself lol, have a yummmy day even though its crap outside
busy little thread

7 pages in a day! and I only came in for a quick nose! I think Ill check back later when I have time to read them. Have a lovely windy (weather wise) day. :D
*uses wings as large fans, concealing herself, yet revealing enough to show she's naked. Giggling, she dances across the empty thread*
minx1 said:
*uses wings as large fans, concealing herself, yet revealing enough to show she's naked. Giggling, she dances across the empty thread*
empty? it will be full shortly now im sure
KinkyBoyUK said:
im good, hangover is disapearing and ive just had a nice long hot bath

Mmmm, now you're putting ideas into my head. I love baths! I'm a real water baby.

Think I'll have one. Besides have to before it gets dark....can't get the lampshade off to change the bulb :rolleyes:

Huh, where's a Dom when you need one!
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