The Thorn-star Agenda (Closed for DarkWarrioress)

She held him tightly, fingertips swirling against his skin. They lay panting against one another. Forehead pressed to forehead until he found the will and/or strength to move, sliding beside her and pulling her to him with an arm. Elana snuggled against her lover, one leg slipped over his, an arm casually thrown across his middle, her head on his shoulder. Sleep soon took them both.

Dawn came early and it was still dark out though that was being replaced by the rising sun. While the tents were being taken down, Elana saddled her horse, insuring she would be ready when the call came to mount up. In the meantime, she wandered over to the mess tent to get some breakfast. Andras had been off somewhere with his captains and when he returned she handed him something akin to jerky just before she swung up into the saddle. His eyes went from the jerky to her, brow perked in inquiry.

“Grensha’s version of jerky,” she smothered a laugh as she took up the reins and gently tapped her horse’s sides with the heels of her boots, moving forward to the front of the troops.

The Vlingari territory was trying on everyone’s nerves. The orcs were growing restless as well. She could feel them almost wishing something would pop out of the jungle at them, giving them something to do other than ride. By the fifth day, she felt like she was about to crawl out of her own skin. Then, two of the riders rode into quicksand. They saved the riders, but the horses weren’t going to make it. Elana ran back to her horse and took her quiver and bow from the saddle. Running back, she saw the quicksand was up to their bellies and the horses’ eyes were frantic. With great sorrow, she notched an arrow, took careful aim and put one beast after the other, out of their misery. She wouldn’t stand for their suffering. They could ill afford the loss of more horses. However, the small troop of men took it all in stride and doubled up. They rode when they could, walked when they needed to. It slowed their progress but there was nothing for it. Elana hated the loss of the horses. They were wonderful beasts and Andras, bless him, comforted where he could.

Elana was just starting to breathe a little easier. Roots weren’t so abundant here. There was little fear of the horses stumbling and one breaking a leg. Then, her heart sank. Everyone seemed to stop at the same time and listened as they seemed to be surrounded by drumming. Loud drumming. It made her want to cover her ears. Instead, she slipped from her horse, unsheathing her swords, seconds before Andras ordered his men to do so. Her head swung slowly from right to left, her eyes scanning the jungle. They came charging from the brush, weapons swinging. Elana ducked a war club, reversed her hold on the grip and shoved the pommel upward into a warrior’s jaw. His head snapped back. Her hand quickly drew back and once more the pommel found soft tissue in his gut. As he dropped to his knees, her own came up right into his face as she brought the pommel of both swords down on his skull. He swayed on his knees a second before he toppled over. Elana stepped over him and started to fight her way to Andras. Her blade shot upward to block a shot, that had she ducked, would have crashed into the back of Andras’ head. At the same time, her booted foot came up and kicked out at the offender. He grunted, fell back then came charging.

“Andras! Move.”

She spun to her right, her sword swinging in a downward arc, slanted across the savage’s thigh and up that side of his body. Her other sword was thrust into the warrior’s far side, scraping past rib bones as it slid into a lung. He went down again. Face first. She was tugging her sword out of his ribs when the blow between her shoulder blades came. Her head exploded in tiny lights as she pitched forward.
Movement, sudden and violent. Elana's voice shouting for him to move, and move he did. Just in time to avoid a club, with the aid of her sword. He whirled and his blade spun too, a deadly arc that sliced the thighs of two warriors, putting them off balance and out of the fight. They were ended swiftly by Dreggar's daggers before the orc dashed off into the fray once more, bellowing with the rest of Andras' men.

The onslaught was relentless, more and more of the men pouring out of the jungle singly and in packs. Elana shouted in surprise and pain, making Andras jump, eyes darting in her direction, feet carrying him to her just in time to catch her before she could meet the vine-entangled ground. No time to allow her to gain her balance; he shifted with her, one arm wrapped around her waist, the other slashing and thrusting his blade, the runes catching glints of light, a crimson twinkle on each parry and stab. The Vlingari who had clubbed Elana met the crossguard of his sword before being kicked away to join his fallen comrades.

By now, she was recovering her bearings. Andras let loose his grasp, but took up a position back to back with her, eyes always scanning for peripheral attacks.

The day wore on; Andras' men suffered losses, but many more Vlingari lay strewn across the battlefield. The blood and heat seemed to push the savages onward, but it was the arrival of their chief that truly sent them into a frenzy. This Vlingari was easily twice the size of a normal man, bulging muscles rippling with every step. He let out a bellow that put the orcs to shame before smashing across every enemy he came near. The club he wielded looked to be ripped from a living tree, not some forgotten branch made into a fighting instrument. The huge chieftain swatted aside orcs like they were children, even batting at some of his own men. This one had the lust for blood, be it friend or foe. Wide, frenetic eyes finally locked onto something; a pulsing light, shifting hues. It was had to be destroyed.

Another roar erupted from the chieftain as he charged toward Elana. Andras turned and swung with great force to try and dissuade the charging bull of a man, only managing to divert him. The massive club in his hand crushed the skull of a Vlingari, sending brains and bits of skull flying everywhere.

A firm tug on her waist pulled Elana back with Andras, the backhanded swing of the club sending a rush of air past their chests. Any closer and they would both have been dead for certain.

Together, and now with a reassembled troop, the two elves and the orc soldiers stood ready to fight this incredible brute.
Her body stiffened in automatic response to knowing she was going to the ground, but she never made contact, instead, a steel band wrapped around her waist, pulling her toward Andras. It took a moment for her to get her bearings again. They stood back to back fending off the savages. Her sword sang with upward thrusts, side swings and overhead blows that came slashing down to meet flesh and make it scream. They hadn’t even left the continent yet and already they had seen more action in battle then they had since being together. Was this an indicator of the things to come? She hoped not.

The savages kept coming out of the jungle. Elana was truly beginning to question if it was ever going to stop. Did these savages have nothing better to do that procreate? Where were all these men coming from. The muscles in her arms and torso were starting to complain. After a steady influx of warding off savages, there was a lull. Elana took the opportunity to breathe deeply and thank her lucky stars. Not for long however. There came a bellow, glancing toward the jungle, her eyes widened. She swore softly and under her breath. Emerging from the trees was one of the largest men she had ever seen. She watched as his war club swung and uncaringly splattered brains and blood of his own men who didn’t move out of his way fast enough. He, it, was charging straight for her. Her commander tried to dissuade the beast of a man but his efforts were merely swatted aside like an annoying fly. Elana, herself, swore violently again, unsure that her own swords would have an effect. She didn’t feel the arm that was swift to surround her waist or violently tug her out of harm’s way as the giant’s club swung with deadly intent. She tossed Andras a thankful look.

The orcs reassembled quickly. Her eyes met Andras’ again and seemed to ask what, in the name of the cosmos, were they going to do now. With weariness clearly written in every line of her body, she set her feet, readying herself for another charge from their current foe. Her swords were drawn up, one at shoulder height, perpendicular to her body, tip pointed at the giant. Her other sword was reflexively twirled from her wrist and drawn across her body horizontally. Her eyes were warily watching for the next flex of muscle that would indicate another charge.

The savage chieftain bellowed and charged again. His focus was her. Some part of her mind wondered why his focus had centered on her. The ground shook as he charged forward. It was all she could do to maintain her stance. Closer. Closer. The gems embedded in the cross guards of her swords started to glow. The chieftain’s club raised but it never came down. In fact, the savage himself seemed to be rooted to the spot, frozen even. The orcs would have struck, but she yelled for them to tie him up instead. It was one thing to fight something that could fight back, quite another to kill something that couldn’t defend itself. The orcs looked to Andras. Elana lowered her swords and sheathed them over her shoulders. It would be unwise of her counter command Andras. Instead, she turned on her heel and went in search of her horse, calling over her shoulder….

“Whatever you choose to do, you better do quickly, Commander. I’m not sure how long the spell lasts.”
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It was the first time he'd seen the gems in her swords glow like that. Even he stood awestruck for a moment. When he snapped out of it, he nodded to Koreg.

They would leave him alive, a testament to the fact that not only had they bested the Vlingari, that they had shown them mercy. Once the chieftain was tied securely with many lengths of rope, Andras took one of the Vlingari's chest coverings, barely akin to a shirt, and fastened it around the brute's broad face. A makeshift blindfold. It wouldn't be wise to let him see where they were headed. These ropes would only keep him captive for so long.

In what might otherwise have been a child's game, the orcs turned the chieftain around and around, ensuring his sense of direction would be dulled. No doubt they could walk this jungle in their sleep, but any small distraction would be greatly beneficial to their hasty departure.

Andras said a few words to the beastly man before his men clanged their weapons together near his ears to deaden his sense of hearing.

"Remember this day, when you were bested and let live. Tell your children, if any still live, and let them tell their children's children. The Vlingari may own this expanse, but they are not invincible."

The chieftain grunted and bellowed as Koreg and a few of his men pushed the giant off into the jungle in a random direction.

Andras and the rest of the troop gathered up and remounted quickly, making good time out of the jungle, the vastness of a prairie spread before them like a gently billowing blanket. Not more than a few days travel and they would be in the port city of Orianthi. The day wore on and miles were soon put between them and any trace of the Vlingari territory.

As they rode, Andras grew curious, and after a small internal debate he brought his horse in close beside Elana's. The look he gave her was grateful and inquisitive.

"That was quite a display back there. I didn't know your swords could weave magic..."
She found her horse, gathered the reins, swung herself up into the saddle and waited. It wasn’t long.

"That was quite a display back there. I didn't know your swords could weave magic..."

Elana turned her head until their eyes met. Her tone was soft. Her eyes guarded.

“There’s still a great deal you don’t know about me, Andras. I don’t unleash them unless I have to. I prefer not to wield magic. You saw what it did to my brother.“

In her mind, magic corrupted. She hated every single moment when she called it to the fore. The power to embrace what magic provided was dangerously alluring. Losing herself to it, frightened her beyond anything she could even articulate. There seemed little she could add to what she had already spoken of and rode onward, in silence.

This was a part of her she had not shared with Andras and some part of her felt guilty for not doing so. The implications were damning. Perhaps. She thought back to when he first encountered her. Dirty. Chained to his wall. Her swords taken from her. Quite possibly one of his best decisions where she had been concerned. Her temperament was anything but pleasant. Still, she wouldn’t have unleashed the magic of her swords on him. She was not going to turn out like her brother. Not ever.

She knew what the swords could do, would do, if the situation called for. She was resolute and trustful. A quick glance at his profile as they rode side by side. She trusted no other as she trusted him. Hopefully, it was not something that would need to come to pass.

“How long before we make port, Commander? I have this sudden desire to tie you to a mast on a dark moonless night and have my way with you.”

She had turned her face forward again, but her grin could be seen. She really did enjoy teasing him. Almost as much as she enjoyed making love with him.
"A woman always keeps her closest secrets locked away..."

Andras laughed softly, their horses keeping stride easily. He looked at her from head to toe. She wasn't happy about having to use the magic her swords held. The image of her brother, cruel and twisted in both mind and body, brought her words to a terrible point.

"Yes, well power of any kind can corrupt, whether it be steel or sorcery. But with proper cultivation, the vines won't choke the garden. That's always been my outlook, anyway. After all, the magic in your collar has saved us both a time or two."

They rode on for a while longer, the sun sinking below the horizon.

"We'll make Orianthi in two days time. Then you can tie me to whatever mast you like, my dear. Just...make sure you untie me if it looks like we're going to run aground or there is some wretched sea monster attacking us...alright?"

Another laugh filtered through the sound of marching men and trotting horses. The plains beyond the Vlingari expanse were pleasant, peaceful. A stark contrast to the violence they'd been used to.

In no time at all, the gates of Orianthi loomed before them, carved from ivory and obsidian. The entire city was a great rendition of the black and white motif; they believed in balance and what greater balance was there than that between light and darkness? The people were a dark-skinned race, much darker than even the Vlingari tribesmen. They painted themselves with chalk and other tinctures in various intricate designs. They were beautiful and confusing in their ways, but peaceful and helpful to all those who would visit their city.

The port's main dock was at the opposite end of town and after a short respite for supplies the troop found themselves before a large sailing ship. The masthead was a dragon's scowling visage and the name scrawled along the side was The Angry Dragon.

The captain was an old dwarven man, battle-scarred but hale and hearty.

"Ahoy thar, yon contradictory army! I have never seen the likes of this in me entire elf, well, two elves rather, leading a band of orcs. And I thought I was a backward specimen.

Me name's Grigly Stonesail. I take it you are Andras Cellavine, the man who chartered me ship?"

"Yes, I am. This is Elana, my....Queen. These are my men. I take it your vessel is prepared to depart soon?"

"O' course."

"Very well, may we come aboard?"


It was certainly odd to see one of the Deepkin on a ship, even more odd that he would have a family name that suggested he was not the first to set sail on the Raven Sea and other waters. Then again, as Andras thought more of it, Grigly was right. They were an oddity in every land across Orenthal. An oddity that would hopefully go unnoticed in Xin Sheng.

The men boarded the ship with only a small bit of trepidation. Many of them had never seen the Sea, nor could they swim very well. But, they would follow Andras wherever he led.

The morning was just beginning as they left Orianthi, the wind billowing the sail favorably. Andras stood at the starboard railing, watching the water. It glittered like a deep blue blanket strewn with diamonds. About two weeks journey separated them from Xin Sheng and the course taking them straight to Abraxus.
"Yes, well power of any kind can corrupt, whether it be steel or sorcery. But with proper cultivation, the vines won't choke the garden. That's always been my outlook, anyway. After all, the magic in your collar has saved us both a time or two."

He had a point. A mighty good point at that. Her fingers lifted from the reins to lightly touch her collar. Perhaps, she would give more thought to the subject while they were aboard ship and she found herself with time to think upon such things.

"We'll make Orianthi in two days time. Then you can tie me to whatever mast you like, my dear. Just...make sure you untie me if it looks like we're going to run aground or there is some wretched sea monster attacking us...alright?"

She tossed him a sly grin and rode her horse closer to his side so the men didn’t hear her.

“I actually thought to untie you when we’re done. I didn’t think it would do for the men to come topside and find their commander lashed naked to the mast. That just might ruin your reputation amongst them, don’t you think? But, I could leave you tied to it, if you wish unless we come under those sets of circumstances.”

There were peals of her laughter as she nudged her horse back into her usual position. The land they passed through was calm and peaceful. She spent the nights curled in Andras’ arms sleeping soundly. Her mind might have thought of naughty little things but her body told her she was sleeping. It didn’t help that Andras himself fell asleep often before she did. They would lie talking and then he would go quiet. One peek told her he was asleep and as she nestled close to his side, she also was soon fast asleep.

The gates of Orianthi loomed ahead. Elana slowed her horse so she could admire the work. Ivory and obsidian. Gorgeous. As they passed through she couldn’t resist sticking out a hand and touching it. Smooth, soft and absolutely beautiful. She couldn’t remember having seen anything more beautiful. Until she entered the city proper. Everywhere she looked was either black or white. The people were.. different, to be polite about it. Dark skinned, with intricate designs painted on their faces. They were as beautiful as their city and friendly enough too.

There were a few stops to be made here in this part of town as they took on more supplies. Grensha especially had requested a few items that took a while to locate. The sun was slowly creeping up in the sky by the time they made it to other end of town and they stopped before a massive ship that had a fierce looking dragon for a masthead. The name carved into the ship read, The Angry Dragon. Elana cast another glance at the ship’s head. How apropos.

"Ahoy thar, yon contradictory army! I have never seen the likes of this in me entire elf, well, two elves rather, leading a band of orcs. And I thought I was a backward specimen. Me name's Grigly Stonesail. I take it you are Andras Cellavine, the man who chartered me ship?

The voice sounded like a rough breeze across dry paper. Elena’s eyes found and rested on an elder dwarven man who looked like he had seen and been through much in his day. She was shocked. Dwarves didn’t care for ships. They usually felt more at home on solid land and especially, for some, under it. They were known for carving out whole cities in the womb of Mother Earth.

Her wrists, one resting crossed over the other, rested on her saddle’s pommel, reins loosely in hand as Andras and the captain conversed. What had the captain said his name was? Grigly. Grigly Stonesail. They were an oddity?! What was he?

They all dismounted, moving toward the gangplank. Each of them handed over the reins of their horses to a crew member before boarding. Elana removed her saddle bags and handed the reins of her horse to a spry older man, who gave her wink. That made her giggle and she covered it by coughing and adjusting the swords on her back. The orcs, she knew, weren’t comfortable with water travel. Like most dwarves, they were much more confident and happy with their feet firmly placed on terra firma. Unfortunately, this had to be their mode of transportation for a time. With any luck and more than their fair share of winds, they shouldn’t be on ship for too long.

Andras and she were shown a cabin below that they would share for this leg of their journey. Bags were set aside to be dealt with later as they both headed topside to watch their departure from Orianthi. The winds seemingly favored them. Always a good sign. Elana stood at the starboard rail as the ship cast off from the docks and headed for deeper waters. Her stomach heaved as she felt the sway of the ship beneath her feet. She had never been on a ship herself. Her feet adjusted to the movement by spreading out slightly from their current placement. Her hands gripped the rail so tight her knuckles turned white. She kept telling herself to breathe. Just breathe. Maybe this hadn’t been such a good idea. Surely they could have found another way to travel by their horses, couldn’t they? What had men done before ships were created.

Stop being silly, Elana. Buck up. You can do this.

The silent arguments went on and on. She didn’t notice they had turned into the open vast sea until a voice broke into her thoughts.

“Be ye well, Lady?”

She blinked. Drew in a deep breath and glanced in the direction of the voice. It was the crew member who had winked at her. She offered a shaky smile.

“I’m fine, thank you or rather, I will be once I settle my mind to being at sea. Thank you for checking on me. Have you by any chance seen where my Commander has gotten to?”

The man gave a slight bow accompanied by a roguish grin. He turned slightly and pointed toward bow.

“I believe he is talking with the captain, Lady. If you like, I could escort you to him. If this is your first time on ship, you’ll find walking an interesting measure.”

Elana shook her head, a slight weak smile still plastered on her lips.

“Thank you, no. I’m sure they much to discuss. I think I will just go below to my cabin. If you’ll just inform him I have done so, I would appreciate it.”

“As the Lady wishes.”

He gave another bow and left her, thank goodness. He was right, it took a bit of getting use to, walking aboard ship. She felt like a drunkard as she headed below again. Still, she found their cabin and let herself into it. As the door closed behind her, she momentarily wished she had stayed topside. The walls felt like they were confining her, closing around her. It was all in her mind and she knew it. Maybe if she did something. Elana fetched her bags and began to unpack. When she was finished with her bags, she set about unpacking Andras’ bags as well. By the time she had accomplished that, her stomach and her mind settled. She cast a longing look at the bed. Why not? She wasn’t needed elsewhere at the moment. She didn’t expect to be. She quickly undressed down to her undergarments and crawled into bed. Her eyes quickly closed and she began to dream.
The waves and wind carried them away, favorable and swift. Their path through the Raven Sea would take them outside of the more dangerous island chains, thankfully.

Grigly and Andras stood conversing for quite some time, sharing stories and laughing. They got on famously, and even Koreg and Dreggar seemed to enjoy his tales of the high seas and various monsters. The Angry Dragon had apparently seen its share of battles. Grigly himself showed off several wounds that were impressive in size and location. Eventually, Koreg and Dreggar wandered off to inspect the rest of the ship. Their lack of seasickness Andras took as a good sign. They were still a bit uneasy, but overall no one was clutching the rail and heaving their last meals. Walking aboard the ship was a challenge as they moved from bow to stern and back, the old dwarf and the elf conversing, getting to know one another better.

Grigly had been to Xin Sheng three times before; each time had been unpleasant. The people there were strange. He had always felt like a fish out of water, but that place made him feel even more alien. Their connection to the Arcane made them disjointed, gave them a separation from what was commonplace in Orenthal. No one knew his stories, the monsters had different names, the places were run by the oddest laws and governments. But, the old dwarf had some knowledge of Shei Jin and its intricate design. The legends of the city's structure changing were true. It shifted and altered itself to keep even the citizens guessing where landmarks and monuments were at any time of day. Disorientation was constant, but the people made due. Or so it was said.

Andras took his leave of Grigly; the afternoon had gotten away from him. Elana was nowhere to be seen above deck, so he made his way to the quarters they'd been given. She was sleeping, dreaming from the look of her. The collar around her neck pulsed a soft green light. It was the color of her eyes when he looked closer. Probably protecting against seasickness. She had seemed a bit off kilter after getting onto the ship. It was evening, and they would likely not be needed again for the night. Andras stripped down, stepping quietly over to the bedding and slipped in next to her, their bodies fitting together like two puzzle pieces. Sleep claimed him quickly; his body's weariness caught up with him all at once it seemed.
It was a city of great gentle beauty. The trees were ancient by her guess. The city a pristine white but instead of it seeming stark, it seemed serene. As they marched through this city, one thing became quite obvious. This city appeared abandoned or was it? Were people hiding in their homes and businesses, wary of the strange newcomers? Or was it truly abandoned? There was only the sound of plodding horses’ hooves echoing off the buildings and bouncing back at them. The fine delicate hairs on the back of Elana’s neck started to rise.

Something was not right here.

As she turned in her saddle to say something to Andras, who was riding by her side as usual, she caught from the corner of her eye, movement. Before she could give warning, men, dressed in white themselves were on the rooftops and leaping for them, knocking the orcs off their horses. Chaos reined as grunts and war yells rent the air along with the thuds of war clubs and the clash of steel upon steel. Andras and she were fortunate to dismount before they were attacked personally. Each of them had drawn weapons and were defending themselves. Elana slapped her horse on the flank to move it out of the line of harm. The horse galloped down the cobble path. Her sword swung upward in a flash, stopping a blade from descending. Her foot shoot out to make contact with a knee. Both combatants whirled away, taking their blades with them. Coming back around, they faced off again. Elana had pulled only one of her blades from the sheath. Her opponent’s blade had disappeared and he came at her with just his hands. Her hands swung her weapon from a diagonal position intent on slicing open his chest. Her eyes widened in surprise as he caught the blade between his palms as it descended.

Holy Mother of….

He twisted, taking her with him since she refused to let go of the grip. His grip on her blade left but before she could pivot back around again with another swing, she felt a blow to her mid back. Pain exploded white and hot through her brain, making her cry out….

Her eyes flashed open in the darkened cabin. Warmth emanated from beside her. Andras’ arm was securely around her waist. Turning her head slightly, she saw he was sleeping. Her head resumed it position as she inhaled strongly and exhaled slowly, telling herself it was all just a dream. They were still on a ship. She was safe, the troops and Andras were safe. For now. Slowly and carefully, so as not to wake him, she turned on her side, pressing back into his body. Her fingers seeking his and lacing with them. With a concerted effort, she closed her eyes again and willed herself back to sleep.

With the dawning of morning, she felt better. Whatever motion sickness she had felt was now gone. Elana crept from bed and dressed warmly for as early as it was, the sun not yet rising, she was sure, it would be cold topside. A brief pause in the galley to retrieve a steaming mug of coffee and she was on her way to the top deck. Elana was greeted by a cool breeze off the ocean and a spray of salt water. Cool as it was, it was also refreshing. Her boots made barely a sound as she crossed to the stern and leaned on the rail to look out to sea. There wasn’t much to admire since it was dark, but the soft sound of the ship plowing through the water, the soft wake left behind, was soothing.

Abraxus. A man tormented out of his mind. Everything he thought made perfect sense to him while it hardly made any to anyone else, except his sheep. His flock. The man was dangerous. Far more dangerous than a man wielding a sword. Abraxus, in his insanity, could do anything. Would do anything. The worst of it was that it would stem from his own private insanity and who could fore guess what his actions would entail. His flock would follow orders. They were loyal. Abraxus was their god. He Who Must Be Followed at any cost. There was no reasoning with them or Abraxus. The only way was death. She was tired of death. The stench of it. Of causing it. There was little she could do to avoid it however. Elana lifted her face to the still dark sky and silently admired the stars. Perhaps one day. One day she and Andras could---- She drew her thoughts to an abrupt stop. There was folly in thinking along the lines she was headed in. There was only today and all that went with it. She had promised Andras to help him revenge his father and their fight had turned into something greater. Still, she would see it to the end and perhaps, answers would come to her along the way.

Turning, setting her back to the rail and lifting the mug to her lips, her eyes beheld one the masts and she grinned, eying it. One night, before they departed this ship, she was going to tie him to that mast and tease him unmercifully and then…. well, and then, a couple things came to mind and both thoughts were wonderfully wicked.
Andras' sleep was entirely dreamless. He noted the oddity of it as he woke. Elana had already risen and was nowhere to be seen. After dressing and finding the galley for a small bite to eat, he wandered above deck and found many of his men milling about as well. Grensha was at the prow, watching the waves and making small incantations with her hands. Probably gesturing for good weather and swift winds. He smiled in her direction then turned to gaze up at the mainsail. It was full, the sea air caught in it, puffing it out to drive the ship forward. Eyes drifting back down, he saw the mass of ropes tied off around the mast. It made him think of Elana's comment of binding him to it and then....

He laughed softly and finally found where his Light had gotten off to. She looked deep in thought. He went and stood beside her, not speaking. Just his presence to give her some calm. Together they watched the ocean and felt the breeze blow its salty kiss across the ship.

Grigly made his rounds, keeping his crew in order and offering the occasional friendly story or joke. He was a kind-hearted dwarf for all his gruffness.

The path to Xin Sheng took the Angry Dragon through a part of the Raven Sea called the Howling Cove. Grigly gave them all advanced warning about the high winds that blew in that area. A high wall of coral had grown on either side of this strait between two islands. Sailing around either one would add days to the trip, and so they went headlong into the Howling Cove.

The wind whipped and whirled, sounding like a pack of wolves calling to one another. The naming had been very apt for this loud and shrill place.

As they passed through, coming out on the other side, the sound died out.

"It's a good thing that the beast they say inhabits that place didn't deign to visit us..." Grigly remarked as their sails took on their usual billow.

Just then, a thunderous rumble shook the ship. Another blow landed, like a fist slamming into the hull.

"Grigly...I think you spoke too soon." Andras yelled.

A massive tentacle took that opportunity to rise from the waves, iridescent greens and blues shimmering along its slimy exterior. What made it more horrific were the rows and rows of razor-sharp teeth. Tiny mouths lined the tentacle, each gnashing and snapping hungrily. Andras and his men were all scrambling to find weapons and avoid the monstrosity. Grigly's sailors were already armed and watching to see just where the thing would attempt to attack.
Elana didn’t even have to turn her head to know who stood beside her. She simply knew. With the advent of his presence, her mind meandered back to the present. They stood shoulder to shoulder, watching the ship cut through the waves and enjoying the spray that sprung from that. How sweet it was to have such serenity; to not have sword drawn and fighting for their lives. More and more, she wondered if they would enjoy such times. They had a taste of it in Haven’s Landing. Neither of them seemed bored or frustrated with the times, but then, they both knew they would be headed out again. So, her silent question remained unanswered. Perhaps by the time they finished this quest, their future would become known to them.

Their captain, Grigly, wandered amongst his crew on the top deck. Elana turned slightly at Andras’ side to watch the man. He was seemingly a good man. He had the respect and affection of his crew, that spoke well of him.

The peacefulness aboard ship was about to be disturbed. Grigly made his way over to them and explained about a passage they had to enter and go through. The Howling Cove, he called it. Soon enough she understood why. The wind whipped fiercely about them. The sound could be likened to wolves calling to each other or so Andras thought. For herself, she thought it sounded more like tormented souls that could find no peace. Grigly’s next words didn’t help and neither had Andras’.

"It's a good thing that the beast they say inhabits that place didn't deign to visit us..."

Before Elana could question their captain about his comment, Andras’ own words came swiftly, bringing all their eyes about.

"Grigly...I think you spoke too soon."

Elana stared for a long moment, horrifically fascinated. A huge tentacle rose out of the waves, lashing about. Even from where she stood, she could make out the mouths that lined the tentacle, each of them opening and closing menacingly. It wasn’t the mouths that were terrifying, it was the razor sharp teeth that each mouth contained. Those teeth gnashed and snapped.

Grigly’s men stood at the ready. She squeezed Andras’ hand and dashed off toward the open doorway that led below. Her swords were in their cabin. She hadn’t thought to don them. Her mug was dumped unceremoniously on a long wooden table as she passed the galley. Her booted feet made a soft thud on the wooden planking as she ran to their cabin and threw open their door. Her swords stood in one corner, their gem stones twinkling faintly.

Oh no, you don’t. Not this time. You’ll be used in the same fashion I have always used you. No magic.

She could feel their disapproval as she strapped them on. Her resolve hardened. Just as she tightened the last buckle at her hip, Elana felt the ship shudder as it was yanked forward, the crack of wood giving way to pressure. Shouting filled her ears. Hurrying to the door of their cabin and ripping it open, she dashed back to the topside.

A single tentacle had wound itself to the bow railing and had yanked the ship toward what was rising out of the sea. The crew must look like ants scrambling about. Another tentacle rose up over the bow, whipping about. The men danced about, swinging at the thing. Her eyes searched for Andras and, not unusual, she could not locate him. Sea water sloshed across the deck as the beast rose up from the depth of the sea. Another tentacle rose up above the agitated waters. There were now three limbs with mouths harboring razor sharp and deadly teeth to worry about. There were men hacking away at the tentacle wrapped around the bow’s railing. A bulbous head shot out of the water, screaming. The sound was high pitched and horrendous. The creature sported one eye but had no mouth. It took a moment to figure out that the scream she heard had been more than one. They, it, came from the mouths in the tentacles. It was oddly harmonious to the point of sounding as one, not many. She was about to dash into the fray when one of the tentacles wrapped around one the crew. Blood poured immediately from the coils of the rubbery looking arm. The man’s initial scream became a brief gurgling sound then abruptly ended. One of the other tentacles had now wrapped around the port side railing. Men were jumping to hack at it. Elana rushed forward to join them.
The monster was grotesque, from its head to every last gnarled mouth full of razor-teeth. The thing's screaming song was heart-chilling. Andras narrowly dodged being another of the tentacle's blood-soaked morsels, reaching instinctively for his sword. It was not at his side. Like Elana, he had left his weapons belowdecks. It was not hard to find a spare cutlass among Grigly's men though, and soon enough the purple-eyed elf was hacking and slashing at the rubbery mass of flesh that had fastened itself to the bow's railing. Koreg and the rest of Andras' men were helping where they could, sliding and sloshing along the deck as water rained off of the tentacles.

It seemed the beast was intent on dragging the ship to its lair to devour all of them at its leisure. Andras felt the ship rocking and groaning as it pulled against the current to guide the ship's prow back toward the Howling Cove. That would be their doom, if it were allowed to continue its course.

The ship was armed with a few cannons and various other weaponry, but only one ballista. Andras spied it from one frantic glance across the ship to spot Elana. She was safe, safe as one could be under siege by a colossal sea monster. Her blades were swift and efficient, the gems in the pommels glowing every now and again, as if beckoning use. He had only seen them glow like that once before, but knew that it meant they held more power than she used them for. He would have to ask more about them at a time when their lives weren't in immediate peril.

"Grigly! Koreg!"

Andras caught their attention and motioned to the ballista, shoving against the butt end of it to angle it properly. They would only get one shot at this, literally. With the dwarf and the orc's assistance, they turned and aimed the bolt loaded into the ballista up and up until it could conceivably reach the thing's face. If you could call it a face.

Amidst the screams of sailors and orcs alike, the three men turned the crank, ratcheting the rope back until it clicked into place. Andras slammed his hand forward on the release, letting the bolt loose, sailing into the air, spearing the beast directly in its single eye.

Every mouth on every tentacle screamed shrilly. Each one reached away from the ship, clutching to its wounded eye, still shrieking in pain. The ballista bolt had gone deep, too deep for it to be pulled free easily. As much as the beast had wanted a meal, it would have to retreat to remove the bolt and recuperate. It may not ever see correctly again.

"Serves it right..." Andras muttered under his breath.

The beast did indeed retreat, leaving the ship to turn its heading back toward Xin Sheng. Grigly was busy directing his crew to run damage control, to take inventory and tend to the wounded and dead. Andras helped with what he could, Grensha lending her healer's knowledge to the efforts as well.

Andras went as soon as he was sure things were under control, to Elana's side. He gave her a tight hug. It was always a terrifying prospect to fight with her but not at her side or at her back. His eyes drifted from her mossy greens to the ruddy crystals in her swords, strapped at her back. Now was not the time, but soon.

"Perhaps we should wait until we've reached much calmer waters before you consider tying me to the mast?"

A soft laugh, one meant to diffuse the heightened nervousness of just having escaped the jaws of death once more. He left his hands resting on her sides. The sun was setting, orange and purple against the evening sky.
It had been every hand on deck, even the cook had come topside cursing and swearing up a storm. Something about his dinner. The man hacked away at the closest tentacle to him with his sword and when he could get close enough, he used his meat cleaver, slashing, hacking and dancing out of the way of small screeching mouths packed with razor sharp teeth. Elana would have laughed in amusement if she wasn’t so busy dancing out of the way of a flailing tentacle herself. Her swords flashed with the light of the sun that continued its travel across the sky. She could feel the power of the blades just itching to be released. Why now? They had lain dormant all this time, except once that she could remember and that once she barely remembered. The incident was sketchy at best. She barely registered Andras shouting across the deck. The creature’s various arms were tugging the ship closer to its maw. Bits of wood splintered off the rails as the tentacles wrapped tighter around the rails and the teeth in the various mouths bit into them.

She paused to roll her shoulders, green eyes darting across the deck, searching for Andras. A sense of relief filled her as she realized he was still standing and sound. He, the captain and Koreg were angling the ballista at the beast as best as they could get it.

Please. Please. Please.

Her sword slashed downward into a creeping tendril that was sliding along the deck, looking for her ankle. Elana leapt out of the way as the arm screeched and withdrew with the tip of its arm sliced off and left wiggling on the slick wet deck. A deck that was covered more in blood than water. She kicked the offending piece left behind, overboard with a sense of malicious delight. Retaining her balance aboard the ship during this battle was not an easy feat either. Her innate sense of balance born of being an elf came in handy at various times, this being one of those.

As sudden as the ship had been seized, it was let go followed by the most horrendous, pained shriek she had ever heard. As the ship rocked and settled back into the waters, Elana struggled to retain her balance then resheathed her swords, breathing harshly from her exertions as she watched the wretched beast, tentacles surrounding its bulbous head, sink back into the depths of the water below them, an arrow glaringly lodged in its single eye. It would be a long time, if ever, the beast rose to the surface to seek prey.

Their work on deck wasn’t over. There were the dead and injured to see to. Grensha had already commandeered a section of the stern for the wounded. Elana moved along the deck, helping those wounded back that area and leaving them in the elder’s caring hands. The dead were taken to another part of the deck where they would be swaddled in canvas, tied with rope and buried at sea when the sun hit the horizon before sinking beyond it.

When all was said and done, she stood looking out to sea again, breathing in the fresh salt air instead of the stench of blood and death. Her heart ached for the families of their dead. These were men she had grown to know. Those that had left families behind, would be taken care of. That was her way. That was Andras’ way. They would want for nothing until the women took another mate and speaking of mates, Andras’ arm snaked around her waist, tugging her firmly to his side. She hadn’t heard him approach. Her own arm found its way around him as well. Her head found his shoulder and rested there with a soft sigh of relief.

"Perhaps we should wait until we've reached much calmer waters before you consider tying me to the mast?"

Laughter, feminine and masculine, mingled in the air for a moment. She tipped her head back against his shoulder, to glance up at his strong jawline, her arm tightening around him before she rose up on tiptoe and kissed her current view. It was but a brief moment. A heartfelt moment. Her eyes slid from him to the setting sun. Her lips curved into a soft smile. They would bury the dead at sea. Eventually make their way down to the galley to eat and celebrate their victory with the crew and then sooner or later, under the cover of the midnight darkness, she would coax him topside and bring something a little more memorable to the ship while the others slept. Her eyes returned to his face, her smile still firmly lodged on her lips.


It was her only reply.
The sun had set and they made their way to the galley where there were equal parts remembrance and revelry being had by the crew and Andras' orc soldiers. They drank grog and other liquors, clanking tankards and swigging directly from strangely shaped bottles. Grigly himself was giving it his best, being a dwarf made him nigh immune to the effects of alcohol. It was said that the deepkin were born not to suckle from their mother's teat, but from a bottle of ale. Of course, there were also those who said that the dwarven women had ale in their veins, and that was what made the babies so hearty.

Andras accompanied Elana and they sat and ate and talked and celebrated with the rest of them. Once the night wore down, the two elves extricated themselves from the galley and found their room. Undressing down to bare minimum for decency was instant, shedding not only clothing but the stresses of the day. One thought still lingered in Andras' mind. It would either be something she'd share, or a secret she'd keep, but he had to know more.

"Elana...tell me more about your swords. I have seen them to be more than simple blades twice now, and I wonder why they have not been such before? Even when I'd confiscated them, they never sang their magics. Fine craftsmanship, for certain, but there is something else that stirs within their steel."

He sat with his back to the wall, one knee up, supporting his elbow, which in turn supported his chin. He looked both concerned and interested. If she felt the need to keep it secret, what sort of story would be associated with them?
"Elana...tell me more about your swords. I have seen them to be more than simple blades twice now, and I wonder why they have not been such before? Even when I'd confiscated them, they never sang their magics. Fine craftsmanship, for certain, but there is something else that stirs within their steel."

She sat cross-legged, facing him, within arm’s reach. Her hair flowed over her shoulders, yet tucked behind her pointed ears, her eyes downcast. She expected it to come, his curiosity. Where to start.

“After my brother slayed our family, he gave orders for me to be beaten. I was taken to one of the towers in the keep and left for dead. There were a few retainers within the keep whose loyalty ran deeper than their fear of my brother. They also knew of the secret passages within the walls. They spirited me out of the keep under the cover of dark, hid me in a wagon and took me to the foothills.”

She glanced up and over at Andras, holding his gaze with her own.

“It was said that in those foothills lived a hermit. Others said he was a priest of the Olde Ways. More called him crazy,” she shrugged slightly, “I always thought he was a myth, but when I regained consciousness I found myself lying in a cave with this old man leaning over me mumbling words. I don’t remember how long I was with him, weeks, perhaps. I mended and we found things to talk of. When I was strong enough I hunted for him. He taught me about herbs and where to find them in the wild. We had to stay hidden because my brother’s men were still hunting me.

On eve of my leaving him, he did something very strange. It was a balmy summer night. We went out at midnight. I remember that night well for several reasons. It was clear and warm and the sky was just filled with stars, more stars than I can ever remember seeing in my life time so far. I have never seen as many since either. He led me to a triad of standing stones that formed a triangular formation and build a fire in the center of them. He asked me to sit down at one side of the fire and he took a seat opposite me. He kept looking up at the sky, which made me look up too and at first, there was nothing different. Then it began. One star shot across the sky, then another and another until it was filled with shooting stars and it was then he began an incantation. His voice was hypnotic and by the time it drifted off into nothing, I watched him reach into the flames and pull out a sword, then another. I try not to think of it because even now, after all these years, I still can’t believe what he did. His hands, his arms, they weren’t burned. He took these swords out of the flames and passed them, one by one, to me. At first, I hesitated to take them. I was afraid they would burn me, but at his urging I reached out and took the first one. Amazingly enough, it was cool to the touch, as was the second one. The first time my fingers wrapped around the grips, I felt…..”

Her mind searched for the words to describe what she felt at that precise moment.

“My fingers tingled and then my hand did. My body, starting from my hand, felt a warmth spread through it. No, it was more than a warmth. It felt like a fire raging throughout my body. My fingers tightened on the grips until my knuckles turned white. The gem stones embedded in the cross guards started to glow, much as you have witnessed them do when we faced off with that savage chieftain. The moment couldn’t have lasted more than a few moments. The gems went quiet again. The fire in my body faded. I could almost believe I imagined it, yet I knew I hadn’t. Now, I was beginning to think the man really was some priest of some sort.”

Elana was twisting her fingers in her lap, wringing them. This conversation was making her uncomfortable, but it was Andras who had asked. Her Blade. Her lover. For him, she would speak of this. He knew why it made her uneasy to speak of it.

“They were a gift from the Cosmos meant for me to wield or so the priest said. They were to be wielded by one pure of heart. I laughed. I was anything but pure of heart. I wanted my brother dead for what he had done to Haven’s Landings and all who dwelled there. Then the priest said something I will not soon forget.

‘Pure of heart does not necessarily mean innocence.’

I tried to return the swords to the priest, but he refused to take them. He said the Cosmos had chosen and so had the swords. The next morning, before I left him, he said the swords were imbued with the Cosmos. I asked him if he meant magic. He stared out across the land we could see from the mouth of his cave, taking so long to answer, I thought he was not to going to, but he did, eventually. He said, we could call it that if that made it easier for me to understand. I still don’t completely understand, but through the swords, I can harness the elements of our world. Wind, Air, Fire, Earth, but more than that. As you saw with the chieftain, I froze Time. The magics never seem to last very long but then, I can’t be sure of that. I can refuse to use the swords in that fashion. Destroying the savages’ chief would leave them without a leader and we were but passing through. We simply wished to pass through and found ourselves attacked. We reacted and fought. Both sides lost. Enough was enough.

The power in the blades surges through me every time I use them. I do not like it. I worry that the power will become enticing to use and that I will start to depend upon them more and more if I continue to use them like that. They are swords, made from the stars or so I believe, I will continue to use them as such. As swords. I have used them otherwise only once before and I was consumed with blind anger. The damage they left in their wake, was devastating. I refuse to do it again.

They wouldn’t react to you. They are attuned to me and only me that’s why I wasn’t so worried when you took them from me back then, but I didn’t feel any less uneasy until I had them back in my possession. I will admit that the blades and I have a connection that I cannot explain.”

She did not wish to speak of the devastation she had wrought at one time. It still left her sick to her stomach to think of it. Elana didn’t want to dwell on the fact they may be needed again at some point to defeat this mad man they were hunting. Knowledge could drive men to the brink of insanity and those that embraced it, tipped into that insanity with open arms. She didn’t want to follow in their footsteps.
Andras listened with bated breath as she wove the story of her swords and made mention of their misuse. It was hard to believe the tempered nature she possessed could ever wrought destruction as she said. He didn't press for more information. She had already shared so much. He simply smiled and moved to hold her, resting her head against his chest, brushing his hands through her fiery locks and down her shoulders and back.

"That is a very heavy burden to bear, my Light. But you have done well, no matter what darkness has threatened your doorstep. I don't know that I would have as much control as you do. I would certainly try, though."

The night wore on and they went to sleep. Andras' thoughts bled into his dreams; he saw Elana's swords, the gems glowing in the pommels, beating in time to his heart. Suddenly, a flash of red, a river of blood. The collar he had placed around her neck was now around his own. In his dream, his fingers lifted to touch it and the magics it held were cold as ice. The view of the dream shifted and he saw Elana standing in a fire. She was awash with the flickering flames, licking at her nude form. She was staring directly at him, her eyes were glowing the same color as the gems in her swords. When she spoke, it was not her voice. It was a terrible grating sound, like stones dragging across each other while a hammer beat against an anvil. Nothing was discernible from it, but it all faded to darkness and Andras was left alone with nothing but the chill of the metal collar around his neck.

When they awoke, he had almost no recollection of the dream. It nagged at him throughout the day, but eventually it fell into the recesses of his mind. Grigly assured them that the rest of their passage would be peaceful, and as they neared Xin Sheng, Andras allowed himself to believe it, let himself relax, enjoying the last few days of freedom they had before the daunting task of finding Jin Shei and Abraxus consumed them all.
Elana fell asleep in his arms. Her sleep was peaceful as a newborn infants. Perhaps it was because she had shared that part of herself with him, perhaps not, but whatever the cause for it, she was thankful. The new day dawned brightly and found her on the top deck engaged in some exercise with her swords and one of the crew members. Her red hair was tied at the nape of her heck with a blue ribbon. Her pants were tucked into scuffed boots that had seen better days. Her tunic, laced down the front stood slightly agape, giving the crew that had gathered around them, a slight hint of what lie behind the lacing as she swiftly crossed from one swing into another. The clash of swords and the cheers (or jeers depending on how well the crew man presented himself ) of the men rose loudly above the sound of the ship cutting through the waters. Elana found herself laughing from time to time. Not at the man she was sparring with but at his fellow shipmates that gave him a rough time whenever he was bested by a “girl”. She would shout back at them while parrying a blow and countering with one, that if they were so good, they should offer to come take his place. No one took her up on it which made her laugh all the harder. Behind the crew men, stood many of Andras’ men. They silently watched. All of them knowing of her prowess with her weapons and sagely kept their thoughts to themselves.

She had risen early, awakening before Andras. She was careful not to wake him. His sleep during the night seemed, fitful, though he hadn’t been restless. Still, she wanted him to get his rest and knew he would find her eventually, no matter where on the ship she was. It had been an impulse to don her swords before leaving their cabin. Of course, as she had predicted, Andras had come topside and found a circle of men on deck and her, within that circle. The spar ended with the tip of one sword at the man’s throat, the other tip at his groin. That had raised good hearted laughter and the man challenged any of them to fight him. With a grin and a wink, Elana resheathed her swords and joined her commander.

The y had gone below to partake of the morning meal, joining Grigly, who greeted them heartily. It had been a relaxed meal for all. The good captain went eve so far as to reassure them that the rest of their journey would be peaceful. For that much, Elana was grateful. For a time, Andras went off with their captain to discuss Xin Sheng. Left to her own devices, Elana plotted. A womanly plot. Poor Andras or maybe not so poor, considering what she had in mind. Discreetly, she went about making her plotting more of a reality.

Afternoon gave way to evening and after their evening meal, Elana went topside with two mugs in her hand and went in search of Andras. She found him conversing with his captains. The orcs became quiet at her approach. They acknowledged her with a grunt and a nod of their heads. She could hardly have expected more. In return, she inclined her head and smiled. This seemed to disconcert them for a moment. They excused themselves and walked stiffly off. Elana chuckled, handing a mug to Andras and taking a sip from her own before she spoke.

“You would have thought by now, they would be use to me.”

She settled beside him on a barrel and patted the empty one beside her.

“Join me, Commander?”

Her smile was as tempting as the first born of the female race’s could have been. It should have alerted Andras. Mischief was brewing. Elana’s brand of mischief and that could mean anything.

“Now that the captain has assured us that the rest of our journey should be peaceful, I have plans for you this evening, My Blade.”

She gave him a sideways looks that spelled naughty mischief was brewing.
"They're still getting used to me, my Light. And I've been with them far longer. I think that old enmity sits in the pit of everyone's belly. Hard to forget. But battle makes brethren of us all. What's this now? Plans....for me? Oh, I know that look...."

Andras grinned and drank from his own mug, watching the way the fading sun fell across Elana's face, the way it set her bosom into relief, the curvature more vivacious somehow. If she was plotting mischief, he would have to be wary, but not too wary. It would be enjoyable, whatever the plan. Surely she didn't still intend to tie him to the mast? With her, anything was possible...

He leaned in slowly and kissed her cheek, rocking back on the barrel he was seated on to look upon her again.

"Am I to be any particular place for these plans of yours? Any special preparations I should make? Perhaps I should write up some orders in case of my extended absence?"

His laugh was mirthful and carrying. It was nice to have a moment like this, without worry or fear. The sun crept lower on the horizon as they sat and finished their drinks.


Meanwhile, in the maze-city of Jin Shei, the clockwork mechanisms clicked and groaned and creaked. The city adjusted, shifted, changed. The tallest building did not move, however. The spire was bedecked in intricate sigils and symbols of power. It was palpably protected by magic. Within, a deep timbered voice spoke in a language that was incomprehensible to mortal tongues. Energies crackled on the air and spat in fat forks of arcane lightning. The words became more coherent as the speech went on, ending in one final, chilling sentence.

"They come willingly to their doom. So be it."
He was right and they might never feel comfortable around her, ever. It wasn’t because she was a fighter or a woman. The female orcs often fought. She was a virtual stranger and once been their leader’s captive. She still wore his collar though the relationship between Andras and herself was easily seen and known. Implicitly, their fates were intertwined, that much was clear.

”……. Plans....for me? Oh, I know that look...."

He grinned. She grinned, just as she meant for him to do. Elana sipped at her drink.

"Am I to be any particular place for these plans of yours? Any special preparations I should make? Perhaps I should write up some orders in case of my extended absence?"

Her lips were touching her mug, preparing for another stomach warming swallow as he spoke further.

"Am I to be any particular place for these plans of yours? Any special preparations I should make? Perhaps I should write up some orders in case of my extended absence?"

She cut him a sideways looks. Her lips pursed. A twinkle deep in the moss green color of her eyes.

“Only that the first light crew cut you down before your men can see you.”

Low, soft, husky laughter floated between them. She was teasing. She wouldn’t do that to him. Leaning in his direction, pressing her shoulder into his, her lips found his ear, nibbled a moment before she whispered….

“Tell me, commander… what will it feel like to be bound and licked, nibbled upon until your need becomes all-encompassing and all you can do is growl? Threaten. Beg.”

The tip of her tongue traced the shell of his ear before she withdrew, drank down the rest of her drink. Getting up from the barrel she had been sitting on, Elana strolled across the deck, not looking back until she reached the stairs that led downstairs. There, she paused, glanced over her shoulder at him, her eyes glittering in the beginnings of their evening. Then she disappeared below, leaving him to ponder her softly spoken words.

Below, she dropped off her mug in the galley, chatting with the cook over recipes while she helped with the dishes. He had tried to wave her off, saying that they had cabin help for that. She ignored it. It was good for the soul to do menial work. It was honest work. The ship rocked gently beneath their feet. Elana had finally gotten her sea legs. She had learned to walk and sway with the movement of the ship.

Music was drifting toward her ears as she was wiping her wet hands on a cloth that one of the cabin boys had handed her. She followed the sound and found a small group of men gathered at one of the trestle tables, instruments in hand. Leaning against a wall she listened as the men sang of adventure, fights and wenches. It was enough to make most females blush. She wasn’t most. The music turned into something foot tapping that had the men linking elbows and dancing. Soon, she found herself drawn into the fray, laughing and protesting. The evening wore on into a deeper night. The men all wandered away eventually, to find their beds and slumber. Arms slide around her from behind, tugging her back against a warm body. She knew those arms. Leaning back against him, her head rested upon his shoulder, her lips found his jaw. His throat. Pushing away from his body, she turned, taking his hand and led him back to the top deck and to the furthest mast from the wheel and the few men there. She pushed him against it, pressing her body against his.

“Now, Commander, am I going to meet with resistance from you or are you going to be willing to let me have my way with your body? I promise you, this won’t hurt a bit.”

The humor in her voice as well as the seduction, was evident.
“Now, Commander, am I going to meet with resistance from you or are you going to be willing to let me have my way with your body? I promise you, this won’t hurt a bit.”

Andras couldn't help but smile. Her lithe body was right up against him. He could feel her heart beating heavy in her chest, see the fire in that sultry stare she gave him. It had been building for a while now, slowly stoked until she'd reached this point, a hungry tigress on the prowl for fresh prey. The way she spoke had the edge of lust, practically dripping from every word. He was already feeling his manhood stir within his pants, just from looking into her eyes.

"Well it wouldn't be right to just let you tie me up. You'll have to earn it, though I am certainly willing to let you have your way with my body..."

His hands found her hips, fingertips sinking into the soft flesh easily. Amethyst eyes flickered with reflected mischief. They moved over her shoulder, watching as the last few men of the crew were heading belowdecks, the night watch patently starting their shifts at the opposite end of the ship. They would have this portion of the deck to themselves for a long while.

"So, my your worst."

The tumultuous look in her eyes told him that he was in for quite the ride.
"Well it wouldn't be right to just let you tie me up. You'll have to earn it, though I am certainly willing to let you have your way with my body..."

There was that look in his eyes, the one she loved finding there. Her body, pressed against his, afforded her the knowledge that he was stirring in all the right places. His fingers dug into her hips before drifting up and over her shoulders, his vision shifting momentarily to somewhere over her shoulder. The last of the crew she suspected or the night watch.

"So, my your worst."

“My worst?”

A small wicked laugh from her lips hung in the air between them as one slender hand reached behind her then drew forth a small dagger, whose edge was razor sharp.

“Or my best, My Blade?”

She drew back slightly, putting enough room between their bodies to slip the blade under his shirt, the sharp edge pressing against the material of his shirt. A small pull. The slight rendering sound of the material.

“Might I suggest that you hold very still, Commander? I would hate for this dagger to slip and mar your skin, especially since I’m so fond of it.”

Of course, it wouldn’t. She was in perfect control. Of the dagger. A slight tilt of her wrist and the blade’s edge parted his shirt in two. The dagger disappeared again, reseated from where it had come from. Palms were laid on his chest, fingers splaying, feeling his skin, reveling in it. Fingertips traced hardened ridges of past scars. Her head dipped, her tongue traced the scars as well before she kissed them. Each and every one she could find. Her hands slid up his body to his shoulders, slipping the material off each side, guiding it down his arms and tossing it to the deck. Sensitive fingers traced up his arms, fluttered over his shoulders and slid down his chest to clench at his still covered hips. A low growl emitted from her throat.

“These have to go.”

Her fingers made short work of the fastenings, peeling the material away and down his thighs, leaving them around his ankles. Her hands parted his thighs as far apart as she could make them go, still confined in his pants around his ankles. She looked up at him.

“Don’t you dare try to move out of them.”

Her lips found the front of his knee and kissed it lightly before her lips moved onward and upward, along his inner thigh. An occasional lick of her tongue ensued, dispersed between kisses that had her back up on her knees, her hands sliding upward at her lips traveled. Her lips came to a stop a scant inch from his scrotum. Leaning forward just a little, just far enough to let the tip of her tongue touch him and snake lightly upward. Giving, yet not giving enough…

She rose to her feet, pressing her body against his once more. Her eyes looking deeply into his own.

“How am I doing, Commander Mine?”
Andras held stone still while the dagger rent his shirt, even more still as Elana graced him with the touch of her lips. His amethyst eyes could not tear themselves away from the path she took; not that he wanted to.

The raised scar tissue was just as sensitive to her touch as the unmarred parts of his skin, each trace and trail bringing a shudder to his spine. He did his best to keep still, the cool air of the evening blowing gently across the ship's deck. When she dispatched his pants and knelt, however, he had to force his hands to remain at his sides.

"I wouldn't think of it."

The truth was that his self-control was only tempered by his curiosity. Her plot to tie him to the mast was fast becoming a reality, but her methods were still a mystery. There were some lengths of rope nearby, but her hands seemed preoccupied.

Then her tongue found him. All thought left, save the throbbing of his growing member. It took him several seconds to formulate a response to her question, the wicked look in her mossy green eyes capturing his attention anew.

"I think you know exactly how you're doing, my Light. You've brought my attention to the mast of my desire. I'll hold still, but I want you to know that it is not without great effort."

He smiled again, feeling the heat of their bodies rolling against one another, the ache of his shaft pulsing from her proximity. He hoped that her plan would not torment him. Too much...

"I think you know exactly how you're doing, my Light. You've brought my attention to the mast of my desire. I'll hold still, but I want you to know that it is not without great effort."

She laughed. Then winked. Her arms slid over his shoulders, around his neck and gripped the mast at his back.

“I’ll keep that in mind, Andras.”

Her lips brushed across his teasingly before she pushed herself away.

“Don’t move now.”

Elana strolled a few feet away, picking up a length of rope before she returned to her Blade. Instead of coming around to face him however, she stood behind him.

“Your hands please.”

She waited for him to comply before beginning to loop the rope around his wrists, binding them together. Her hands snaked between his back and the mast as she wound the rope around the mast. It required a bit of work before she could snuggly secure him. Tying off the rope, Elana slipped forward again and sidled up to her captive .

“Now, where was I?”

Mischief lurked in green depths as Elana pulled back from Andras, leaving scant space between them as her hands found the hem of her tunic and started to pull it leisurely upward, exposing, inch by inch the pale, flawless skin beneath it. It was discarded to the deck at their feet. Small fingers strolled up her torso, fingertips gliding across her exposed torso, trailing over the swell of her breasts. Fingernails enclosed around hardened tips to pinch and roll while palms cupped their fullness, lifting the tender firm globes and squeezing. Elana leaned closer, whispering.

“Do you want to know what I am thinking, My Blade?”

Her cheek brushed against his. She leaned closer, pressing her chest against his, her hands still on her own. Her whisper got softer.

“I am thinking of you. Of the times your hands have been firmly wrapped around my breasts. Squeezing. Your own fingers teasing them. Teasing me.”

Elana pressed herself into his chest deeper. It lasted only an instant before she eased away from him again but not before she rubbed her nipples against his chest. Fingers went to the fastenings of the leather pants she wore. By now the moon had risen in slightly cloudy skies, casting glow and shadow alike. From their location on deck, they were cast in shadow to the world but there was enough light for Elven sight to not a damn thing. Fastenings were loosened; material was slowly lowered over slim hips and pushed down slender legs. Reaching out, a soft palm landed on his shoulder for balance as she stepped free of the leather pants that had so recently adorned her body. Had her touch really been for balance or had it been to maintain their connection, their awareness of each other? Nudged away by the side of her foot, it really didn’t matter as she stood there on the deck of the ship, completely nude before his eyes. Her own hands roamed over her curves and planes. One of them slipped between her thighs, a single finger dragging through the gates of her womanly portal. It came away with the evidence of her own arousal, something that could not, would not, be held at bay while she worked so diligently at his.

With an up on toes turn, she presented him with the sight of her curvaceous back. Small feet moved back until she felt Andras’ body against her. The curve of her buttocks felt the length of him, there. She took advantage of the moment to rub against him. With his hardened steel pressing between her cheeks, she leaned back against him, her head resting on his shoulder.

“Do you have any idea what I have planned for you, Commander?”

A slight turn of head, lips finding the strong line of his jaw. Words whispered along the line of it.

“You’re going to…” a sudden stop in words, a husky bit of laughter, “or rather, I’m going to, take you inside my body just like this and I’m going to make love to you until we both explode. But, not, just…”

A soft long lick scored the length of his neck.


There was a gentle grind of her hips back into his groin, wedging the cylindrical hardness between the sweet curves of her ass. Again, the moment was fleeting as Elana swiftly twirled to face him. Nails raked across his chest, from collarbone to navel. Thin welt lines rose on the surface of his skin, her tongue tracked them, lapping against them with an unhurried motion. Kneeling there in front of her willing captive, her tongue moved lower, skimmed over the crown of his jutting manhood and settled for stroking the sides with velvet strokes. Elana paused at the base, inhaling his male scent before her lips traveled back to the crown, inserting it slowly past her lips. As he slid across the surface of her tongue, her lips closed around him. She pressed him to the roof of her mouth, lazily stroking the underside. Her hands, in the meantime were not idle. They were constantly moving over his buttocks, taking a moment to press her palms against them, urging him deeper into her throat. Her head slipped to and fro across his shaft, tongue stroking. The internal suction of her mouth compelled him deeper until he hit the back of her throat. She kept him there, swallowing, causing the muscles reaction to ripple over him time and time again.

Elana withdrew with a long leisurely stroke. When the sloped head got to her lips, she kept him there, stroking the flat side of her tongue across its surface. That action came to a halt as it encountered the slit she found there. Then her tongue not only flickered across that slit, but dipped slightly into it. Her lips sealed over the ridge that defined crown from shaft and the warm, wet, interior darkness of her mouth suckled upon it.

She had other plans for him, though she was loathe to give him up. He slid from her lips with provoking slowness. Her forehead pressed against his lower abdomen with a soft moan. Her lithe body rose along his, making sure he felt every single inch of her. Hands went to her hair, lifting it to the back of her head as she backed up against him. A wiggle of her hips, slipped the slickened hardness between her thighs. Her hips rocked across the surface as she pressed back against him. A turn of her head, lips locating his throat, tiny teeth sunk into warm pulsing flesh, paused to suckle before lifting.

“How about it, My Blade? Ready for a ride?”

The movement of her lower heat against his strength taunted both of them. A hand slinked between her thighs, curled around and guided him into the willing wetness of her body. Slowly she inched back, each time her hips pushed back, she drove him further inside her body. Her retreat was brief, a mere necessity of insuring her body was more than ready to accept all of him. Elana couldn’t contain her soft moans of pleasure or stop the urgency of her body’s need to fill her emptiness with him. One final roll of her hips, a sharp intake of breath, as he filled her completely and she stilled, pressed back against him, thrilling to the fullness inside of her.

Their ride had only just begun.
“Your hands please.”

Three simple words that solidified the fruition of her plans for him. The rope was rough as it bound his wrists, twisting about the sturdy column of the mast, tugged taut to keep him firmly in place.

She was like a nymph as she slid around into his view once more. The lust and mischief in her eyes was like a flickering flame and it only served to inspire more arousal, bringing his already warmed blood to a boil as it pulsed through every inch of his stiffened manhood. He could do little more than watch as she taunted him with her flesh, with the friction of her body against his, his pectoral muscles flexing as his arms and shoulders struggled with themselves to be still. He wanted to grab her hands, guide them and overtake them in their teases, touches, twists and pulls.

“Do you want to know what I am thinking, My Blade?”

“I am thinking of you. Of the times your hands have been firmly wrapped around my breasts. Squeezing. Your own fingers teasing them. Teasing me.”

His voice was low; nearly a growl as it left his throat.

"And I will again, don't you worry..."

His threat was not idle, it held the weight of promise, every rugged syllable that rolled from his lips.

All that was nearly lost as he watched her shed the rest of her clothes. The way the fading light caught her curves and highlighted them, directing his eyes over the supple swell of her chest and down the toned muscles of her stomach, the junction of hip and thigh...and then her finger found the apex of her femininity. He licked his lips subconsciously, hungered by the sheen that coated her finger as it came away from her sex.

She spun and the succulent globes of her buttocks captured his eyes' intent, following her spine as she backed up, seizing his fully erect length between them. She spoke again and it was as though she was running a silken cloth against his brain, shivers shooting through his spine and limbs like tiny lightning strikes.

“Do you have any idea what I have planned for you, Commander?”

“You’re going to…or rather, I’m going to, take you inside my body just like this and I’m going to make love to you until we both explode. But, not, just…”


Another score of shivers as her tongue grazed his neck, lapping up the sturdy, corded muscles there. Then sudden vacancy; where her warmth was so close now stood the cool of the breeze, blowing again against his abdomen, each muscle flexing independently, even his member twitching, lifting and bobbing as he fought his body's urge to undo his bonds.

The fire of her fingernails' trail helped to momentarily ground him, the slightest of pain to balance the intensity of the torment she was giving him. That was a short-lived balance as she found her knees once more, taking him into the sweet suction of her lips, the pillowy pout puckering around his tip. The texture of her tongue slid along his rigid, throbbing prick, every vein pulsing, the engorging of flesh made almost painful in itself. The coolness of saliva, the insistence of her lips, her throat as she held him, clutching the sensitive tip of him, all forcing his head back, eyes drifting shut.

It was the only way to focus himself. He was being pushed so close to the edge by just this little dance of her tongue, flickering over the very tip of him.

"My god, Elana...."

“How about it, My Blade? Ready for a ride?”

He could not contain his torment any longer. It seemed that she would grant him a small mercy, but that mercy was an even greater tease. The slow and steady inching of his hardness into the silken depths she offered.

She worked against him until she could impale herself entirely. If he were truly her Blade then he was now firmly sheathed in her radiance. His head canted forward, a firm kiss placed to her shoulder and neck. He breathed in the scent of her hair, a copper cloud full of her essence. Again his voice was grating, the gravity of lust and desire sinking into the lower registers.

"Gods yes, I'm ready..."
"Gods yes, I'm ready..."

And so was she.

The feel of him stretching, filling her, made her sigh softly. His lips against her shoulder, the back of her neck, sent delighted shivers of awareness running through Elana. The feminine muscles contained within her chamber clamped around his arousal in appreciation of his action. Pressing back against him for the briefest of moments. Her palm slid slowly down over her taut stomach, coming to rest against her lower abdomen, feeling him outlined deep inside. She tenderly pressed against him as her hips pumped slightly over the erection buried deep inside. The tip of his shaft pressed deeply into the recesses of her passageway. Elana’s head, which had been resting against his shoulder, turned so that her lips found the side of his neck, lips parting to bare small teeth so that they could graze against warm skin. Lips whispered words only his Elven ears could capture.

“I can feel you inside me, Andras. So deep. Each pump of my hips pressing you deeper inside me, stretching me open for you.”

She slowly licked the column of his throat, from the base along the length, her tongue tracing, following a vein that pumped wildly with his blood. Soft lips found an Elven earlobe and tugged it toward her teeth so that she could nibble upon it, suck upon it. Her own fingers slid lower, between her naked thighs, a single nail raking across a sensitive hooded nub before seeking him where he entered her. Her hips pulled up, exposing his rod to her fingers. She gently rubbed the pads of her fingertips over the slickened velvet feeling length before her hips lowered and her body pressed back against him again. Time and time again her hips lifted and engulfed him, pressing him as deeply as was possible before she stiffened, tightened, around him with a soft moan. Wave after wave of her own orgasm rolled through a slim feminine body, wracking her with pleasure but was far from done with him. When movement was possible again, Elana lifted free of him, turning into his body, fingers slipping between their bodies to wrap around his throbbing length and stroking it, while her lips, teeth and tongue tormented his neck, moving slowly downward as she sank slowly to her knees before him. Lips tracked a path across his chest, down to his navel, where the tip of her tongue swirled in the slight indentation there before moving lower. With the throbbing hot length firmly in hand, her tongue stroked, repeatedly. Interspersed with the strokes were moments of her taking in him fully and deeply into her throat, lips closing around him as she swallowed, drawing him deeper.

For each time her mouth released him, her hand stroked. Elana lifted her face to his while she stroked him gently, her rhythm never slacking.

“I want you, Andras. I want the taste of you flooding my mouth. I want to feel you exploding down my throat, My Blade.”

Her mouth lowered again, drawing him to the back of her throat, tongue stroking over him, gently suckling on his flesh…..
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