The story is good, but the technical aspect sucks


Aqua Vulva
Nov 11, 2000
This isn't really aimed at anyone in particular, honestly! I've noticed while perusing the stories that there are a ton of technical mistakes that easily could have been avoided by proofreading and a good editor. For some editors grammar and technical writing in inane. Take advantage of that. The one mistake that irks me the most is whole/hole. I'm laying there reading a great story, and then I read " he thrust himself into her wet whole..." and all is lost. The story goes in the trash, never to be read again. It's very disturbing! I have visions of whole wheat bread and whole cakes of whole grain flour.
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LOL! (wheat flour)

I have a few pet peeves:

misspellings that could be avoided

incorrect tenses that could be avoided

Improperly using they're - their - there Ahhhhhh!!

alot (what in the hell is that!!)

If more writers would use spell checker/ grammar checker/ and then have a friend read their work - much of this could be avoided!!

I find that if I write a story and wait a week or so before going back over it to edit it for spelling, grammar and what-not it's much easier to find the silly mistakes like "whole vs. hole" or "their, there or they're" than it is if I try to edit it right away. Some things the grammar and spell checkers don't catch, so I'm pretty careful. Also, I always have my hubby and my two best friends proof read for me too.

Luv Sami78
My advisor in grad school would always want us to finish the paper or article 1-2 weeks ahead of time and then set it somewhere and forget about it (exactly as you said, Sami78)

It really does help you find those little things you can miss when you are editing and editing and editing!

Also, you can start from the end of the story and read each sentence out loud, one at a time, all the way to the front. This helps you catch awkward sounding phrases.

So many people who submit stories don't take enough time to edit!

Myst said:
I'm laying there reading a great story, and then I read " he thrust himself into her wet whole..." and all is lost.


Well, if she'd be all pussy...? ;)

Hello Myst,

The one mistake that irks me the most is whole/hole. I'm laying there reading a great story, and then I read " he thrust himself into her wet whole..." and all is lost. The story goes in the trash, never to be read again.

I understand what you are saying, however, wouldn't it be a better idea to perhaps drop that author a short note advising them of the error?

Odd little mistakes can sometimes slip through even the most carefully edited stories.

Just short message - I really enjoyed your hot little story, however I noticed a little hiccup with the spelling of ...

I think most authors would appreciate that.

Have a great day now,

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I understand what you are saying, however, wouldn't it be a better idea to perhaps drop that author a short note advising them of the error?

I totally agree with you there Alex. I'd mauch appreciate an email with silly things like that pointed out to me.
the_bragis said:
Hello Myst,

I understand what you are saying, however, wouldn't it be a better idea to perhaps drop that author a short note advising them of the error?

Honey, if I did that, I'd have time for nothing else.
If I had to go back and read my stories just to effect changes I would never ever post them. (some of you probably think that'd be a good thing) However, I edit as I go along, often reading the previous paragraph to maintain the sense of the piece if I've wondered too far (as I tend to do.. a lot) but I like 'em that way.


For what it's worth

Let's see... Hot story, bad grammar... Poopy story, good grammar. Oh, I think I'll read the poopy story!


You want to see really bad stuff, get on Yahoo. There stuff is REALLY bad, like you have "Sluty wifes leting strang men fuck they're wholes." Notice how "fuck" never gets misspelled?

Spell checkers?

I have a spelling checker
It came with my P. C.
It planely marks for my review
Miss takes I ken knot sea
I've run this poem threw it
I'm sure your please to no
Its letter perfect in it's weigh
My checker tolled me sew

BTW, I do know how to spel "spell." Whatever happened to "author's license," anyway? Maybe it was revoked by the TSA. You know those authors! Always a threat to national security.

Also, there is a trick use of "there" in the sentence about Yahoo. It can be either right or wrong. If you think I meant "THEIR stuff is really bad," then I misspelled "their." On the other hand, I could have meant "there" as a ADVERB. Most people would use a comma after the adverb, as in, "There, stuff is..." but that's more a matter of style. Some people, use, commas way too, much.

I worry about what the internet is going to do to writing. What if capitals and spaces disappear?


God, I'm only 24 and I've already lived too long!

RE: Editing. I think the best advice is to have somebody who isn't required to say "I love you" read the work. They'll catch the mistakes, and more importantly give you an unbiased opinion of the story.

Of course, with erotica, I think that you have to keep in mind that people have different motivations for posting stories. Self gratification is an obvious one. "I know what I meant" is a perfectly acceptable editorial defense for someone who is typing with one hand.

The two handed typists are of a different sort. People who are trying to improve their craft will appreciate those who take the time to point out typos or indecently fractured prose. That said, I believe that even for aspiring Nicholson Bakers, those who really want to get everything right, you should cut people on Literotica some slack when it comes to routine proof reading errors. After all, if you want to read fiction that has been professionally edited, you should head over to Barnes and Noble and steer clear of the Left Behind series.

This isn't the big leagues. It's isn't even AAA ball. This is like league softball, where some people want to win the trophy and others want an excuse to drink beer, and the play will reflect it. I post a story when I think it's good. I hope that people will agree with me. I have an informal style, which I've been told enhances/detracts from the story, and, mea culpa, over-reliance on the spell-checker has let some errors slip through that should have been easily discovered and corrected before submission. It drives me crazy, but not to the point of asking Laurel to delete the post so that I can resubmit a corrected version. I don't think that is a mark of a bad writer, or even a careless writer.

I must give a shout out to the perfect punctuation posse, and I will also give props to people that care about writing and reading the very best erotic prose that would give E.B. White himself a hard on, but that ain't me babe.
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