The Soldiers We Know

Gilly Bean

Princess Spanky Pants
Aug 29, 2001
This thread is to update people on the soldiers you know, as many people here are friends with, or related, to several people who are there right now.

I figured we could have a thread for them, rather than for the war.

Here are mine:

I just heard tonight that my friends brother was shipped out to kuwait last week. :( He is in the Marine's, and was previously scheduled to spend a year in Thailand.

Another friend of mine was stationed in Germany, but about 3 weeks ago, he was given orders that he was being shipped out in 30 days. We haven't heard from him in nearly 2 weeks. :(

I also have one friend from high school who is in the army, but I haven't heard where she is, or if she's been shipped out anywhere. She was previously in Fort Bragg, NC.
Let's pray for a quick and just outcome

So that the fewest live, on any side, will be few.

Every solider is someones son, husband, father, lover, friend....
No, one I know who is in my schoo's Corp has been sent out yet.

None of the members of my famliy that are in the military have been shipped out but I think for the most part they are too old. Most are in their 40's and 50's.

One of my cousin's is in the SEAL's but I have been out of touch with him for more then year.
A good friend's new husband is in the Air Force - I don't know if he's gonna get shipped away.
Let's see:

My neighbor on the left, my neighbor on the right, my neighbor across the street, and on and on...

Over 60 guys I know from the 4th ID. About 30 guys I know from the 1st CAV. Some of them I know by name, some I just know by face. And numerous other men and women from Ft Hood, Ft Bliss, and Ft Benning.

My cousin, my brother-in-law, my cousin-in-law, and several very close friends the world over.

Prayers for them all as well as all other soldiers who are probably scared shitless right now.
My husband is in the military but is in such a critical position he will never deploy thankfully. I can't say that about many of my neighbors, friends, doctors, etc.

Living on a military base puts everything into perspective.
My big brother, the trilingual, double-degreed wunderkind Major himself who is a living refuation of the jarhead stereotype so unkindly given to Marines, and of whom I have lived in awe for most of my life, is over there, and has been for months.

He's been setting up one arm of the preparations. However, since he has been there for so long, he's due to come home very soon, if he's not already on his way.

This is going to sound bad, but we're all very sad for him. He'd like to stay.

Best wishes to all of us who have loved ones in the war.

Hopeful in Hungary,
Gilly Bean said:
This thread is to update people on the soldiers you know, as many people here are friends with, or related, to several people who are there right now.

I figured we could have a thread for them, rather than for the war.

Here are mine:

I just heard tonight that my friends brother was shipped out to kuwait last week. :( He is in the Marine's, and was previously scheduled to spend a year in Thailand.

Another friend of mine was stationed in Germany, but about 3 weeks ago, he was given orders that he was being shipped out in 30 days. We haven't heard from him in nearly 2 weeks. :(

I also have one friend from high school who is in the army, but I haven't heard where she is, or if she's been shipped out anywhere. She was previously in Fort Bragg, NC.

God bless them all and keep them safe from harm!
My wife's best friend will be shipped out Friday. He was there for the first Gulf War, too, but towards the end. Cool guy. Hope everyone makes it out okay.
This war has been a long time in the making. Hopefully our men and women won't have to do the 3 month rotations in Kuwait after this.
I am hoping that they come home safe, all the soldiers, but we know that won't happen. I just hope the blood payment we make is worth it.
A USAF fighter pilot and single father with two kids younger than 7 years old.

Godspeed, S.P.
Azwed said:
None of the members of my famliy that are in the military have been shipped out but I think for the most part they are too old. Most are in their 40's and 50's.

40s and 50s is not too old. My brother, the colonel, is 53 and he has been over there since April '02. I actually got to talk to him on the phone yesterday. He sounded tired.

I also have a son in the Army. He is stationed at Ft. Bragg and, so far, thank God, is still there. He recently told me he feels guilty about still being stateside. I thank God for it.

Prayers daily for all the soldiers in the attack against terrorism.

My best friend has a daughter that is in the Air Force who is in the air right now on her way to Kuwait City. The same friend's son is in the Army and I saw his face on the CNN coverage tonight--waiting at the border with Iraq with his company. May God watch over them and bring them home safe! AA
Luscious Lioness said:
I hoped beyond hopes that it wouldn't come to this but it has and now I can only have faith that the greater good will come out of it. That the loved ones we know will come home to us so that we can thank them for their volunteered support to our nation.

I'm just sorry that blood and lives have to be lost.:rose:
Perfectly stated, LL. My sentiments exactly!
It is so minor. I know where my husband is, but haven't heard from him and don't know how long he will be gone. He's not in danger as far as I know. But you never know what will happen. I still worry.
A friend of mine has been over there since a little before Thanks Giving. He was supposed t be back by May. Not gonna happen now. *sigh* He called this morning, he's doing ok.
Unregisstered said:
My husband is in the military but is in such a critical position he will never deploy thankfully. I can't say that about many of my neighbors, friends, doctors, etc.

Living on a military base puts everything into perspective.

I can relate to that (about living on base), but not about hubby being "undeployable". Hopefully he won't be.