The sniper and the right to join the military


Very Experienced
May 24, 2002
What's the deal with these ex-military types? Is there something about the military that makes you want to shoot people and blow people up?

(I'm not denying anybody's right to join the military...)

I guess Bernard Goetz, and David Berkowitz, and the kids from Columbine, and that idiot that went on the rampage in the West last year, and half a zillion other idiots all just missed their draft appointment.

Military service no more makes you prone to violence than working for the Post Office does (ok, maybe that was a bad comparison...)
I was in the military, and it was my job to shoot people and blow things up.

I didn't get to do either, though.

Well, okay, I blew up a tank once...
Sandia said:
What's the deal with these ex-military types? Is there something about the military that makes you want to shoot people and blow people up?

(I'm not denying anybody's right to join the military...)
Hmmm, let's see, I was in the military. Did it make me want to shoot people and blow them up?

No, most of my time was spent risking my life by rescuing people (civilians) from life threatening situations - that is why I went into the military, to spend my time doing just that; helping people in trouble. I never once had to shoot anyone or blow them up - kinda goes against the principle of saving their lives ya know.
Re: Why would you lump Goetz

busybody said:
in there?????

He was defending himself!

He was carrying a concealed weapon illegally.
And it was proven in court that he continued to fire long after the threat of danger was still present.

Not to mention he opened fire in a confined space and risked shooting innocent uninvolved people in the vicinity.

But most importantly, I mentioned him only to illustrate that extreme reactions aren't the purview of any particular group.
Purple Haze said:
Could it be that a lot of wackos are attracted to the military?

At the risk of saying something stupid, I think a lot of troubled young men who aren't sure what to do with their lives join the military. It's thought to help "straighten them out"

I'm not saying it's a majority, but it happens. Just a thought.
Well... if we're gonna go all anecdotal here... I was in the military, and I'm weird as fuck.

But I'm just one data point...
Sandia said:
Well... if we're gonna go all anecdotal here... I was in the military, and I'm weird as fuck.

But I'm just one data point...

Uhm, I mean I was NOT in the military..

I fucked that up.

So, they wouldn't take me? So what!!!
Well if you want to get antecdotal, I can tell quite a few stories about the wackos I met in the Army. There were a few balanced ones too, but I'd never met that many truly weird motherfuckers until then. Never a dull moment...
Heh. So did being in the Army make them more wacky or less so.
Sandia said:
Heh. So did being in the Army make them more wacky or less so.
In general, in my experience, it made most a little less wacko. Most were just kids who didn't know what to do with their lives, got drunk one night and enlisted the next day (and I mean that literally), much as Soblue stated.
I only got 2 outta 10 friends that made it longer than 6months. The cream seems bubble over the top and resurface as servers at The Olive Garden.
Sandia said:
Heh. So did being in the Army make them more wacky or less so.

Definitely less wacko, one guy quit peeing himself and learned how to shower...

No, I don't think the military makes anyone wacko.

I just think a lot of unbalanced people join up. It's a good thing.