The Shuttle and the War on Iraq!!!!!!!


Literotica Guru
Jul 28, 2002
The Shuttle and the War on Iraq.

Far fetched, maybe.

The Israeli aboard was a fighter pilot that participated in the destruction of the Nuclear Reactor in Iraq!!!!! (IRONIC?)

Is it possible that Iraq will believe this to a sign from G-D that they will be protected in the upcoming war?

As you may know, Saddam Hussein believes he is a direct descendant of Nebuchnezar.......who was equally protected by G-D when he went to war against Israel!

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busybody said:
The Shuttle and the War on Iraq.

As you may know, Saddam Hussein believes he is a direct descendant of Nebuchaezar.......who was equally protected by G-D when he went to war against Israel!

Nebuchadnezzar was also humbled by God into becoming a good and fair ruler, something his grandson, Belshazzar, did not learn. If Saddam is indeed his descendant, it would appear that he has not learned the lessons of humility yet either.
Re: Re: The Shuttle and the War on Iraq!!!!!!!

WynEternal said:
Nebuchadnezzar was also humbled by God into becoming a good and fair ruler, something his grandson, Belshazzar, did not learn. If Saddam is indeed his descendant, it would appear that he has not learned the lessons of humility yet either.


However, I am certain that Hussein will use this to "rally" his country around.

Is it ironic about the Israeli pilot,Iraq,nuclear reactor?

Convergence of IRONIES!
Re: Re: Re: The Shuttle and the War on Iraq!!!!!!!

busybody said:

However, I am certain that Hussein will use this to "rally" his country around.

I think so too. The hand of Allah showing America and Israel how impotent they really are and somesuch.
Re: Re: Re: Re: The Shuttle and the War on Iraq!!!!!!!

WynEternal said:
I think so too. The hand of Allah showing America and Israel how impotent they really are and somesuch.

Agree 100%!
Security around a's not like some airport. But yeah, Osama's group will point to this as the Will of Allah, no doubt.
It is a coincidence. Which leads to a more disturbing question.

If you believe that there is a higher power do you think it is our generations fate to live through a major war, possibly a World War?

Is it our fate, our lot in life, the destiny of mankind to live in a cyclical path where we periodically go through Hell to get to heaven?

It seems things beyond mankind’s control sometimes seem to align themselves to influence the path great leaders tread.
Many of the Christian Right believe we are on the cusp of Armagedon.

I would suggest that one look at the life and beliefs of Saddam Hussein and his tying himself to Nebuchanezar. Yes, it is far fetched, however, I am certain that HE will use this as a rallying cry for his people. If HE himself will believe it or not is an open question.

Israeli pilot destroys Iraqi reactor.

US on verge of war with Iraq.

Pilot destroyed WITH the US pilots.

Will US be destroyed by Iraq?

I feel certain he is cognizant of this karma!
In fact, here iit is.....just the begining!

Top Stories - Reuters

Iraqis Call Shuttle Disaster God's Vengeance

BAGHDAD (Reuters) - Immediate popular reaction in Baghdad on Saturday to the loss of the U.S. space shuttle Columbia and its seven-member crew -- including the first Israeli in space -- was that its was God's retribution.

"We are happy that it broke up," government employee Abdul Jabbar al-Quraishi said.

"God wants to show that his might is greater than the Americans. They have encroached on our country. God is avenging us," he said.

Iraqis are braced for a possible U.S.-led war to rid their country of any chemical, biological or nuclear weapons it may possess. Iraq denies it has such weapons.

Car mechanic Mohammed Jaber al-Tamini noted Israeli air force Colonel Ilan Ramon was among the dead when the shuttle broke up over the southwestern United States 16 minutes before its scheduled landing.

The 48-year-old Israeli astronaut was a fighter pilot in the Israeli air force. He was the youngest pilot in a team that bombed Iraq's nuclear reactor in 1981. Israel said the reactor was intended to develop nuclear weapons.

"Israel launched an aggression on us when it raided our nuclear reactor without any reason, now time has come and God has retaliated to their aggression," Tamini said.
and now, for the first time I can ever remember, The U.S. commander in South Korea is asking for more troops, ships, and fighter planes. We have a lot of spats and war of words in the past but I can't ever remeber things getting serious enough to ask for more forces when we already have 37,000 U.S. troops there to begin with!

Tensions rise over North Korea

They say North Korea might use a war in Iraq to thier advantage and launch thier own long awaited invasion of South Korea while we are busy in the Middle East.
Oz PM Joins Blair In Naming
N. Korea Next Target
By John Kerin
The Australian

John Howard and British Prime Minister Tony Blair made strong calls yesterday for eventual United Nations action against North Korea.

Mr Blair turned on some of his own Labour MPs in the House of Commons and told them bluntly North Korea would be dealt with after the UN was finished with Iraq.

His comments came as the Australian Prime Minister expressed similar sentiments in a round of radio interviews.

Mr Blair's patience snapped in the final minutes of Prime Minister's Questions in the Commons after left-wing Labour MP Lynne Jones goaded him by claiming he had not regarded Iraqi President Saddam Hussein as a threat until Mr Bush's "axis of evil" claims in last year's State of the Union speech.

In that speech, Mr Bush branded North Korea, Iran and Iraq as rogue states in an "axis of evil".

Yesterday Mr Blair rounded on Diane Abbott, another left-winger opposed to war on Iraq, who called out to him: "Who's next?"

"After we deal with Iraq, we then do, yes, through the United Nations, have to confront North Korea about its weapons program," Mr Blair replied.

Mr Howard, who said on Tuesday that North Korea would be "emboldened" to continue to develop weapons of mass destruction if Iraq were not dealt with, continued to argue his case yesterday.

"The reason why this issue is important to Australia is it is in Australia's interests to prevent the spread of chemical, biological and nuclear weapons to more states than now have them," the Prime Minister said on Perth radio.

This applied "particularly to states that are rogue states, that have a demonstrated contempt for human rights and a demonstrated intent to invade other countries", he said.

"What hope have we got of controlling North Korea if Iraq is able to successfully thumb its nose at world opinion over its chemical and biological weapons?"

US President George W. Bush said on Wednesday in his State of the Union speech, rebroadcast across Asia yesterday, that the US and other countries would not be "blackmailed" by North Korea.

North Korea did not respond directly to Mr Bush's speech, but just afterwards the North's official news agency, KCNA, released a commentary saying Washington was using the nuclear dispute as a pretext to destroy the communist state.

"This strategy is dubbed a serpent strategy, as it is to be carried out in the way a serpent does, that is swallowing up the prey after strangling it," KCNA said.

In other developments, a South Korean presidential envoy said after returning from Pyongyang that North Korean negotiators had reaffirmed the dispute over their country's nuclear plants could only be solved through direct dialogue with the US.

The nuclear dispute was sparked in October when US officials said North Korea had admitted to having a nuclear program in violation of a 1994 agreement with the US.

North Korea is calling for a non-aggression treaty with the US before it gives up its nuclear programs.

The Australian,4057,5914535%5E401,00.html< /FONT>
ChilledVodka said:
Who is G-D? A secret angent?

If busybody is Jewish then this will make sense. Some (or all I'm not sure) Jews can not say God's name. They feel to say his name is to have power or control over him. Therefore their is a Jewish name for God that is not said and wherever that words appears in the Torah another word is said. I believe the word that they say is A..... but I'm not going to say it in case I'm wrong or am actually saying the wrong name of God, I wouldn't want to offend him or any other Jewish people on the board. So if busybody is jewish then this makes sense to me. He only spelled God as G-D so that we would know of whom he spoke without his having to actually spell out the name.
Chilled Vodka posted that as a lame attempt at a "joke".

Look at the thread he started today, he(she) is an evil person!
Ljbonobo said:
If busybody is Jewish then this will make sense. Some (or all I'm not sure) Jews can not say God's name. They feel to say his name is to have power or control over him. Therefore their is a Jewish name for God that is not said and wherever that words appears in the Torah another word is said. I believe the word that they say is A..... but I'm not going to say it in case I'm wrong or am actually saying the wrong name of God, I wouldn't want to offend him or any other Jewish people on the board. So if busybody is jewish then this makes sense to me. He only spelled God as G-D so that we would know of whom he spoke without his having to actually spell out the name.

Fuck man, ya gotta watch out for those lightning bolts from the Big Un when you piss him off.
Frimost said:
It is a coincidence. Which leads to a more disturbing question.

If you believe that there is a higher power do you think it is our generations fate to live through a major war, possibly a World War?

Is it our fate, our lot in life, the destiny of mankind to live in a cyclical path where we periodically go through Hell to get to heaven?

It seems things beyond mankind’s control sometimes seem to align themselves to influence the path great leaders tread.

You cant pass off the shit in the world to some higher power.
Its all created by MAN!!!

History shows the scum rise to the top , the sheep follow.... maybe for a brief time at the top. Then another asshole comes along..... and so on.

This is no act of God. Its the nature of Humans.
Originally posted by busybody (edited)
Many of the Christian Right believe we are on the cusp of Armagedon.

Here's a flash for you. Many of the Christian Right have ALWAYS believed we are on the cusp of Armageddon. Likewise, many of the Jewish faith have always believed the Messiah would arrive in their lifetimes.