The sexiest thing in the known universe - bar none.


Cunningly Concealed
Oct 28, 2002
I'm not expecting this to be a controversial statement, but would like to see if anyone would care to either violently agree or smack me with a fish.

I think the sexiest thing in the known universe is....


That's it.

Okay, technically there's more to it than that.

Sincere desire, lust, affection, caring, tenderness, concern, kindness and freindliness. You get the idea.

I suppose this thought is a stark reaction to having been decieved in the past, and having found genuine people to speak with in the present.

Okay, what about everyone else?

Who will stand up and say they prefer to be lied to and be showered with kind smiles and fake orgasms... hmmm ;)
Oscuridad said:
I'm not expecting this to be a controversial statement, but would like to see if anyone would care to either violently agree or smack me with a fish.
I rackon women find Michael Palin sexy.

I love his travelogue.
Have you ever seen the movie "The Missionary"?
It's good for a giggle. ;)
Why should a guy care if the women gets off.. We always do..

*I am such an ass*
DarkAngel said:
Why should a guy care if the women gets off.. We always do..

*I am such an ass*

Yes you are
Speaking of asses, have you gotten all the wax off yours?
Oscuridad said:
I'm not expecting this to be a controversial statement, but would like to see if anyone would care to either violently agree or smack me with a fish.


Okay, what about everyone else?

Who will stand up and say they prefer to be lied to and be showered with kind smiles and fake orgasms... hmmm ;)

Smacks you with a fish.

Without lies, what is there to build a psuedo relationship on?
Ahh the cavalry...

Here to bury me instead of save me though ;)

Could you two just beat each other up a bit while more returns come in?

*hopes they will come in*
Oscuridad said:
Ahh the cavalry...

Here to bury me instead of save me though ;)

Could you two just beat each other up a bit while more returns come in?

*hopes they will come in*

Ahh, silly me, I thought I'd bump it for you.

I think the answer to your question is very obvious. I doubt a healthy person would want to be lied to in a relationship. Since you posted this here and the majority of us are sick bastards, we are skirting the issue.

Carry on.
DarkAngel said:
Why should a guy care if the women gets off.. We always do..

*I am such an ass*
Smacking you with a fish.......cause i can....
damn, I thought this was a thread about female Brasilian football fans...

bye for now...

Oscuridad said:
Ahh the cavalry...

Here to bury me instead of save me though ;)

Could you two just beat each other up a bit while more returns come in?

*hopes they will come in*

i see your point so ok i agree.

sincerity attached to most any emotion between 2 ppl can be very sexy.
Well thank you my dear.

I suppose it was rather daft of me to start a thread that everyone would either automatically agree with or avoid due to duplicity.

I am a silly silly man.

*makes an incoherent set of modulated whooping noises*
LacyLady said:
Smacking you with a fish.......cause i can....
*applause* :D

Thank you, I was wondering how long that would take to happen.

*rubs his face where the fish Lost was weilding hit him earlier*
Oscuridad said:
Who will stand up and say they prefer to be lied to and be showered with kind smiles and fake orgasms... hmmm ;)
shhhh, or my wife will read this, figuring out thats what I have been doing the last 12 years. Especially the latter part.
*goddess*emi* said:
i see your point so ok i agree.

sincerity attached to most any emotion between 2 ppl can be very sexy.
My point precisely.
Isn't it more fun when the person telling you to fuck them really, really, you know it to your toenails, MEANS it?
Re: Re: The sexiest thing in the known universe - bar none.

brokenbrainwave said:
shhhh, or my wife will read this, figuring out thats what I have been doing the last 12 years. Especially the latter part.
What a talented fellow you are ;) And I wont let it out of this thread... I promise.
Oscuridad said:
Well thank you my dear.

I suppose it was rather daft of me to start a thread that everyone would either automatically agree with or avoid due to duplicity.

I am a silly silly man.

*makes an incoherent set of modulated whooping noises*

I don't think you're silly, and I think what you're feeling is dead on, in that it is a very good feeling to know without any doubt that you are truly wanted. It cuts through vulnerabilities, and allows us to love and respond freely, versus alot of the crap that usually runs through our minds about our performance, trust, and our reluctance to be emotionally intimate. These things make it extremely unbearable to do what lovemaking is all about, simply surrendering and responding with abandon.
*goddess*emi* said:
i see your point so ok i agree.

sincerity attached to most any emotion between 2 ppl can be very sexy.
I would have to agree with this, as well.