The Secret Mansion ((Open For 1 Male))


Literotica Guru
Jun 11, 2012
Name: Cassie Rile
Age: 18
Appearance: Long, red wavy hair, bright blue eyes. 5'6'', curvy, hour glass frame. Smooth, creamy skin

Cassie stood near the door, tieing her cloak around her neck as she listened to her mother. "Alright Cassie, you know the rules. One, don't go to far in the woods. That means don't you dare go past that lake. Two, l want you back home before the sun goes down. Three, don't talk to sny strangers you come across. lf don't know them, don't even look at them." The whole time her mother was talking, she was pacing across the cabin floor, a nervous look on her face. As much as she adored her mother, she hated how easily scared she got. Everytime Cassie left the house without her, she was terrified it would be the last time she would ever see her little girl. Her only family left.

They lived in the forest, though not in the safest part of the forest. Of course, they didn't think anyone would ever get harmed out where they lived. That thought changed when Cassie was about five years old. Both her father and her older brother went out, going to hunt for dinner. They were both huge, strong men. Her father stood at about 6'4'' and her brother at about 6'2'', so it was a huge surprise when they didn't come home. The next day and still without sign of them, her mother took her to the local village that was about five miles away. After some talking to a few of the local men decided to come and help them look around. A few hours later, they found both their bodies, ravaged. lt was hard to tell by what. The men had several ideas. The could have been murdered by some wanderer, it could have been a wild animal attack, or... the local vampire. The rumours of the vampire have been floating around forever, so only a few people believed it. At least until they saw the punture wounds on the two bodies. Her mother was never the same after that day.

Her mother wanted to leave, go somewhere else after that day, but had no where to go. Other then her daughter, she had no one else, no one to help her through this. So they was stuck there. Of course as Cassie was grewing up, her nervousness grew, fearing that the same fate that took her beloved husband and son, would take her as well. She tried hard to keep her daughter inside the house, but she was the adventurous type, always wanting to explore the woods. When she was about ten, her mother excepted this about her and allowed her to go around the woods, as long as she followed the rules. "Don't worry about it mom. I remember what to do, l promise l'll be back before the sun even begins to set." Her mother stopped in her tracks and looked at her, seeing the sweet smile on her face. Before she could comment, Cassie grabbed the door and threw it open. "I'll see you later today. I love you!"

Cassie grabbed a small basket she had packed yesterday morning before walking out, shutting the door behind her with a soft bang. With a smile, she headed down the small path they had made in front of there home, walking off it and into the forest. She had traveled half the forest since she was younger, except for the part that was past the lake. That's exactly where she was heading today. As much as she loved her mother and tried to do as she was told, she could never stop herself from going somewhere new. Past the lake was a big no-no because that's what the villager called 'his land'. His land meaning the vampire. They said he has a house out here, that he's lived in for centuries. It was also the part of the forest her brother and father died at, but she didn't think of that. Just wondered what she would see out there!

The sun was shining down on her, through the tree top as she walked through the woods, pretty quickly too. There was nothing more she loved then the feeling of the sun on her... Well the rain also felt goods as well. The cold, wet drops hitting her skin. Especially if she was naked. Of course, that was suppose to be something she ever did, even in privacy, but... she did. Somethings, when the rain was pouring down and her mother was busy, Cassie would go out into the woods and strip out of her dress, just so she could feel the rain on her body.

The lake was pretty close to the house, so it didn't take her long to get to it. She came to a stop a the edge, taking a moment to look out at the crystal clear water. The look was breath taking. If she looked around the edges close enough, she could even see different animals leaning over, drinking at the water. After a moment, she pulled her eyes away from the lake and started walking around it, heading over to the other side of the lake. Her heart was pounding a bit, excitement filling her. Sure, it was just another side of the forest, but it was a part very few people walked too, to scaried that they would get hurt. When she got past the lake, Cassie looked over her shoulder, thinking about turning back for about half a second before continuing on.

PM if your interested or have questions! :)
Name: Marcus
Age: 400-500 yrs
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 185 lbs
Description: Although between 4 and 5 centuries, he looks as if he is in his mid 30's, the age at which he was turned. Short dark brown hair, green eyes normally which turn to solid black when angry or ready to feed. Pleasnt and friendly face when meeting face to face, very charming.

Marcus stands on the top floor of the castle at one of the windows facing the lake. It has been days since he witnessed any human movement anywhere in the woods. Lately he has had to take to killing animals to supress his growing hunger and thirst.

Today, as he looks out towards the lake he notices the young woman, Cassie walking around. He has come to be aware of everyone living around the area. He remembers attacking her father and brother all those years ago and how has noticed her walking to the lake before before but never venturing farther. However, today is different. He watches as she begins to circle around the edge of the lake.

Being able to broadcast his voice as a whisper right into her ear he leans onto the window sill watching her more intently and whispers knowing she can her waiting for her reaction.....

"Cassie.....Hello Cassie"
Cassie jumped over a fallen tree, making a few animals scatter when she landed on the other side. "I can't believed l'm actually doing this!" For years she had told herself she would cross the lake, but she never seemed to be able to, always chickening out at the last second. But it was obviously worth it. After only going a few feet away from the lake, she was already seeing new places to explore. For one, the small dark cave that stood off to the right that seemed to be dug into the side of the hill. Sure it would probably be a tight fit and she had no idea what could be in there, but she was worried. The wildlife never scared hee before, so it wasn't going to scare her now.

As she was walking, she heard someone say her name right in her ear. Followed by a hello. Quickly, with a shocked face, she whirled around, frantically searching the area around her for any sign of another person, even if she knew that was close to impossible. No one can over her, she and her mother were the only two living out in the woods, and, of course, she would have heard foot steps if someone else where out here. Like, twigs or leaves breaking under someone weight. She'd heard nothing though.

"I must be just a bit to nervous about this." She mumbled to herself with a small laugh. All those stupid rumors that have been going around must be making her think a bit on the crazy side. After scanning around a bit more, she took a deep breath but smiled.

She turned back around and started walking again. Right now, she wanted to look around, see what there was to explore of here before the sun started to go down. If there was anything she really liked, she could come back tomorrow and check it out.
Marcus watchs her as she jumps over logs and walks around excitedly looking and taking everything in. He notices as she walks closer to the hidden cave that he frequents occasionally as a recluse out of the castle.

As she jumps and spins around hearing his voice a smile creeps across his face thinking of how he will enjoy toying with this one. He watches as she regains herself and settles down and walks closer to the cave still looking around taking in all of her surroundings. Not only can he broadcast his voice to her he also possesses a keen sense of hearing. He smiles again at her speaking to calm herself down.

Again he whispers to her...."Do not be nervous Cassie. Only be careful venturing around the dark cave."

He looks towards the sky noticing the sun beginning it's decent into the horizon. He says to himself..."Soon it will be dark. Be careful of the woods young lady."
She heard the voice a second time, telling her to careful in the cave, that she didn't need to be nervous. She stop herself again and looked around, searching for the sorce of the voice. Obviously, it was a males voice. It was deep and a bit on the wicked side, but... instead of being scared, it sent a shiver down her spine. "Well... if the voice says be careful, l will!" Now she needed to go into that cave though, see what was inside.

Though, she looked upwards, seeing that it was getting later out. She'd need to head home soon. If she didn't her mother would through a fit and never let her out if the house again. "l'll make it quick. l'll just peek and then l'll walk back." She mumbled, searching the sky. "Well, maybe l'll run back."

Cassie looked down at the cave and grabbed the bottom on her dress, pulling it up so she didn't trick over the hem. She carefully moved down the steep hill side, grabbing onto branches or vines that crossed her path. By the time she reached the bottom, she had fallen about town times, dirtying up the back of her cloak, but other wise was unharmed. Cassie stared at the opening of the cave, unable to see inside it because of how dark it was, but like with everything else, she wasn't afraid of the dark!

Bending down, she set her basket down before walking to the entrance and ducking inside, glad she had such a petite little frame. It would be a bit harder to get in here if she wasn't so tiny. Her hand ran across the walls, getting dirt on them as she traveled deeper, trying to keep straight. Cassie has no desire to get lost.
Marcus watched her as she stooped and began walking down into the cave. Then he looked towards the sky again. The sun had descended enough so that he could venture out into the woods. He left the window once he saw that she was inside the cave and out of his sight. He slowly made his way down the stone stairs and towards the door. He opened it and stepped outside. Slowly he began making his way towards the cave.

He reached the entrance and stopped....thinking to himself...'she is the only human to ever try and enter here.' Standing there he heard hear breathing heavier knowing it was from her having to go through the cave bent over. It also sounded as if she was making her way back out. He stepped to the side of the entrance and squatted down onto the knee down in the leaves the other bent up with both of his hands resting on his knee as he sat back on his other foot.

He watched as she exited the entrance and stretched her body out from being stooped over never once looking his way. Knowing she had heard the stories of him but never having actually seeing him, not many people had and lived through it, he had the look of being an innocent and being able to calm and charm anyone he made contact with.

Still crouched on the ground looking at her, he finally spoke...."Hello Cassie"
"Note to self, tomorrow l need to bring a lantern." She thought as she came to stop. Her head turned left to right, trying to find at least a hint of light, but she didn't see any. At least the cave had gotten bigger though. Still, she sighed. She had really hoped to see something interesting in here, but it was impossible. "l need to get back anyway." She carefully turned herself around and started to head towards the exit, or at least she thought it was.

At least six mitutes later, she saw light and smiled, quicking her pace. The sunhad obviously gone down quite a bit since she was in here. She'll need to sprint go get back home. When she came out, she sighed and stood up straight, before moving her hands over her head and stretching herself out. "I wonder what lives in there." Cassie said to herself as she lowered her arms and quickly ran her fingers through her hair, brushing it back.

She fixed her cloak and made a move to start back up the hill when that same voice she had heard before came from her left, instead of in her ear. She spun around and looked at where the voice had come from, but instead if seeing nothing this time she saw a man standing kneeling there. Taken by surprise, she took a step back her heard speeding up a bit before she realized it was just a man.

"Wh-what are you doing in the bushes?" She asked suddenly, raising a brow. "Wait, wrong question. I have a better one, how do you know my name? and was that you talking to me earlier?" She asked as she stood up straight and brushed her hands over her dress.
He stands up acting as if he is stretching his legs for show knowing his body never tires. "I was simply kneeling taking a rest Cassie. No need to be alarmed." He sees the artery in her neck pumping faster and feels a hunger run through his body. He tells himself not yet....only in due time.

He steps closer so she can see him more plainly and smiles at her. "I know everyone around this area my dear girl. I know you live on the other side of the lake along with your mother. I know your brother and father died after being viciously attacked in these very woods. I know many things about the very town not far from here."

He extends his hand out to her..."Please forgive my manners. I know your name but you have yet to know mine. My name is Marcus and it is a great pleasure of mine to meet you. As far as someone speaking to you earlier, I just arrived to this area. I saw no one else nor heard anyone. Maybe it was your imagination or nervousness from being in the woods all alone."

He turns and looks at the cave entrance..."Did you find anything interesting in there?"
She looked him over as he stood up and moved closer to her, explaining that he knew her and her mother, and even people in the town. She honestly didn't know what she was suppose to think about that. Sure, creepy is the first thing that popped into her mind, but then curiosity. How does he know so much about her when she hasn't even seen him. "Well... l guess l'm flattered you know so much about me and my family. Umm... were you one of the men that helped us looked for my brother and father. Of course, sge thought she would have recognized him if he was, but there were a few people she hadn't met that helped them.

When he held his hand out, she made a move to grab it when she remembered her mothers rule. If you don't know them, don't talk to them, but... she had already talked to him. What could a simple hand shake hurt? Slowly, she took his hand in her's and shook it, putting on a sweet smile. "Well, it's nice to meet you Marcus." She pulled her hand back and moved it behind her back.

"Oh, no. I didn't find anything. It was way to dark." She told him. shaking her head as he asked her. "I'll need to bring a latern the next time l come here." "Which will probably be close to never with how low the sun looks." "Look," she looked back at him. "I'm really sorry, but l really need to get going. My mothers probably going crazy with fear right now and l don't want her having to come out here and look for me. She hates the forest way to much." She moved towards the hill and grabbed her dress, pulling it up a bit.

"Maybe we can talk some other time, when l'm not in a rush." Cassie told him, sounding hopeful. She added, "Oh and maybe you should head home too. The woods are dangerous at night."
As she reached and shook his hand he took it and kissed the top of hers and breathed in deeply smelling her virgin blod running through her veins. His animalistic urges nearly overcame his body as he felt himself beginning to turn into the monster, but he fought himself back and regained his composure before turning and looking back up at her.

"No dear one. I was unavailable during that daytime search to assist in looking for your brother and father. I only heard of the gruesome finds that were discovered. How dreadful it must have been to find thier bodies with such marks. Many animals are around this area to cause such a wound. Best be careful yourself out here all alone."

He turns and watches her as she begins walking away..."When you return with the lantern maybe we shall meet again. I, myself, would like to venture into the bottom of this cave with you to find discoveries as well. You are correct dear one. The woods are a very dangerous place to be during the night hours. Would you like an escort to ensure you make it home safely?"
"Yeah, it was pretty bad." She agreed, looking around a bit as she did, trying to think of something other then the desth of them. "Oh, it wasn't a animal." She looked at him and put on a grin, finding a distraction in what he said. "It was the vampire that lived here." she told him, obviously joking around with him. "That's why no one comes in the woods anymore unless their not from here. Their afraid of thd big bad bat." Openly, she looked him over. "Well, besides you. You seem to not care about him."

As she walked up the hill, she looked over her shoulder at him. "Maybe we will." she smiled a bit. "Though, l'm not sure l should. l especially don't think l should go into a cave with you. My mother told me it's not smart for little girls to hang around with strangers."

She lookee forward and grabbed a branch, using it to climb up faster. "If you want you can come. I mean if your brave enough to travel over here, you should be brave enough to walk a girl to her home. You can't come to the door though. l'm sorry but that would make my mother upset. l'd hate to upset her more then she probably is." She reached the top of the hill and let her dress down. "But it will be dark soon, remember. It'll be really hard to find your way back." Cassie turned away and started to walk home. She didn't want to seem rude, but she needed to go.
"A vampire?? Come now my dear. Do you really believe that vampires exist or is that merely a tale to frighten the children?" He smiled at her with a more mischeivious smile than before. "I, myself, am not afraid of a vampire if he truly exists."

He begins to walk towards...."Naturally a mother would worry about her own young virgin daughter but we however are no longer strangers."

She turned as she reached the top of the hill seeing him down at the bottom. Within a couple steps he had moved quickly and was right next to her walking with her. "What kind of man would I be if I let you walk through thses dark woods all alone? There could be a monster walking right next to you and you never know it. I will wait at the woods then. No need to upset your mother any more than she may already be."
"They could exist, but l don't think one lives in this forest." She answered, before biting her bottom lip, seeing the smile. "Why aren't you afraid? I mean, if one was here, what if he decided to take you and use you as his dinner? That doesn't upset you?" She asked before adding, "Because it excites me!" Honestly, she was only half joking. The idea of one coming for you, out of all the girls, they chose you. That does have a way of making a girl feel special. Especially if your one that most guys don't come after. Not because she wasn't cute, but because of where she lived. "I guess you'd kind of have to be a girl to get excited by a male vampire coming after you." she shrugged.

"Virgin?" She looked beside her, a brow raised. "How'd he get there so fast?" "Why do you think l'm a virgin? Do l not look like the type of girl that could lose her virginity?" She asked him. "Anyway, we still are strangers. At least you are to me. All l know about you is your name. l don't even know if you live in the woods or not."

Cassie laughed at him. "A monster right beside me? Really? l'm pretty sure l would know if lwas in any danger. Besides, l can take care of myself." She pulled her cloak tighter, feeling the tempture drop as it got darker. "By the way, Marcus why are you walking around the woods watching a girl come out of a cave? Not to be rude, but it's odd... and dangerous. I could be a crazy with a knife under her cloak waiting for her chance to strike." Of course, that was extremely hard to believe with the way she looked and acted. Besides, Cassie didn't even kill spiders.
"Haha. Dear girl. I'm not afraid because I can simply take care of myself against any and all dangers. You could call it a sixth sense if you will. I aways know what is going on around me. I am very aware of all small details. Your cloak swishing as you walk. The squirrel about to run in front uf us (Then she noticed the squirrel scurry across the ground). The smeels in the air. I notice everything."

They walk a little farther..."So the thought of someone, or something, coming after you excites you? Hmmmm interesting." Knowing she's a virgin from smelling her blood..."I didn't mean offense dear one. I simply guessed that you may be a virgin due to your mother never letting you out of the house and no one else living around...except me of course. I live in the large house on the other side of the lake. Maybe you would like to visit sometime?"

He touches her arm and they stop...."I merely happened upon you by chance. I prefer to walk through the woods at night. Its is more peaceful. You can walk along and notice things without interruptions. And as mentioned before...I can take care of myself."
She looked at the squirrel then back at him before laughing. "Oh my gosh, that's incredible!" she told him, clapping her hands happily. "How do you do that? I mean, l've never met anyone able to do that!" She told him, impressed. She looked forward and moved more to the left, so they could move around the lake.

"Well, yeah. I guess it is as simple as that, but l don't mean in the freaky way. The you might die if they catch you isn't what excites me, but anyway, they'd have to be pretty fast to catch me. l'm usually a great runner!" She looked over at him with a small smile on her face. "Hey, you don't have to explain that much. l didn't really mind the comment. l'm a virgin and l'm happy to be one! It means l'm not easy" Cassie explained, bouncing slightly. "Really? Wow, you really do have guts, living in the other side of the lake." The idea of visiting, made her bite her lip. "Hmm, you know, l actually might want to visit. If l can convince my mother. l try to do as l'm told." "Try. She wasn't very good at it though."

"Night is also the time where most animals go hunting for their food. I don't really see the peace in that. I mean sure, there are a few more interesting things out, but l'd rather not become some bears late night snack. Unlike you, l'm pretty tiny. Some animals might just find me to good to pass up." Cassie looked forward, seeing the cabin come into view. Just in time too.

"l need to get going. It was great meeting you Marcus." She have him a bright smile before she took off in a run to her house. When she reached the front door, she threw it open and ran into her mother. "Oh gosh, l'm sorry." Cassie said, moving back.

"Where have you been," her mother asked, slamming the door. "You said you'd be home before the sun became to set." Obviously, she was pretty updet with her.

"I know, l just got caught up in woods and l lost track of time. I'm really sorry mom." She apologized, putting her head down a bit.

Her mother stood there, staring at her before motioning her head to her room. "Hurry up and change. Your filthy and l wont have you eating dinner all dirty." Cassie smiled a bit, seeing she wasn't in to much trouble. Before her mother started yelling she walked past and went to her bedroom, untying her cloak as she went.
"Haha. That was just one of my many tricks dear. I have many more to show you given the chance."

He follows as she begins leading around the side of the lake. "Living on the other side of the lake is nice. I'm there with no one else around to disturb me. I prefer it that way unless they are invited. I sincerly hope you will consider coming. Maybe you could bring your mother alng as well. If I were an animal I'm not entirely sure I could pass you up with your sweet scent."

Marcus stood at the edge of the woods and watched as she entered the house and listened to her mother's raised voice as she slammed the door. His feeding instints finally got the best of him and he changed. His teeth grew longer and his eyes changed and his senses became more aware picking up even the smallest movements through the woods. He turned and disappaeared into the woods, with the quickness he possessed, searching for anything to feed his hunger. He attacked a deer along the way, rabbits, any animal he picked up on but what he really wanted, no, needed, was to taste a human's blood as it pumped through their veins. Cassie was in his head and he couldn't get her out of it until he had her. Not only did he want to taste her blood. He wanted to change her. Even if that meant he had to dispose of her mother just the way he did her father and brother....
Cassie changed into a new dress and washed her hands before walking out of her bedroom and heading to the table where her mother had already put down two bowls of soup, some bread, and two glasses filled with water. They both sat down to eat, her silently, her mother more on the chatty side. For a women that barely ever went out, she sure had a lot to talk about. Not that she minded. Cassie loved the sound of her mothers voice. It was soothing, usually. Tonight it was more on the annoying side, but only because she trying to think about Marcus. What he was able to do. It was all very shocking, but amazing. How fast he moved, how good his hearing was. Oh and how he was the onlyperson living on the other side of the lake. Her mind wondered to what his house might look like. lt couldn't be very big, not if he was the only one there and since he never mentioned any family, she was sure it was only him.

"Hey, do you mind if l go out again tomorrow?" She asked, interruping her mother. "I found this meadow today, but it was getting to dark so before l could look around, l had to come back." she explained, lying to her.

"Oh, well... l was going to head off to town tomorrow so sure. Just remember, back by dark and try not to cut it so close like you did tonight."

She smiled. "Of course!" Cassie finished her dinner first and got up. She gave her mother a quick kiss good night before going off to her room. She wanted to get to sleep early so she could get up and head straight for the cave. After stripping and getting into her night gown, she crawled into bed and allowed sleep to claim her.

lt was about five am whennshe woke up the next morning. Her mother was still fast asleep, so she made sure to be as quiet as possible as she got ready. Putting her hair up in a tight ponytail before she changed into a blue in white dress before going over to the mirror so she could tie her top closed. Cassie grabbed the strings in the front and pulled them tight, closing the crisscross gaps in the front so bra wasn't showing, before tying a small knot. Once she was ready, she walked out of her room and headed to the door, grabbing an apple as she passed. Cassie was planning on waking her mother up but decided against it. Thinking she just let her sleep. No reason to get her worried this early in the morning.

Before walking out of the house, she grabbed one of their lanterns and a box of matches. Once she got outside, she looked up at the sky, not seeing the sun like she had hoped. Instead, she saw a bunch of dark clouds, meaning rain. "Better get to that cave then." she mumbled before taking off, heading to the lake.
Marcus had been ravaging the woods all night fighting to suppress his hunger for blood. Circling each time keeping watch of Cassie's house. He knew morning would be coming soon. Foraging through the woods...watching the sky...he began to smile to himself as he looked up and saw the overcast sky. He spoke to himself as he smiled...."No need to retire into the depths of my home today."

Circling around he watched as the front door opened and Cassie stepped out. He thought..'how early for a young girl to rise from her slumber.' With his quickness he dashed through the woods away from her house knowing she heard but she would believe it was only an anumal running at the sight of a human. Once he knew she had entered the woods.

He whispers her name..."Cassie. Hello again Cassie. I'm here. Can you see me?" Knowing she can't he has made his way back around the lake and is perched atop the cave entrance....his feet flat on the ground with his knees bent and his arms around his knees....sitting and waiting....knowing she is walking straight towards him.

He whispers again..."Stop looking Cassie. I'm here. Waiting for you dear one. You will see me soon enough."
Cassie ate her apple as she looked around, only to look at one place suddenly, watching as something darted away, into the forest with a huge burst of speed. After a moment, she turned her gaze away and kept following the familiar path. Even as she heard the voice that spoke to her yesterday, but yet again, no one was around to speak it. That didn't stop her from looking around though. "You know," she called out to no one. "If you keep scaring me, l might decide to stop coming out here. Then who will you talk too?" She asked, a small smile on her face. Even if the voice sounded like Marcus', she just told herself she was making it up, her mind was just wondering.

"If your lying to me," Cassie walked around the lake slowly as she sddressed the voice, "I'll stop crossing this lake." This voice did start when she crossed it yesterday evening. "l better see you." Once it stopped, she finished up her apple, before licking her lips and wiping her hands on the skirt of her dress. After a while, she reached the hill side again, clearly seeing the cave, then something crouching onto of it. Before going down, she stopped and narrowed her eyes, trying to make the figure out.

A smile covered her lips and she grabbed her dress, pulling it up. "Please tell me you haven't been waiting herenall night for me to get here." She called down to Marcus as she carefully walked down the hill side, trying her hardest not to fall down it. "It's creepy, you know." Cassie jumped the last few inches and landed lightly on her feet before going over to the cave entrance, holding up the lantern. "Look what l brought."
He smiles as her sees her coming towards him. "Hello dear one. I hope you found a peaceful slumber during the night."

As she comes closer he raises to stand and drops to the ground landing lightly...more lightly than any human should hti the ground when jumping down from such a height. "You wouldn't ever stop crossing the lake would you dear child? I couldn't bear the thought of not seeing you again since we have happened upon one another."

He steps to the side of the entrance as she walks towards it. "No I haven't been here very long at all. Only when I thought I heard you traveling towards me I thought I would sit and take my rest." He sees the lantern and the fire inside of it glows across his eyes as he smiles. "Wonderful my dear. It seems you are ready to explore the depths of m...this cave"
She stopped and looked at him confused. "Umm, where you listening to me talk?" she asked him softly before her smile slowly returned. "No, l don't plan on stopping. I just crossed yesterday and l still have a lot to see. lncluding the inside of this cave." She walked over to him. "By the way, l'm more then sure if l were to stop, you could find another to wait on. With the way you look, l'm surprised your not taken yet... Unless your traveling around the forest while your wife thinks your going to town." she joked.

As he told her why he was her, she stuffed the box of matches in her skirt pocket. "Well then, thank you for waiting for me, sir." She looked him over for a moment before looking at the cave. "It's kind of small, you know. So if you want you can stay out here. l'd hate to find out you only forced your way in there because of me." her eyes stopped on his before mumbling. "You know, if you don't mind me saying... you have very pretty eyes." Cassie tore her eyes away from his and walked up to the entrance, holding the lantern in front of her so she could see.

"I'll go first." She bent over at the waist and headed inside, her eyes on the ground so she didn't trip over anything. A few times she had to bat her hands forward and get any cobwebs out of her way so she didn't walk into them.
He looked at her with a fierceness in his eyes. Fighting the urges to taste her...her blood...feel her body writhe under him as he turned her to keep her as his. "I told you before dear one. I hear everything in these woods. And there is no wife. She took a sudden leave. And has been gone for quite a long time." Thinking back he remembers it was his wife that was his first kill after he was turned. He was never able to stop drinking her blood in time to turn her.

He stared into her eyes as she looked at him...looking deep within her seeing her truths and desires hidden within her soul until she tore her eyes away from his gaze. "I would never allow you to go into this cave with my companionship. There may be many dangers ahead that you may not be ready for."

He followed her as she ventured farther into the cave dusting the webs out of her way. "I have been in here a few times recently dear one. It is quite an escape for me."
She frowned, "l'm sorry about your wife. l didn't mean to bring back any bad memories. l was just joking a bit. lt was an accident, honestly." She felt bad for mentioning his wife. Quickly, she tried to change the subject to something different. "Marcus, l'm a big girl. l know how to take care of myself, just like you take care of yourself. No big bad moster in a cave is going to harm me." She smiled at him, but thought it was sweet that he didn't want her to go in by herself.

"Oh you have? And did you find anything? Or have you not gone deep enough yet?" She asked, looking back at him. As she did, she lost her footing. The ground took a down wards direction and she fell backwards, hitting the ground with a thump as she landed and slid downwards a bit before she threw her free hand out and grabbed the edge of the cave wall, cutting herself a bit on the edge of a rock. "Uhh, well that explains why the cave doesn't look big from the outside." She mumbled as she pushed herself up off the ground, wiping her hands onto her skirt. "My mothers going to have a fit about the dirt."

She looked at her hand, seeing a little blood oozing out. Instinctively, she brought her hand to her mouth and licked the blood away before looking back at him. "I'm sorry, l tripped. You okay?" She asked him before looking forward and holding the lantern high, seeing the cave had opened up quite a bit, giving her more then enough room to stand up.
Following her slowly as she moved through the small entrance. "It is fine dear child. It was unfortunate incident causing her departure. The only memories that remain are good ones of a life and love that once was." He begins reaching out his hand to touch her. " A companionship I hope someday to find again."

As she begins turning her head to look at him, he drops his hand. "I have been...." He stops speaking as he sees her fall. He swfitly knels down at her side and holds her arm helping her to sit up then sees the open wound on her hand and the slow trickle of blood coming out of it. As she turns her head looking into the cave the sight and smell off her fresh blood takes over him. His eyes darken and his teeth grow. He begins lifting her hand towards his mouth as she pulls her hand out of his and begins to stand up.

He follows her hand grasping it again while standing behind her knowing she can't see his changes with the light facing forward...."you are bleeding dear one" Then whispers..."just a taste."
As he grabbed her hand, she blushed, feeling a tingle go shooting through her body, until he mentioned the blood. Quickly, she tugged her hand out of his grip and looked down, embarrassed. "Why did l have to be so damn clumsy." "It's just a cut. It doesn't hurt." she mumbled as she balled her hand into atight fist, hiding the cut from him. "l can get it cleaned up when l get home."

Cassie made sure her gaze was on the ground now so she didn't fall again to make herself look any stupider in front of him. The first guy that actually likes and the second day she meets him she makes him think she can't walk straight. "Umm, anyway, so when have you been down here?" she asked, changing the subject as she listens to everything around her, hearing the slightest sound of water droplets.

"Is this a underground pool down here?" Cassie asked softly as she placed her hands onto the wall, feeling some moisture on it.