It is with regret I see our military expenses escalate as we prepare to attack our enemies abroad in the name of a War Against Terrorism.
As if taking control of this one countried amidst the hotbed of violent countries is going to change the threat of terrorist attack against us.
Meanwhile planning for smallpox vaccinations is pushed down from above with questionable importance that this irradicated disease would even be the biological weapon of the terrorists choice and yet there is no adequate funding for it.
States have recieved some funding for preparedness against terrorism but it is woefully short of dealing with the cost of the smallpox vaccination plans states are now getting ready to implement with the vaccinations of the first response teams.
The impact of this plan seems to be ignored amongst all the zealousness for war abroad.
Per the American Red Cross there is potential for decreased blood supply as vaccine recipients cannot donate blood for several weeks after recieving the vaccine. And lets not forget that those first responders and other health care workers who are in line to get vaccinated first are some of our most faithful donors.
Other costs will develop as a result: treatment of side effectsand complications associated with skin disease as a result, lost work hours, potential side effects to family members and, as the plans progress, the costs of setting up vaccination clinics.
Let's not forget also that initially these are voluntary vaccinations and therefore not covered under the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program.
If there is actually an outbreak of smallpox, emergency rooms and clinics will be swamped and helpless. (The vaccine takes five days to be effective, anyway.)
So while we prepare for this "War of Terrorism" with missiles and soldiers we leave our homeland ill prepared for this supposedly real threat.
Our healthcare system will crash if we truly have bio-terrorism here, with us as ill-prepared as ever. It will bog us down before any virus or chemical is ever released just with the ill-planning alone.
And this is just potential amongst many.
We should have learned that from our forgotten Anthrax attacks. Labs still have samples for testing they haven't been able to get after 7 months.
So I ask.....what is the point of preparing for war abroad when we are not even prepared at home?
We are sadly misdirected.
As if taking control of this one countried amidst the hotbed of violent countries is going to change the threat of terrorist attack against us.
Meanwhile planning for smallpox vaccinations is pushed down from above with questionable importance that this irradicated disease would even be the biological weapon of the terrorists choice and yet there is no adequate funding for it.
States have recieved some funding for preparedness against terrorism but it is woefully short of dealing with the cost of the smallpox vaccination plans states are now getting ready to implement with the vaccinations of the first response teams.
The impact of this plan seems to be ignored amongst all the zealousness for war abroad.
Per the American Red Cross there is potential for decreased blood supply as vaccine recipients cannot donate blood for several weeks after recieving the vaccine. And lets not forget that those first responders and other health care workers who are in line to get vaccinated first are some of our most faithful donors.
Other costs will develop as a result: treatment of side effectsand complications associated with skin disease as a result, lost work hours, potential side effects to family members and, as the plans progress, the costs of setting up vaccination clinics.
Let's not forget also that initially these are voluntary vaccinations and therefore not covered under the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program.
If there is actually an outbreak of smallpox, emergency rooms and clinics will be swamped and helpless. (The vaccine takes five days to be effective, anyway.)
So while we prepare for this "War of Terrorism" with missiles and soldiers we leave our homeland ill prepared for this supposedly real threat.
Our healthcare system will crash if we truly have bio-terrorism here, with us as ill-prepared as ever. It will bog us down before any virus or chemical is ever released just with the ill-planning alone.
And this is just potential amongst many.
We should have learned that from our forgotten Anthrax attacks. Labs still have samples for testing they haven't been able to get after 7 months.
So I ask.....what is the point of preparing for war abroad when we are not even prepared at home?
We are sadly misdirected.