The Rolling Stones on why Ginger Baker is going to die broke...

I saw Ginger perform here about 23 years ago, and he already looked like living proof of Life after Death.

But he sure could drum.
I saw Ginger perform here about 23 years ago, and he already looked like living proof of Life after Death.

But he sure could drum.

Who listens to a lot of Cream these days?

The list of talentless successes is lengthy while so many artists fall by the way-side.

Here's my new Miley emoticon --> :p
Who listens to a lot of Cream these days?

The list of talentless successes is lengthy while so many artists fall by the way-side.

Here's my new Miley emoticon --> :p

Well, there has always been what's good, and what sells. Just follow the Yellow Brick Road, right to the vault.

We can't discuss the opening line of 5:15 around here even . . . .

There may be a stimulus package today that needs movin', and Wat may be the guy. Waitin' for the phone to ring.
The Stones need to Start themselves up again, somebody Roll a Doobie for the boys.
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No, I'm still over here, and I've already had breakfast . . . or what's going to pass for breakfast.

I wonder if Laurel would change my user name to Hell, or if I'd have to re-inroll?

She hates me. I should just be thankful that I don't love spam or something.

Spam eggs bacon and spam . . . it hasn't got much spam in it.
I can imagine how that conversation will go.

She's such a control freak.

He could sell his drumming as a cure for constipation.

I bet that could draw a hater-fly.

Off to see a weasel . . . .