The Rise of the American Fascista

I don't even know where to start with the bogusity of this.

"Blood and soil" is the direct opposite of the cosmopolitan, multi-national, Davos/Aspen, neoliberal, high-tech, offshoring/outsourcing, culturally tolerant culture of our ruling elites.
The only "fascism" in America today is homofascism, and that's only a slur which is a play on the ridiculous term "Islamofascism" the Zionists started jabbering about a few years ago.

What exactly was "fascism"? In Europe it was simply a revolutionary opposition to Communism and liberalism. There really never was such a thing as "fascism" outside of the specifically Italian ideology and party which the term derives from.

People need to stop blathering about "fascism" all the time. There are plenty of things to be worried about, but "fascism" isn't one of them. Its not a modern concern at all.
People need to stop blathering about "fascism" all the time. There are plenty of things to be worried about, but "fascism" isn't one of them. Its not a modern concern at all.

If it is not a modern concern and not something to be worried about, then maybe it is time to change your sig
In its pure form fascists are monarchists. The king, queen, prince, emperor, or dictator rules the nation. Stalin, Hitler, Franco, Mussolini, FDR were monarchs regardless of what they called themselves.

Can you name one economy that's a free market? I cant think of any.

Every market that ever was, was controlled by some individual or cartel. Talk of a free market is blabber when no such animal ever existed. What exists is legal theft: You produce something, and the dictator or cartel takes it.

Constructs like supply & demand are happy thoughts, but the real balancing act is between production & theft. If you steal too much people stop producing and start stealing, too. That is, they smuggle and operate black markets and avoid the official thieves.
What exactly was "fascism"? In Europe it was simply a revolutionary opposition to Communism and liberalism. There really never was such a thing as "fascism" outside of the specifically Italian ideology and party which the term derives from.

have you ever read..... a book?
Funny how when people called Bush a fascist the right wing went crazy with denials.

And American Exceptionalism, at it's core, is a nationalistic and the belief of the right wing.

Funny how that works, isn't it?
Fascism is an political ideology that can be defined in several defining movements. It has become associated with totalitarian, usually extreme right wing governments, it is anti democratic in its nature, and also usually has a strong leader at its center. It is usually defined by:

-A strong central leader or cartel, where the power almost entirely lies with them
-a strong series of ideological beliefs, that are very black and white. The Nazis were a prime example of this, with their racial theories, or a strongly dogmatic religion with a power structure like the Catholic Church
-A belief that the state has an almost unfettered right to intrude in people's lives; I am not talking the morons in the tea party claiming that about taxes, I am talking controlling almost all aspects of our lives, which includes spying, and also usually includes people's private lives. Put it this way, who is it that wants to censor the internet, wants to impose religious laws as civic law, and generally wants to tell people how to live? It usually isn't left wing governments. Note that not all right wing governments are fascist, jut saying that right wing extremists tend to believe fascistic notions
-Definitions of right and wrong are to be defined by the state, and if facts go against that, well, the facts are to be buried. The Church with Galileo is a good example, of the religious right trying to ban evolution being taught as science cause the bible tells the truth.

It is nothing new. The Catholic Church and the vatican are an example of a fascist government; the Nazis and Italian governments, the military juntas in South America, Dictators like Mubarek in Egypt, are classic examples of fascist power structures. Many absolute monarchies are fascist, the Saudi's today come to mind, but many kings of old were, too. j

We had an example of that in this country, Charles Coughlan and his followers were fundamentally fascist, and Huey Long most definitely was, he made no secret that if he got elected, he and his followers would have pulled a putsch and instituted a fascist government, and the America First movement was led by people who espoused fascist ideology. At the time FDR was elected, there were people in Congress ready to give him extraordinary powers, and he was planning a speech to give to the American Legion (that he never gave) that in effect said he was planning for the contingency of a military style coup.......none of them won out but they could have.

I also would be very, very careful of cycles, Arnold Toynbee made his name showing how history goes in cycles, how it is all predetermined and sold books because of it, a lot more than a boring professor normally would sell. The problem with those cycles is they usually fit facts to fit the theory; for example, 70 years ago we were in the middle of WWII, fighting fascism, when fascist forces in the US were broken when people realized what we were fighting. 80 years ago, maybe, but 70? That is fitting facts, like Italy surrendering, to try and make a case.

The real answer isn't in cycles, it is that while history doesn't repeat itself, human being do, we react to things the same way. When threats emerge, people are willing to subsume their rights to an ideology that seems to promise things, like the Nazis in Germany, or Long in the US. In the 1930's, communism also had a flowering, in response to the same bad times (I could argue that communism, despite the 'left' label, is not particularly distinguishable from fascism, the only key thing is communism puts central control on everything, while fascism retains private business with a jack-boot central government, both are oppressie and ideologically driven, though.
Someone please tell me that Vette didn't just post an article making a fairly good argument about how the rich are getting richer and squeezing out the poor little guy in many cases with the help of a government that isn't designed to break the rich.
I don't even know where to start with the bogusity of this.

"Blood and soil" is the direct opposite of the cosmopolitan, multi-national, Davos/Aspen, neoliberal, high-tech, offshoring/outsourcing, culturally tolerant culture of our ruling elites.

Its not the opposite of high tech at all. Nationalist governments (so-called "fascists") in the 20s and 30s, were all about technological advancement.

Even into the 1980s, most engineers were overwhelmingly conservative Republicans. Why that has changed in the past twentyfive years or so is a complex subject, but there's absolutely no inherent connection between technology and the rest of the crap you list.
Fascism is an political ideology that can be defined in several defining movements. It has become associated with totalitarian, usually extreme right wing governments, it is anti democratic in its nature, and also usually has a strong leader at its center. It is usually defined by:

-A strong central leader or cartel, where the power almost entirely lies with them
-a strong series of ideological beliefs, that are very black and white. The Nazis were a prime example of this, with their racial theories, or a strongly dogmatic religion with a power structure like the Catholic Church
-A belief that the state has an almost unfettered right to intrude in people's lives; I am not talking the morons in the tea party claiming that about taxes, I am talking controlling almost all aspects of our lives, which includes spying, and also usually includes people's private lives. Put it this way, who is it that wants to censor the internet, wants to impose religious laws as civic law, and generally wants to tell people how to live? It usually isn't left wing governments. Note that not all right wing governments are fascist, jut saying that right wing extremists tend to believe fascistic notions
-Definitions of right and wrong are to be defined by the state, and if facts go against that, well, the facts are to be buried. The Church with Galileo is a good example, of the religious right trying to ban evolution being taught as science cause the bible tells the truth.

It is nothing new. The Catholic Church and the vatican are an example of a fascist government; the Nazis and Italian governments, the military juntas in South America, Dictators like Mubarek in Egypt, are classic examples of fascist power structures. Many absolute monarchies are fascist, the Saudi's today come to mind, but many kings of old were, too. j

We had an example of that in this country, Charles Coughlan and his followers were fundamentally fascist, and Huey Long most definitely was, he made no secret that if he got elected, he and his followers would have pulled a putsch and instituted a fascist government, and the America First movement was led by people who espoused fascist ideology. At the time FDR was elected, there were people in Congress ready to give him extraordinary powers, and he was planning a speech to give to the American Legion (that he never gave) that in effect said he was planning for the contingency of a military style coup.......none of them won out but they could have.

I also would be very, very careful of cycles, Arnold Toynbee made his name showing how history goes in cycles, how it is all predetermined and sold books because of it, a lot more than a boring professor normally would sell. The problem with those cycles is they usually fit facts to fit the theory; for example, 70 years ago we were in the middle of WWII, fighting fascism, when fascist forces in the US were broken when people realized what we were fighting. 80 years ago, maybe, but 70? That is fitting facts, like Italy surrendering, to try and make a case.

The real answer isn't in cycles, it is that while history doesn't repeat itself, human being do, we react to things the same way. When threats emerge, people are willing to subsume their rights to an ideology that seems to promise things, like the Nazis in Germany, or Long in the US. In the 1930's, communism also had a flowering, in response to the same bad times (I could argue that communism, despite the 'left' label, is not particularly distinguishable from fascism, the only key thing is communism puts central control on everything, while fascism retains private business with a jack-boot central government, both are oppressie and ideologically driven, though.

As I said, there's no such thing as "fascism." Its a boogeyman term the neo-liberal / neo-conservative establishment uses to attack any policy it doesn't approve of.
Fascism is an political ideology that can be defined in several defining movements. It has become associated with totalitarian, usually extreme right wing governments, it is anti democratic in its nature, and also usually has a strong leader at its center. It is usually defined by:

-A strong central leader or cartel, where the power almost entirely lies with them
-a strong series of ideological beliefs, that are very black and white. The Nazis were a prime example of this, with their racial theories, or a strongly dogmatic religion with a power structure like the Catholic Church
-A belief that the state has an almost unfettered right to intrude in people's lives; I am not talking the morons in the tea party claiming that about taxes, I am talking controlling almost all aspects of our lives, which includes spying, and also usually includes people's private lives. Put it this way, who is it that wants to censor the internet, wants to impose religious laws as civic law, and generally wants to tell people how to live? It usually isn't left wing governments. Note that not all right wing governments are fascist, jut saying that right wing extremists tend to believe fascistic notions
-Definitions of right and wrong are to be defined by the state, and if facts go against that, well, the facts are to be buried. The Church with Galileo is a good example, of the religious right trying to ban evolution being taught as science cause the bible tells the truth.

It is nothing new. The Catholic Church and the vatican are an example of a fascist government; the Nazis and Italian governments, the military juntas in South America, Dictators like Mubarek in Egypt, are classic examples of fascist power structures. Many absolute monarchies are fascist, the Saudi's today come to mind, but many kings of old were, too. j

We had an example of that in this country, Charles Coughlan and his followers were fundamentally fascist, and Huey Long most definitely was, he made no secret that if he got elected, he and his followers would have pulled a putsch and instituted a fascist government, and the America First movement was led by people who espoused fascist ideology. At the time FDR was elected, there were people in Congress ready to give him extraordinary powers, and he was planning a speech to give to the American Legion (that he never gave) that in effect said he was planning for the contingency of a military style coup.......none of them won out but they could have.

I also would be very, very careful of cycles, Arnold Toynbee made his name showing how history goes in cycles, how it is all predetermined and sold books because of it, a lot more than a boring professor normally would sell. The problem with those cycles is they usually fit facts to fit the theory; for example, 70 years ago we were in the middle of WWII, fighting fascism, when fascist forces in the US were broken when people realized what we were fighting. 80 years ago, maybe, but 70? That is fitting facts, like Italy surrendering, to try and make a case.

The real answer isn't in cycles, it is that while history doesn't repeat itself, human being do, we react to things the same way. When threats emerge, people are willing to subsume their rights to an ideology that seems to promise things, like the Nazis in Germany, or Long in the US. In the 1930's, communism also had a flowering, in response to the same bad times (I could argue that communism, despite the 'left' label, is not particularly distinguishable from fascism, the only key thing is communism puts central control on everything, while fascism retains private business with a jack-boot central government, both are oppressie and ideologically driven, though.

Idiot. Lenin and Stalin allowed private enterprise thruout Russia. Do some reading about Armand Hammer and his father. The Russian government controlled many industries but allowed plenty of free enterprise. You could, for example, own and operate a hotel or restaurant or book store or bakery or tutor dolts like you.

Fascism isn't an economic system. Its absolute monarchism.
Idiot. Lenin and Stalin allowed private enterprise thruout Russia. Do some reading about Armand Hammer and his father. The Russian government controlled many industries but allowed plenty of free enterprise. You could, for example, own and operate a hotel or restaurant or book store or bakery or tutor dolts like you.

Fascism isn't an economic system. Its absolute monarchism.

Early in its existence the Soviet Union allowed private industry, but as time when on everything was state run, there was no such thing as private business (some places in the eastern block allowed that, but it wasn't true in RUssia). Armand Hammer and occidental petroleum had deals with the Russian oil industry, which was run by the government. There was no private ownership of business on a wide scale, not once stalin took over and concentrated power, it was pretty much absolute.

BTW, calling me idiot only makes you look stupid, if you can't argue a point without namecalling, all you are going to do is discredit yourself. Fascism isn't an economic system, but any government has to deal with the economy, and in fascist government while they believe in private industry, they also tend to pick and choose industries, if not to nationalize them, to support them, but for the most part it is private industry (as in Nazi Germany).
Someone please tell me that Vette didn't just post an article making a fairly good argument about how the rich are getting richer and squeezing out the poor little guy in many cases with the help of a government that isn't designed to break the rich.
Yep he did. Also an article slamming the idea of corporate welfare and public no bid contracts like the military industrial behemoth.

He (Or the C&P article) just ended it, with no real explanation why and how, with blaming it on "progressives".
I can not believe I read all this.

Sound like much horse shit.

Math to predict future events?

Why not use astrology?

Read tea leaves?

Here read palm but i just jerk off with it hahahaha.

Let us throw bones.

This is dumber then posts by Picaso Plumber.

Please excuse my laughter but it is ridiculous.
As I said, there's no such thing as "fascism." Its a boogeyman term the neo-liberal / neo-conservative establishment uses to attack any policy it doesn't approve of.

Except for homofascism. You know, the ones brainwashing people and ramming the gay agenda down your throat. :D
I can not believe I read all this.

Sound like much horse shit.

Math to predict future events?

Why not use astrology?

Read tea leaves?

Here read palm but i just jerk off with it hahahaha.

Let us throw bones.

This is dumber then posts by Picaso Plumber.

Please excuse my laughter but it is ridiculous.

I agree that math is not the tool required here, just Sociology and History...
Early in its existence the Soviet Union allowed private industry, but as time when on everything was state run, there was no such thing as private business (some places in the eastern block allowed that, but it wasn't true in RUssia). Armand Hammer and occidental petroleum had deals with the Russian oil industry, which was run by the government. There was no private ownership of business on a wide scale, not once stalin took over and concentrated power, it was pretty much absolute.

BTW, calling me idiot only makes you look stupid, if you can't argue a point without namecalling, all you are going to do is discredit yourself. Fascism isn't an economic system, but any government has to deal with the economy, and in fascist government while they believe in private industry, they also tend to pick and choose industries, if not to nationalize them, to support them, but for the most part it is private industry (as in Nazi Germany).

Fascism is a form of Interventionism (Mises) which is the backbone of all Socialisms which differ only in the type and degree of the positive interference of government (von Humboldt) upon the factors of production and division of labor.
Yep he did. Also an article slamming the idea of corporate welfare and public no bid contracts like the military industrial behemoth.

He (Or the C&P article) just ended it, with no real explanation why and how, with blaming it on "progressives".

Even though Progressives/liberals are fairly consistently against that shit? I suppose you can argue it to a point but it doesn't hold up for very long.