The Real Reason for Self-Checkout Bans


Literotica Guru
Mar 22, 2020
The recent wave of headlines about shoplifting and retail theft, accompanied by viral videos of people brazenly walking out of stores with stolen goods, has captured the attention of the media and politicians. The tough-on-crime crowd has advocated for a crackdown on shoplifters through more aggressive prosecution and harsher penalties. Others have emphasized the need for rehabilitation for offenders.

One group of progressive California lawmakers claims to have found an even better solution: banning self-checkout machines from stores in the name of fighting crime. In reality, this "anti-crime" bill is nothing more than naked protectionism for union jobs.

The proposed legislation would prohibit groceries and other retail stores from using self-checkout machines unless a host of conditions are met. These include having at least one staffed employee for every two self-checkout machines (and the employee must be exempt from any other duties), only permitting the machines to be used by shoppers with 10 items or fewer, and ensuring at least one regular cashier lane is also available at all times.
I like the self check out machines. That's one less person touching my groceries and I do it far faster than most check out clerks I've dealt with.
The recent wave of headlines about shoplifting and retail theft, accompanied by viral videos of people brazenly walking out of stores with stolen goods, has captured the attention of the media and politicians. The tough-on-crime crowd has advocated for a crackdown on shoplifters through more aggressive prosecution and harsher penalties. Others have emphasized the need for rehabilitation for offenders.

One group of progressive California lawmakers claims to have found an even better solution: banning self-checkout machines from stores in the name of fighting crime. In reality, this "anti-crime" bill is nothing more than naked protectionism for union jobs.

The proposed legislation would prohibit groceries and other retail stores from using self-checkout machines unless a host of conditions are met. These include having at least one staffed employee for every two self-checkout machines (and the employee must be exempt from any other duties), only permitting the machines to be used by shoppers with 10 items or fewer, and ensuring at least one regular cashier lane is also available at all times.
Why do you hate it when Americans have jobs?
I like the self check out machines. That's one less person touching my groceries and I do it far faster than most check out clerks I've dealt with.
I've seen the opposite. People take their sweet time searching for the bar code, then scanning is slowly and then slowly observe the screen to see if it scanned. Then place it in the bag, oh, wait, this bag,oh wait, no, this bag, wait, this bag....🙄

Conversely the Germans will riffle through your shit on that check out belt faster than 3 of you on meth. "Hallo!" at a grocery check out here is the most passive aggressive thing ever spoken. You're about to be near traumatized.
I only go to a supermarket perhaps twice a year - nearest is 230 km + from home. I have never done self check out.
My supermarket gives you your own 'gun' to scan as you shop. When you're done you just pay, a single transaction that takes seconds. It's brilliant, no queues at all.
Plus I don't have to talk to anyone IRL.
I like self checkout because I don't feel rushed to pay quickly. I can take the time to pay an exact amount with coins. I don't worry about the corporate wage slave job, since big stores are struggling to hire. They usually have a couple cashiers and many closed checkout lanes. Later all the big stores will die out.