The power of love (A Star Wars tale)


Literotica Guru
Aug 1, 2011

As a child on Eshan, Aima loved listening to her father sing folk-hymns about ancient echanian heroes. The haunting melodies transported her to a long-forgotten time, when good won over evil. When love was more powerful than hate. Yet, the Sith, seemed to disprove those memories. They conquered more and more worlds, disrupting the force and the balance in the galaxy.

Aima watched in frustration as, time and again, Sith's army swiftly conquered more worlds. Most disturbing, Sith had discovered the secrets of dark force and use them expand their empire.

Even though Aima and others like her urged her people to join the fight, the Echani instead only helped protect the republic. They tried to negotiate with the Sith, but would not protect the outer worlds.

Thus, Aima became a freedom fighter. The time for negotiation was over. Aima was determined to use her lethal skills to defend the outer planets. She attacked some of the most fortified strongholds and left a trail of bodies in her wake, she earned the nickname “White Death”. Her dedication to the cause was unmatched, as she focused only on the next mission, and the next step toward freedom for these worlds. Though she cherished her rebel allies, she usually acted alone, believing she could do the job better than any other.

But then she would meet a smuggler, who would change her life forever.

Present Day of Kessel

Aima had her doubts about her latest plan as she walked toward the local bar, P2-08. It was just before 1 am in the morning, a light rain was falling. She wore a rain poncho that kept her dry and safe. Safe, because Kesselstone was mined on the planet Kessel. Kesselstone was ground into powder, which was then used by criminals to create a powerful narcotic. The mining operations released toxins into Kessel's atmosphere. The rain brought the toxin back to the surface of the planet.

This rain made the northern hemisphere of Kessel barren. No mining was permitted in the southern hemisphere of the planet and it remained a lush reminder of what the planet should look like.

The bar, P2-08, was a dump. Amia thought it was a stupid name too, "Pee-too or ate". But the place did have good drinks, and food you could keep down. That was a plus. She entered the bar and looked around.

The counter was greasy and the floor had not been swept in days, maybe all week. Old papers, empty glasses, half eaten food littered the tables. The few people in the place were drowning themselves in alcohol. A couple of pilots... or smugglers, were talking about business in hushed tones in one corner.

She ordered a glass Corellian rum and made her way to a dark corner. She cleaned off the table, moving the dirty glasses to another table and took a seat. She removed her rain poncho, but continued to wear a hooded cloak. She was carrying a combat knife, laser blaster and her light saber. The thick cloak covered all of her weapons. Display of weapons on Kessel was not illegal, but her light saber was a problem. The Sith hunted down anyone using that weapon.

“I hope this smuggler is not a piece of shit.” Amia whispered to herself as she popped open her comlink and looked for messages. She found nothing. Then the door to P2-08 opened, letting in rain, wind, and a few scraps of discarded newspaper and ….
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Just another job. Just another job. That's what I thought as the Outlander exited hyperspace over the mining planet, Kessel. On board with me were over 30 cases of 'contraband' a man on the planet had paid for, it was my job to ensure that it would arrive. He was paying handsomely for it and chose me because-I didn't ask questions.

I wasn't blind to what was happening in the galaxy. Sith were spreading, taking everyone in their path. The Republic only cared for those in their systems. Everyone else was on their own. It was those people that were my clients. They needed many things and I was the man to bring it in. Came close many times in getting caught, but never was. The Outlander was specially modified, able to make .5 past light-speed and other such things I kept secret so it would be a surprise when they were unleashed.

Entering the toxic atmosphere, my ship was hailed by their controller, demanding the pass-code. When it was given, I was directed to land in Bay 23. Squeezing the Outlander into the circular bay, engines shut down, and the offloading process would begin. Looking out the cockpit, there was my customer-Yula Gott, a tall and muscular man with dark complexion, soft black hair and a tan outfit with black leather boots. Gott ran a 'protection' company, and I'm willing to bet that what's in the cases were his next cache of weapons.

Lowering the loading ramp and disembarking, I walked up to Gott who was all smiles. "Welcome!" outstretching his hands. "Any troubles?"

"No troubles" shaking my head slightly. "In and out" gesturing with a thumb over my shoulder.

Nodding in approval, Gott turned and gave out orders in another language to his men who stepped forward and started removing the crates. That was it. I upheld my end of the bargain, now came payment. From his waist belt, Gott produced a leather sac, heft it several times in front of me before tossing it over. It was heavy. Opening the drawstring and reaching inside, there was golden coins with Republic markings.

"What's this?" I asked, holding it up one of them.

"Republic Credits" Gott replied.

Shaking my head, I slammed the credit onto a passing crate. "These are only good in the Republic! Not here. I was promised 10,000 Wupiupi." The man pushing it tried to keep going but I held fast to the crate.

Scoffing at this, Gott placed his hands on his hips, "Times are tough, my friend."

"I know they're tough," I replied. "It's what keeps me in business. I upheld my part of the deal and was promised 10,000 Wupiupi." As I spoke, one of Gott's men stepped forward with a growl, only to be drawn upon by my blaster. "I either get my 10,000, or I keep the crates until I'm paid. I know there are some people around here that would pay much more than 10,000 for what's in here."

Gott burst into laughter, "You have guts, man. Maybe not brains, but you certainly have guts." Turning to another henchman, he said something in Huttese and several leather bags were tossed to me. Opening it up one, there were the Golden Wupiupi. Now I can pay to get my ship repaired.

"They're all yours" I replied, scooping up the bags, turning and walking back to the Outlander to secure them on board.

"You know, if you're looking for another job, I think I have one for you" Gott called out as his men carted off the crates. Stopping and turning about, he knew I was hooked. "There's a woman, Aima, she's over at the P2-08. She's been looking for a man with your kind of talents."

"What does she need?" I asked.

"She won't say. It's a 'need to know' basis. I figured you would accept it, so I told her you were coming." Gott whispered.

Thinking on it for a moment, sounded too good to be true. Didn't hurt to see for myself. Securing my earnings except a handful in my pocket, the Outlander was secured and I stepped out of the bay with a poncho wrapped around my body and head as the rain came down heavily on me. There was a blaster on my hip and two thermal detonators were on my belt should a hasty exit be necessary. May need them. This was seedy. Woman openly flirted as I went by, promising me a good time. In the alleyways, they had their other clients, willing to do anything for a few credits.

Coming upon the cantina and looking it over, the place was a dump. Perhaps this wasn't a good idea. Part of me said to walk away, another part said to go in. 10,000 Wupiupi wouldn't last long. Drawing a breath, I stepped forward and the door slid open. A few eyes met me then turned away. Calmly walking over the trash to the bar, the bartender asked what I wanted, "Something dark" I replied. He filled a cup in a rich ale. Taking the cup and looking back, two people were talking in the corner, looking at me out of the corner of their eyes. That wasn't Aima, I thought. Instead, my eyes fell onto a figure, wrapped in a poncho, hiding in the shadows of a corner. There was just something drawing me that way.

Cup in hand, I walked towards the figure until just a few feet away, "You look like you're waiting for someone. Gott sent me."


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Aima gave the smuggler a good look. He was handsome in a roguish way. He looked capable and skilled. Certainly, the word on the street was he was one of the best.

“Have a seat” She said with a smiled and raised her rum glass. She pulled back her cloak hood to reveal her beautiful face. Their eyes locked… both looking to see if each could trust the other.

Aima was born on Eshan. In Echani culture it is believed that to know someone fully, you must fight them. Echani fighting was not only self-defense, but a form of self-expression, a means of communication similar to art. To truly know this smuggler, Aima would need to watch him fight… or fight him. Until then, she would learn as much about him from the way he stood and how he took his seat.

She watched him take the seat. Relaxed but direct. Businesslike she would say. He also was not distracted by her looks. She was glad to see that as well. Too many of these smugglers thought of themselves as romantic figures. As he took the seat at her table, she smiled at him.

“Aima” Aima said introducing herself. They shook hands.

“Biggs” He replied.

“I’m glad you can help me out. It is a simple job. I have some sensitive cargo. It needs transport to Nar Shadaa. I prefer not to die in the Akkadese Maelstrom or become entangled with any Sith units. I’ll pay in credits. If my transaction on Nar Shadaa is successful, I might have a follow-on need for your services.” Aima explained. “How does that sound?” she asked him. Aima had not told the man what her cargo was. It was implied. They were at a major spice mining operation. He was a smart smuggler; he would figure out, she had a load of spice she needed to transport. Too bad, that conclusion would be totally wrong.
Looking at Aima, I was trying to read the face. Showing herself, that long silver hair, nice face and based on her clothing, she could pay what she was offering. Many clients were nervous, deceptive, some were Sith agents. A lot have tried to underhand me or stab me in the back. I wasn't getting that feeling from her, and I also knew not to ask questions. 'Smuggler's Moon' I thought, hadn't been there in years, and there's a reason for it. The planet was a haven for smugglers, bounty hunters, and the other scum of the galaxy. For someone like me, it would be a safe place to lay low for awhile. Not for me. Too dangerous. Too many people looking to slit your throat and take your cargo.

I thought of myself as a good pilot, not an excellent one, though I could navigate around the maelstrom. If she was willing to go through there to reach Smuggler's Moon, while avoiding Sith, then she was certainly someone on a mission and those that were on missions were willing to pay big. 'Don't get cocky' my mind, my experience was telling me. Giving off the impression of arrogance draws negative attention.

She was willing to pay in credits but the subject of how much was brought up just yet, I was still trying to read her. Nice face, nice body, clothes showed she had money, and the way she was carrying herself said she was being up front. There was a good feeling about this. "I'm sure I can get you to where you're needing, Aima," taking another sip from my mug. Leaning back in the seat, one hand on the mug, I drew a breath. My body was still tight from flying for many cycles and having no time for a rest. "I'm in Bay-23. You can bring your cargo there and I'll load it on board. I'll also make room for you. Normally I don't take passengers" giving a chuckle.

Out of the corner of my eye, the door to the cantina slid open. In from the toxic surface came two cloaked figures. They approached the bar and knocked on it, demanding drinks. Giving them a look, I looked back at Aima, but before I could speak the door opened again and a third figure entered, this one going towards the booth next to the two other pilots that were there when I arrived. This figure stood out, they just went to the table and sat there, no words. No drinks.

I was getting that uneasy feeling.

Aima was surprised the smuggler did not normally take passengers. People needing transport was good work if you could find it, but there were disadvantages. As she thought of all the pros, and cons, it made some sense to her why he did not like to transporting people.

Aima downed her drink. She was happy that Biggs was willing to transport the cargo and did not seem interested in stealing it for himself. Aima stood up and offers her hand to Biggs as she looks into his eyes with a smile. He took her hand and stood up as well.

“I think this will be a profitable arrangement in many ways” Aima stated with a small naughty look on her face. Aima trained eyes followed the various men entering the bar. Her senses told her they were going to be trouble.

“Friends?” Aima asked Biggs.
Looking at these people from the corner of my eye, they weren't familiar to me. "Never seen them before" whispering. That was a bit too high. As soon as my words left my lips, they turned their heads at us at the same time and a cold sensation rolled through my body. I knew that look, that was the look of-we found you.

They stood up and my right hand fell to my side where my blaster was holstered. Don't go for it, yet, I thought. There's three of them, two of us. They were armed with their own blasters. Not knowing the capabilities of Aima, there was only my own skills to handle this situation.

One at the bar stood up, wearing a soiled yellow flight suit under that poncho. It was a human, a dirty one with a sneer on his lips and black leather gloves. Taking a few steps towards us he paused and stabbed a finger at me, "You! You the pilot that just came here?"

Sarcasm right now is not the best idea, but I just couldn't resist making a snarky remark at this...guy. "No, actually. You are the pilots that just came in." And just like that, the other two stood up in unison and joined their comrade. The other at the bar was a woman, her face largely concealed behind her wet poncho, just a single red eye glowing in the shadow. The other, the one at the booth, was a larger creature, one I wasn't familiar with. Certainly not human and probably the muscle of the group.

"You!" said their leader, slowly. "I saw your ship. I want it, and the credits on board."

"You can't have it" I replied bluntly. "The ship is mine and there are no credits on board." That's technically true as I didn't get credits-I received Wupiupi."

Not catching on to the smartass remark and figuring I was just plain lying to them, their leader grabbed one of the tables and threw it towards us in one fluid motion. He was a strong character. Natural instinct was to dodge, with my left hand I pushed Aima away and with the other I drew my blaster and dived to the right, firing quickly.


Several laser bolts left my blaster in a wild fashion. Most likely I didn't hit anything. It was just to scare these goons, probably bounty hunters. That got me to thinking, was there a contract on my head? If so, from who? Nothing in the databases said anything about someone coming after me. Were the crates I delivered worth more than 10,000 Wupiupi?

When I fired and dived, that creature with the muscles grabbed another table beside him and held it up as a shield that took two of my bolts before hefting it over his head and throwing at me with great strength that came crashing at me with a crack.

"J'va!" said the one in the yellow flight suit, "Get him and rip his arms out. Muttawa! Get that one!" stabbing a finger at Aima. That bounty hunter woman turned at her hips and went lunging for Aima with a leap. Just out of reflex I grabbed a chair with one hand and sent it flying and it struck Muttawa in the side and knocked her down. Nothing serious but it ended her charge.

With a roar, J'va came running towards me, slapping aside other tables and chairs. The poor owner was cowering behind his bar, pleading for no violence because-who was going to come and end the fighting? No one.

Aima watched as the attackers and Biggs engaged in combat. The attacker’s leader was human that was clear. The man wore a yellow, dirty, flight suit. The woman with the glowing red eye was most likely, Chiss. The Chiss were a blue-skinned, near-human sentient species that possessed red glowing eyes and dark blue hair. The woman was covered up, so Aima could not be sure. Also Chiss have two eyes, so only one eye was a puzzle. She might also be a killer droid, but Aima was pretty sure, she was organic.

The huge muscled creature was a Gamorrean. They were a sentient species with green-skin, pig-like faces. They hailed from the Outer Rim planet of Gamorr. Gamorrean were employed by crime lords as enforcers. They were not too smart, but big and strong. Aima was worried, about Biggs, a Gamorrean could tear him apart, but she wanted to watch him fight. This would tell her what kind of man he was.

His skill, use of the café tables and chairs, and his care for himself as well as her were all on display. The fight had told her what she needed to know. He was brave, clever, and had a good heart. With that out of the way, she let out a throaty purr of laughter.

“What you failed to realize is that I am a Sublime Warrior of the Eshan Monasteries. You picked the wrong person to attack!” Aima bounced over to the red eye woman, who was picking herself off the ground and slammed a fist into her face. The woman crashed against the café wall and was out. Aima gleefully spun toward the yellow flight suited human. Had Biggs been able to watch, her strikes, footing and moves were meticulously and measured … although there was a wildness and recklessness that shone through her fighting art form, it was beautiful to watch.

The other thing Biggs could have seen was Aima had a voluptuous and ravishing figure, taut and toned from a life of battle and training. She fought with little armor, preferring speed and agility over protection, which allowed Biggs to see her beauty as well. As her cloak flew open from her spin, her light saber and blaster, were visible for a second.

Aima’s long sexy leg, clad in the skin tight combat suit, delivered a powerful blow, into the human’s stomach, knocking the wind out of him and sending him flying to the front wall of the café. The man appeared to be out of the fight. But as Aima turned to help Biggs she heard the man yell "DIE BITCH”

He pulled out a rapid-fire blaster and open fired at Aima. Aima dove for cover as a rapid succession of laser bolts blasted the cafe! Table and chair exploded everywhere!
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"No! No!" screamed the cowering bartender as his place came apart. No one heeded his pleas. Laser bolts sliced through the interior and the two other pilots that were there before us were struck in the chest and knocked down. Couldn't tell if they were dead or not. That wasn't my problem at the moment. This guy needed to be taken down.

Reaching for the blaster pistol from my hip and drawing down on the guy, I squeezed off one quick shot with no aim. It was just to get his attention and draw fire away from Aima. How were we gonna get out of here? The only way out was the door we came in and these things were between us and the door. Probably couldn't kill all three, maybe disable or stun them enough to make a run for it. Had to be quick, they may have friends outside.

A firm squeeze and my blaster pistol fired, Taweeep! a red bolt slicing through the interior and, to my surprise, struck the guy's shooting hand, making him drop his weapon. Grabbing his injured wrist, the guy turned towards me with a growl.

"You dare to shoot at me?!" he yelled in surprise.

"Sure do!" I smirked and fired three times in rapid succession from the hip. First one went over his right shoulder and the second over his left. The third grazed the left side of his neck, drawing blood.

"You fool!" the Chiss yelled. At that moment J'va recovered and grabbed me by the back of the neck and hoisted me up, ripping the blaster from my hand. He fully intended to rip my arms out. Nope. Not going for that. I reached for the blade I have hidden in the left cuff of my jacket and slashed away, getting J'va's arm and drawing blood. He let go and sent me crashing to the ground. "Damn it!" the Chiss yelled. "Get him! Don't let him get away!" as I snatched up my blaster, rolled away and fired two shots that struck J'va in both his ankles and he fell. "Come here, you little worm!" the Chiss yelled, kicking away a chair to get to me, still holding his injured wrist. He wasn't intimidated by the fact I had a blaster drawn on him. Either it was incredibly brave or incredibly stupid to realize the danger, maybe both.

I fired. I kept firing as the laser bolts struck the Chiss from the knees up. His yellow flight suit, pierced multiple times, began to burn. He took it all and still kept coming. This was the first time facing a Chiss and they were, well, pretty strong by the looks of them. Undaunted, I kept firing, my bolts going high until they struck his head three times. Only then did it seem to have an effect, the Chiss fell to its knees.

There was an opening. Aima and that female assassin/bounty hunter were still grappling, my client was showing a great deal of skill as she flew around like a dancer, the moves seemed to flow like water. "Get out!" I called to Aima as she battled, pointing at the door. Blaster in hand, I jumped over the doubled over Chiss and booked it for the door, but ensured that Aima was the first out that way I knew she got out.
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Once the laser fire stopped, Aima got back up off the floor and dusted herself off.

“The laser blasts didn’t kill me, but whatever is on this disgusting floor probably will.” She commented. Biggs was handling the two male attackers, so she looked over to see what the female assassin was doing. The woman had recovered from the knockout punch and had a blaster pointed at Aima.

“Game Over” the woman stated and fired. Aima spun away from the laser blast so quickly, the woman almost did not see her actions. Suddenly, the woman was wrestling with Aima for control of her own blaster.

“As I warned you” Aima stated almost calmly, “You are fighting a Sublime Warrior of the Eshan Monasteries… you need to bring a lot more people next time!” Aima suggested as she twisted and pulled the blaster away from the assassin. She flipped the weapon around and fired. The laser shot blew the woman’s arm off.

“Now… I have disarmed you!” Aima joked. The woman screamed in pain, clutching the stub of of her arm. She slumped to the floor. “The medical facility on 2nd street can re-attach your arm… just make sure they disinfect it first. This floor is disgusting!” Aima remarked as she ran out of P2-08 bar. Before she got through the bar’s front door, she flicked a credit chip at the bartender “For the damages and your forgetfulness about what happened here.”

Then she outside in the toxin rain. She quickly pulled her cloak over her head. She saw Biggs there waiting. “I’ll meet you in 10 mins at your ship in Bay-23 as agreed” She told him and went off in a run to get her cargo.

10 minutes later

Aima entered bay 23. She had a small backpack with her gear and a large bag with her cargo. When she saw the Outlander in the bay she stopped to look the ship over.

“Nice ship” She said to herself. “Well maintained” She figured Biggs was quite skilled as a pilot and knew his ship. Both things she liked. She walked over to the entrance ramp and called out. “Biggs… I’m here. Can I come aboard?”
I was in the cockpit, going over the computer readouts when Aima's voice was heard. "Come on in!" I yelled out, unable to leave my seat. The computer was in need of a software update. The star charts were not up to date. No danger in my travel but if I didn't do it as I was suppose to, it could lead to some unforgiving meet ups. The fight lingered in my mind. Certainly I was being stalked. 10,000 Wupiupi goes a long way in a backwater place like Kessel. It got me to thinking, was Gott in on it? He and his goons were the only ones that knew of the meetup and those three freaks at the cantina knew about it. Hmmm. Maybe I was reading too much into it. Gott has been a frequent and well-paying customer. It would be unusual for him to throw someone as reliable as myself into the pits.

In those ten minutes between our departure and her arrival the Outlander was refueled and inventory restocked. Kessel was many things and you can get them for the right amount of credits.

Going up the ramp into the bowels of the ship, the inside was just as clean as the outside. "Oh, hello!" a voice called out. Aima jerked her head to the left to see a tall, silver colored humanoid droid with large yellow eyes. "I am C-1138, a protocol droid." His voice was chipper but his face was solid, eyes never blinking and a small mouth that was a horizontal slit about 3 inches wide. "You must be our passenger. How delightful. A pleasure to see new faces. If you would hand over your bags and cargo, I'll secure them. The captain is in the cockpit doing the final checks before we depart. Oh, and the captain has made our guest quarters available to you. We almost never have any other people on board. This is a wonderful change of pace!"

The door to the cockpit slid open, my head cocked around to see Aima's slender figure standing there as her eyes cast about the interior, deck to ceiling of lights, switches, buttons, and more. "Glad you could make it" I smiled. "Come on in. Have a seat" patting the padded swivel chair beside me.

"Captain, I have secured the cargo in the hold, released the fuel hoses, and raised the ramp" C-1138's voice spoke through the cockpit's speakers.

"Allright, buddy. We're good to go. Let's get out of here."

The engine for the Outlander began to hum as white light escaped out the rear vents. My eyes looked over the control panel, everything looked good until I noticed movement out of the corner of my eye to the right. "We got friends!" I yelled. Here came two of the freaks from the cantina, the woman was missing. In her place came five more brutes all with blasters firing and J'va screaming as he stabbed a finger as us, "GET HIM!"

"Hold on to your seat!" speaking to Aima as the throttle was pushed forward and the Outlander jumped into the putrid atmosphere. Red laser bolts sliced around us. A few hit. No damage. The armor of this baby was good enough to absorb hand blasters.

Aima slipped into the co-pilot seat and watched as Biggs went through the ship’s system checks. Everything was ready for take-off when the people they had fought in the Cantina showed up again. Biggs handled the situation smoothly with an expedited launch. They were speeding away from the surface, and the troublemakers, in no time.

“Well, since I met you, I have been attacked twice. Should I get use to this?” Aima asked. Knowing she was going to get a roguish reply.

“Yes” Biggs said back with a naughty grin on his face and a twinkle in his eye. Aima looked away. She did not want to get to know this man. She worked alone. She had learned that was best. She thought back to when she first started out being a resistance fighter. She was working with a young female Twi'lek named Cidnipi. It had not worked out well. Cidnipi was a shrewd and effective agent. But in the end, she talked too much and blew their cover. After getting caught, she double crossed Aima. Aima escaped, and parted ways with Cidnipi. It was nothing dramatic, Aima just cut her head off with her light saber.

Aima eyes were on the co-pilot control station and noticed several additional buttons on the weapon’s panel. She would ask about them later. She also saw the alluvial damper to the primary hyperdrive was slightly out of alignment.

“Your damper needs alignment” Aima said changing the subject. The damper was used to control the power flow to the drive and was important.

“You know your way around a transport ship. The damper is fine, the indicator needs alignment.” Biggs explained. Aima knew enough about transports to get by. But she was no pilot. You needed a pilot especially if you were going to fly through the Akkadese Maelstrom. Aima watched as they got further and further away from the planet's surface. It was prettier from space than on the surface. At least the hemisphere she had been on.

“Time for more trust and openness” Aima thought as she took off her cloak. She pushed back her long white silky hair. Men had told her; she had a strikingly beautiful and sexy face. She also had a voluptuous and ravenous figure. Her tight silver space suit showed Biggs her flowing breasts, her sexy thin waist, and her beautiful legs. But what he would notice most of all, would be the light saber hanging from her belt. He would wonder if she was a Jedi or not. In some ways, it really did not matter, if she was a Jedi or not. The Sith hunted anyone wearing a light saber.

The attack in the bar had been dangerous. The one in the space dock, could have been dangerous if they had not been so ready to take off. Biggs thought these people were after him. But there was a real possibility they were after her. She earned the nickname “White Death” and the Sith might have sent those people to kill her. This mission would require her and Biggs to work together. She did not like it, but it was required. He deserved to know what weapon she had, and the attention it brought. If he could not handle that… then she would just need to cut his head off.

“Seriously, any idea who those people were? and why they were trying to stop your ship?” Aima asked.
Thinking for just a moment, I didn't feel like she, this stranger and a passenger, needed to know my every business. What she did know was, I was a smuggler and she wanted to get from Point A to Point B. Then again, she was a big help with the cantina fight. She certainly possessed a skill that was above par for most of the people he's encountered. They were going to run into more trouble along the way, that was a guarantee. If we were going to get out of this together, and I get my pay, then there had to be a level of trust.

"Long story short" I replied with a sigh and leaned back in my captain's chair, "I finished a job and didn't like the pay. So I had a spat with my client. I was promised a certain fee and he was going to low cut me, so I held onto the cargo until I got it. I did get my pay, but client didn't like because I openly challenged him. He's got a lot of goons that would like to take what I have, both the pay and my ship" tapping the console with one hand. "I got this baby in a game of Sabacc. Was down to my last credit, won with an Idiot's Array" a strong smile hung on my face, savoring that memory of slamming that hand onto the table and watching the other players rise and stare at in disbelief. After a pause, "It led to a fight. The Outlander's previous owner called me a cheater tried to rip my arms off."

"What stopped it?" Aima asked.

"I don't know. Probably the alcohol. The guy couldn't stand up straight and fell over after a few seconds. I grabbed my winnings and ran, didn't look back."

"How old were you?" Aima asked again.

"Eighteen. Homeless. No friends. No job. No...nothing" those warm memories bled away and brought me back to where I was. One of the lights on the console came on and I pushed it to just keep myself amused. I could feel Aima's eyes looking me over, judging me. "If you'd like, your cabin has a shower and a refresher there just for you. 1138 will make sure that you're comfortable. It'll be awhile under we reach our destination."

"Eighteen. Homeless. No friends. No job. No... nothing" Biggs told her. Aima felt a strange connection to Biggs. She had been, where he had been. Homeless, no friends, and no job. She, however, never felt “nothing”. She had herself and her fighting abilities to rely on. She wanted to tell him, that he could always turn to himself when there was nothing else.

“A shower and refreshments sound nice, but” Aima replied. “First, I’m going to break one of my rules, and provide you a small piece of personal information about myself.” Aima said with a smile on her face.

“I have been where you have been; Homeless. No friends. No job” Aima explained. “I turned that all around. Kind of like you have done with this ship and your smuggling”

“I’m a simple entrepreneur involved in trade.” Biggs joked back, using his standard cover story.

“There is nothing “simple” about you, Biggs. So that is pure Druk!” Aima fired back. “You have a reputation and it is a good one. You have skill and smarts. What you lack is a purpose bigger than yourself. A cause you can believe in.”

“Now you sound like a preacher” Biggs replied.

“I’m not a preacher” Aima replied. “But I do believe in something. The galaxy is full of many interesting and amazing things. Perhaps one day, I can share with you what I know and believe.” Aima said as she got up from the co-pilot chair.

“I think that is enough sharing for now. I’ll take that shower” Aima stated and walked back to the guest quarters. She entered the room and placed her bag of gear on the bed and sat next to it. She needed a few moments to think. What was she doing? Why did she say those things to Biggs? She looked around the room. It was nice. It was not what she was use to or accustom to. She ran her fingers over the soft sheets.

Was she trying to recruit Biggs to join the fight against the Sith? Or was she lonely and looking for a partner? She stood back up and stripped out of her clothing.

“Take a shower and stop thinking” She said to herself as she turned on the water and started her shower.
Given time to think about things sitting alone in the cockpit, was that what troubled me, not thinking about something better-a cause? I thought my cause was to be a smuggler and get shipments from one place to another. That was a cause, maybe a simple one. I was chasing after the next pay day and each shipment had its unique problems. There were sectors to avoid. Sectors to use. Sectors that were unknown.

The computer plotted the course and we were off. Still I was sitting and pondering, my thoughts were interrupted by 1138, "Sir, our guest is feeling well at home!" he chirped.

"Thank you, buddy. How's the ship?" I asked looking back at him standing in the doorway.

"She is doing rather well" 1138 replied. "Though I do believe that she is in need of a proper refit soon. Much of her joints are in need of replacing."

He was always right about these things. 1138 could read the ship inside and out, better than I could. That just raised another question, where to go? It had to be someplace discrete and would take Wupiupi. That was in the Outer Rim.

"Excuse, sir, for asking, but who is that woman you brought on board?" 1138 asked.

"Her name is Aima, buddy" taking a long breath. Her words were clouding my mind that I had to touch some buttons to clear my head. "She's our latest job. She needs a ride to Nar Shadaa where she's going to deliver that cargo."

"Do you know what she's carrying, sir?" my buddy asked.

"You know the rules, 1138. Don't ask questions," I began to chuckle. "We don't need to know. What we DO need to know is how to reach Nar Shadaa and avoid any of those damn Sith!"

"Sith? Oh dear. How terrible" the protocol droid gasped. "Well, sir, if you will not be needing me any further, I'll shut down to recharge."

"Sure. Go ahead" nodding to him. He left and the door slid shut. Left alone once again, I looked at the empty space outside the cockpit and wondered what would happen as the Outrider went into hyperspace.

After the shower, Aima tried to take a short nap but could not sleep. Her mind was on Biggs. She wanted to know more about him. He was different than most people she met. He was strong, but had a thoughtful, vulnerable side. She found him interesting.

“You know about attachments!” She said to herself. She had been taught; Jedi must not form attachments. An attachment to another person can lead to being seduced by the dark side of the force. There are excepts, but in most cases, Jedi are to avoid attachment. Some reason it is because Jedi could create dynasties of those strong in the Force through marriage. Some reason it is to ensure the first tenet of the code, “There is no emotion, there is peace”. Marriage (i.e. love) is an emotion, a powerful emotion which can affect the self-discipline a Jedi must have to elude the dark side. In some eras, not that long ago, celibacy was enforced to be part of the Jedi Order.

Aima was not a Jedi. But she had been taught in their ways. She had also thought this rule was one she did not need to follow. It seemed to make no sense.

She got off her bed, and grabbed the refresher that had been placed in her room. She walked out of her room, head up to the cockpit. She saw C-1138 in the gallery area of the ship. She grabbed some food and a second refresher. She saw the cockpit door closed. She knocked on it and heard Bigg tell her to enter. She walked in and handed him some of the food and drink.

“Could not sleep. Thought you might like some food and drink” She explained.

She glanced at the hyperdrive location and saw they were not headed to Nar Shadaa. They were headed to the planet of Bespin. A gas giant located in the Outer Rim Territories. Bespin was home to the floating Cloud City. An opulent metropolitan city suspended in the planet’s billowing clouds.

“Bespin?” Aima asked Biggs.

“C-1138 recommended a refit. The ship’s joints are in need of replacing. It is a planet that take Wupiupi and is in the Outer Rim.” Biggs explained.

“How long will the layover be?” Aima asked

“Not too long, Bespin is on the hyperspace trade route to Nar Shadaa.” Biggs offered.

Aima nodded. She ate some of the food and it was pretty good. “Nice food” She commented. Aima really did not know what to talk to Biggs about. But she did not want to waste this opportunity, so she picked the topic that came to her head.

"Are you single... I mean unattached?" Aima asked. Then she realized how that sounded and added "Sorry, not trying to flirt, just wanted to talk about something"
"Do you begin all of your conversations this way?" I asked with a smirk. Not to be a smart-ass, just something that doesn't come up at all around me. "No. I don't have any...attachments. Never have. Been a smuggler for most of my life. That kind of lifestyle doesn't allow time to mingle with anyone outside this ship."

Speaking of that brought back many bad memories, things I've sought to suppress for a long time. They happened so long ago that they were mere flashes, brief glimpses of faces and words that, after so many years, became jumbled together and lost their cohesion.

"It's just been my buddy 1138 and myself for a few years now" I sighed, sinking deeply into my chair. "Can't remember the last time I've had any sort of interaction with someone that lasted longer than a few minutes, picking up and dropping up cargo." It wasn't a good life, but it was a simple life. Sometimes there would be brief scenes of exhilaration with encounters with unsavory people. Didn't mean to be a downer on the question. She asked and I wasn't going to tell her a bunch of lies. Just looking at her face said that she had this uncanny ability to see through my lies.

"Glad you like the food. 1138 picks them out. I'm not fond of grocery shopping," waving a gloved hand then clapping it on my bent knee. "For a droid he has a fondness for good food."

"What about yourself? You look like someone that has been on many adventures" speaking as my eyes looked her over quickly so as not to be caught leering at her. The shower and fresh clothes altered her appearance slightly than when I first met her at the cantina. Not that it was a bad thing. Just the longest I've had interactions with a woman. And not like those fools that are my competition, I didn't spend my credits at the local brothels.

I knew many smugglers that would pick up whores to pleasure them during their runs. As soon as they reached their destination, they would be kicked off and abandoned at some remote spaceport to fend for themselves. Was never pretty watching a woman plead as her once 'lover' took off without her. That wasn't me. I said that I would never amount to something like that.

Speaking of cantinas, that fight back there got me hyped up to some degree. It made me feel alive. Not that I enjoyed doing what I had to do, to save myself and my new client, it was just exhilarating and I could see feel the fight inside my head.
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“Adventures?” Aima laughed. “Too many to tell.” She replied. But the real reason she could not tell him about her adventures, was he might figure out she was “White Death”. The most wanted rebel, in this part of the outer rim. The Sith had put a pretty big bounty on her head.

“How about some of my background. I was born on Eshan, the homeworld of the Echani. As you may know the Echani Race have been part of the Republic for many thousands of years. I was born to a big Echani clan. For various reasons, I was sent to the monks vice live at home. It was a great turning point in my life. I quickly became the toughest kid at the monastery. In Echani culture it is believed that to know someone fully, you must fight them. Echani fighting is not only in self-defense, but as a form of self-expression, a means of communication similar to art. Everyone learns to fight and for me to beat the other kids meant something.

By the age of 25 I had mastered almost all the fighting skills available at the monasteries. The Sublime Arts of the Seven. The ruling council of the six sisters recognized my skills and assigned me to a special elite military assault team.

On my first mission I was sent to Chazwa (a cold world) to stop a ring of slavers. I helped the team stop the slavers and prevented them from poisoning all the slaves. But my new teammates didn't know what to make of me, a big breasted fighter that fought with reckless abandon. You see, I don’t always follow the rules. I guess I gained their respect after proving my toughness, and bravery. However, they said I was just a bit too crazy for them as a fighter. I was kicked out.

This allowed me to wander the galaxy to learn new and better fighting techniques.” Aima explained. The story was all true, but she had removed some critical information. Namely, she could use the Force, which is why she was sent to the monks at a young age. Also, her idea of learning new fighting techniques was about destroying Sith military facilities and aiding the rebels.

As she finished the story, the Outlander dropped back out of hyperspace near Bespin. Bespin is an astrophysical rarity. An immense gas giant surrounded by a number of moons, the planet contained a band of habitable atmosphere among its endless clouds. In this stratum of life, enterprising prospectors had established floating mining complexes devoted to extracting valuable gasses. The view screen of the Outlander filled up with the sight of the enormous gas giant planet. As they neared the planet Aima spotted a Sith cruiser and numerous TIE fighters.

“DRUK” Aima gasped as she saw the Sith ship, however Biggs appeared completely calm.

“Don’t worry” Biggs said as his communication panel lite up "This is the Sith Cruiser Black Adder. State your business”

"DRUK!" Aima gasped louder. “What do we do now?" She asked Biggs. He smiled and quietly said “just watch”

Activating the transmission button he said "Black Adder, this is the cargo ship Outlander, request permission to continue to Cloud City for a scheduled refit of my ship’s joints”

The communication panel remained quiet for 30 tense seconds. Then the voice came back on “Your story checks out, you may proceed, steer clear of this vessel or we will destroy you”

Biggs altered course to avoid the large warship and continued on to cloud city.

“Why are the Sith here? Tibanna-gas?” Aima asked Biggs

“Maybe, but I doubt it” Biggs answered. “Cloud City is not only a mining station, but also a luxury resort. I think they might be here to visit, check out the planet’s defenses” Biggs explained.

His answer gave Aima some ideas on what trouble she could cause the Sith during their visit.
Sliding past the Sith cruiser at a distance, its guns were trained on us. One slip up and they wouldn't hesitate to blow us out of the sky. The Bespin floating city loomed into view. The backdrop of mixing gases in its surroundings, bright reds and yellows, made the gray and white city stand out. At a distance it looked like a simple, one piece, shape. It resembled an inverted raindrop as it struck the ground, its top flattening near its center and bristling with narrow buildings.

I've been here a few times. It was a good place to lay low for a bit. There were no friends of mine here. Just people that were willing to work for credits. "We have you on our scopes now. Please identify" a new voice entered the cockpit.

"Outlander, requesting permission to land," I said.

"Outlander, state your business" the controller replied.

"Parts and repair" I said in turn.

"Wait" the controller responded. A few seconds later, "Roger, Outlander. Permission granted. Land on Platform 31."

"Thank you!" it was a relief. First a Sith cruiser and then waiting for the door to open. If for whatever reason they decided to shut the door on us, that may spark the Sith cruiser to come after us.

"What's the plan, captain?" Aima asked as the Outlander slowly weaved its way around the towers.

"Try to keep it simple," I replied. "We land. 1138 will give the work crews the list of necessary repairs and the credits to pay. In the meantime we lay low here. Try not to cause another fight at one of their cantinas."

Aima smirked, "I can't make any such promises."

Dropping the landing gear, pulling back on the stick, the Outlander slowed then leaned back a few degrees to bleed off the excess speed. Coming to rest, the hydrolics hissed as air was forced out. There was bang and grinding. "Oh, dear" C-1138 was heard in the back saying. That wasn't a good sign.

I was shutting down the engines when my buddy entered the cockpit, "Excuse me, sir. But I'm afraid the rear landing legs have both suffered severe damage, the shock absorbers have given out. We are in no danger at this moment, but we cannot sustain another landing, or else the legs will give out entirely."

Looking at Aima with a bit of concern, as it would likely extend our stay here, I flicked my eyes to the droid, "Allright, buddy. Let's add that to the list."

"Very well, sir" the droid replied and left the cockpit.

“Broken landing gear” Aima stated calmly “that means more time to have fun at the resort. Awesome!” She said with excitement. However, her inside voice was not so positive. I need to unload the cargo. The longer I have it the more risk someone finds it. Also Sith troopers and droids will surely be on the lookout for me. I hope this delay is not too long.

“Biggs get ready for a good time. I’m guessing you have been here a few times, but there are 392 levels to this massive place. I’m sure there are a few levels you have not been too. Even the top 50 levels of the city, where the luxury resort is hard to fully explore. I’m sure you have been to the famous casinos such as Yarith Bespin and Pair O'Dice, but the place has more to offer. The lower levels house the workers and cater to the mining and processing of Tibanna gas. I have lived down there for a short while. For example, Port Town on Level 130, is a fun place, if you like the seedier areas of Cloud City.” Aima explained

Biggs looked over to Aima “Please… I know about Port Town”

Aima giggled “How about we get a drink at The Paradise Atrium? I’ll buy. Great chance to get some intel on why the Sith are here, and how the local government is coping with their visit.”

“Ok” Biggs agreed.

“Cool” Aima said.

The two of them, left the Outlander in C-1138 capable hands and took the elevator up to the top 50 levels. Aima guided Biggs to The Paradise Atrium, an upper-class lounge located high on Cloud City. They walked in the lounge. The main floor was furnished with numerous tables and chairs around which patrons could sit, as well as comfortable couches resting against the walls. A large, decorative sculpture rested in a centerpiece setting, and a number of broad windows offered a view of the surrounding area of Cloud City, and the gas giant’s huge cloud formations.

The Paradise Lounge was not busy and there were humans, Ugnaughts, Twi'leks, and Nothoiin among the various tables and couches. Aima noted a few Droids, and members of Cloud City security force were there too and seemed tense.

Aima ordered her favorite, a Corellian rum, while Biggs got a “Cloud Nine” Stout. They grabbed a table and sipped at their drinks. Most of the conversations around them were boring. Either about wins or loses at the casinos. But Aima over heard a few hushed words about the Sith cruiser and how annoying their crew were.

“Given the tension in the cloud city security forces, and how no one is chatting about the Sith Cruiser, my guess is that it is not a friendly visit.” Aima told Biggs.

That was about the time, three higher ranking Sith officers walked in the lounge. They were loud and annoying. They also ordered drinks and told the droid waiter “Put it on the Administrator's tab” then they all laughed.

Aima waited for Biggs reaction.
Seems I can't go anywhere without having some sort of trouble landing in my lap. There was always a seedy side of a settlement, a city or a space port. That's the best place for someone like us to be because most would be too afraid to venture in there. Even still, always have a good blaster at your side. Being in this place was just like home. A high class establishment, where everyone is in their best, and it was bright didn't feel right with me. I was more comfortable in the darkness. It felt safe

I didn't have a chance to savor my beverage when those Sith clowns came in, roaring. I've dealt with the Sith many times. They were something of a puzzle to me. I've heard stories that they were powerful. Not to me. They just looked like a bunch of thugs, no different than the others. Their cloaks were pulled back revealing their faces. Two of them were human, or humanoid in appearance, one was red skinned with several horns rising around the top of its head like a crown, a Dathomirian. One was a Twi'lek. Unlike the others trying to enjoy themselves here, this one had larger breasts than an average Twi'lek and seemed keen to showing them off.

The Bespin Security didn't like them either, judging by their stern looks. Yet they did nothing as the Sith goons took their drinks, slammed them down and threw them past the bartender, smashing the glasses against the wall. Their laughter rang through the cantina, drowning out all of the music and chatter.

Turning about to face towards the interior of the establishment, one of the Sith, a human male with red skin and bright yellow eyes, clapped his gloved hands, "And just how is everyone enjoying the security of the might Sith at!"

To no one's surprise, no one answers. Slamming a fist into the bar, "I said, HOW ARE YOU ENJOYING US?!" There was just a crackle, a murmur of responses. Some of the people tried to hide themselves in the shadows. Not Aima and I. We could see all three of these cloaked but unhooded goons. Not getting the response they wanted, they grabbed a few more of the glasses and chucked them in various directions. Once came towards us, just over our heads, and smashed against a pillar. "Animals" I muttered.

I don't know how, maybe they heard me for all three faces turned towards us, or rather me. Aima was right at my right and my fingers were touching my blaster. "What is it that you said of us?" said the red skinned Sith. His glowing yellow eyes hovered like two orbs against a dark sky.

"Come now, Zroqaz" one of the other Sith responded. "That 'THING' isn't worth the waste of our time. Let's get a few more drinks and leave this dump."

"No. No" Zroqaz took a few steps forward and placed his gloved hands onto our table. In one move he held up his hand and pushed our beverages off the table without ever touching them. 'What the?' I said myself. Seeing my eyes widen in surprise, Zroqaz chuckled, flashing his fanged teeth. "I can sense your fear!"
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Aima remembered something her old fighting instructor told her. “First, there is danger in arguing with a Wookiee. Second, it is foolish to gamble with a Jedi. And finally, pride will lead to your destruction.” Aima knew her fighting abilities were superior to these men. She knew she could kill all three of these Sith trouble makers. In fact, she would enjoy showing them how inferior their skills were. But that joy was her pride talking. With the Outlander disabled and a Sith cruiser ready to occupy the city on any excuse, she needed to handle this situation with humility.

Zroqaz used The Force to push their drinks off the table. "I can sense your fear!" he said to Biggs. Aima looked up into the eyes of Sith officer.

“We don’t want any trouble. Please let us pay for your drinks.” Aima offered.

“I don’t NEED you to pay for ANYTHING. We OWN this city and EVERYONE on it. Including you!” Zroqaz growled.

“Please, I did not mean to offend you. Surely there is something I can offer you, to appease you.” Aima replied humbly.

“Like what?” Zroqaz asked with a perplexed stare on his face.

“I can perform the alluring dance of the sweet butterfly flower? I learned it while I was on Zeltros, the Pleasure Planet.” Aima offered.

Zroqaz laughed and turned to back to his fellow Sith Officers. “Did you hear that… she wants to fuck me!”

“I didn’t say that…” Aima protested. Zroqaz grabbed Aima’s arm and yanked her out of her chair. Bigg was reaching for his blaster, but Aima gave him a knowing wink that told him she knew what she was doing.

“Come on… I think a good fuck is just what I need!” Zroqaz growled as he dragged Aima out of the lounge. The other two Sith officers, the male human and the large breasted Twi'lek turned and faced Biggs to make sure he would not follow Zroqaz and Aima.

“Maybe I should fuck her boyfriend?” The large breasted twi’lek suggested with a smile.

“He is not your type! But if you do, I want to watch, Pimsuco” The Human replied with a laugh.
Aima was gone before I could really act. My fingers touched my blaster even at the two Sith leered at me. The Twi'lek calmly walked towards me, swaying her thin hips side to side. Her black attire was tight to show off her figure except for a low cut top that showed heavy cleavage. Her skin tone was a light blue. Twi'liks came in a array of colors. Her male partner was human with a darker skin tone. "You look like someone that has been on his own for a loooong time" the Twi'lik sat on my lap, reaching out with her left hand that wrapped around the back of my head, finger tips combing through my short hair. "I bet that you've got a large amount inside of you" leaning in and whispering. "If you want to see your girlfriend again, you better cooperate. Because we have no problem in putting you and your whore girlfriend down, or even better, making both of you our pets."

Rising up, she looked back at me, "Let's go. It's a little too crowded in here. I know a place." Rather than being dragged out, I was led out of the lounge, the Twi'lik in front and her aroused partner directly behind. No doubt he had his eye on me and my blaster. I probably could get off a shot and then right after that, her partner would kill me. This power they had, moving things with their minds, was something I had seen but did not understand how it worked. Best to just go with it for the time being. If this big breasted Twi'lik wanted some pleasure from me, I figured to just do it and if I saw an opening, to kill both of them.

Going down the bright halls of Bespin, the Twi'lik directed me to a door where she pressed a button combination and the door slid open. The small interior was bright white as well, looked like a lounge itself with two couches and a white block center table. "This is it" Pimsuco smiled walking up to the couch. Instead of sitting, she turned, wrapped her arms around my neck, pulled me in close, and planted a hot, wet, kiss to my lips.

Go with it, I thought. My hands wrapped around her shoulders and pulled her as close as I could as her fat tits pressed against my chest. She expected that my next move would be to fondle her chest. She was greatly mistaken. Pulling back, I planted my lips at the base of her neck and the Twi'lik shivered, eyes wide. "Oooohh" she gasped.

Out of the corner of my eye, her male partner was sitting casually at one of the couches, watching us with a sick smirk on his face. Seeing my blaster he reached out with his right hand and the weapon was pulled from its holster, fell several feet across the room and landed in his hand. His smile widened, that look of 'you're not going anywhere'. "Make it good, Pimsuco" the man growled. "I want it to last longer than Meel's.

Pimsuco smirked, brushed her pair of long, sharp, blue appendages from her shoulders to allow me to continue kissing her soft spot.

"I can sense that you're a bit scared," Pimsuco smiled. "Good. That means you'll do more for me" meaning I would pleasure her more out of fear of being maimed or killed to keep them happy. However long this takes. The longer I keep them busy, I thought, the more tired they would become and maybe allow me to escape or for Aima to find me. To get out of this one, I would need help. Pimsuco moaned, "You're a good kisser" then looked back at her partner, "Even better than you!" teasing. "In fact," turning back and leaning against me, "Why don't we do it this way, so you can get the REALLY good parts" meaning the back of her neck. At this point my hands were on her hips. She did not like that. She wanted to be played with. Cupping my hands, Pimsuco carried them up to her massive breasts and clapped them on. "There! Get to work!" the Twi'lik moaned.
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Zroqaz and Aima

Zroqaz took Aima to his room and in particular his bedroom. The extra large, almost circular, bed had a white bedspread. The chairs and furnishings were also white in color. This was in direct conflict with Zropaz dark cloak and bright red face.

Zroqaz released Aima arm. Aima turned to face the hooded man, then looked around the room. “I’ll need music. The Song of Slandoi, works best.

Zroqaz almost growled his reply. “I don’t care about your silly dance! I’m going to rape you in the almost abusive way, you STUPID slut”

“Perhaps, but before that happens, we should talk” Aima suggested. “I find a good political discussion, simulates the mind as well as the body!”

Zroqaz looked at Aima in a perplexed way. He could not understand why this Echani slut was not scare of him. She seemed so confident she was in no danger.

“I’ll start… it is my opinion that the Sith have soiled this galaxy. They have wiped out complete races and have killed people needlessly. So, whether you personally are somewhat innocent of these crimes, which I doubt, you are protecting an organization which needs to be destroyed. So sorry, you will need to die.” Aima explained.

“I’M GOING RIP YOU IN TWO, YOU STUPID SLUT!” Zroqaz screamed as he advanced on Aima.

Aima got into a fighting crouch, pulled out her lightsabre and activated it. The brilliant light beam sprang out, but the color of the beam shifted through spectrum. A multitude of colors passed through the blade including orange, silver, cyan, viridian, gold, bronze, and even black.

“Well, well … what have we here?” Zroqaz asked as he stopped advancing. “A Jedi Knight, this far from the republic?”

“Guess again, loser” Aima said “Jedi Knight don’t have multi-colored lightsabres”

“That is pretty, but pretty does not win battles.” Zroqaz said as he pulled out his lightsabre, it was red in color.

“And when you say “that is pretty” I take it you are talking about my boobs” replied the busty Echani with the white hair. “That’s sexual harassment!” Aima added.

“Stupid top heavy Echani slut!” Zroqaz countered as he attacked.

Aima relationship with The Force was different than a Jedi’s. In combat, she could increase the speed of her actions. She was not attacking this Sith out of a sense of revenge. She was thinking about the beauty of the souls lost to Sith attacks. She was attacking this Sith to save other souls.

These thoughts and emotions were fuel to her Force powers. Her lightsabre was a blur as she parried the blows of this Sith Officer and counter attacked. She could tell quickly he had only minor skills with The Force and his blade. He was not at the “Darth” skill level.

She had the advantage and knew it. She moved aggressively, thrusting and attacking with blazing speed. Zroqaz tried to use his force abilities to throw objects at Aima. But with her speed she simply ducked out of the way.

Aima’s skill and speed was something the Sith could barely counter. Aima was moving so fast she could afford a few more flamboyant moves. She had a cocky grin on her face, as she showed the Sith that she knew he was beaten and it was just a matter of time before he was dead. Speaking with her fighting... as her race did.

She pressed her attack, driving the Sith against the wall of the room, making a show of twirling her blades as she stopped fighting for a moment.

“Who are you!” Zroqaz gasped trying to catch his breath.

“You really should pay attention more during the intelligence briefings. I’m called White Death!” Aima answered with a smile. Zroqaz eyes grew larger as he realized his mistake, his arrogance to assume no one on the station could match the Sith’s power.

Aima easily parried a despair swing by Zroqaz, then lunging forward driving her light sabre through his chest. Zroqaz was dead, before his body fell to the floor.

Aima grabbed the officer’s commlink and security chip.

“Thanks for providing me a way to get on your ship” Aima said to the dead officer. She grabbed his cloak and then she pressed the “Do not disturb” button on the door to his room. “It will take a week before they find his body” Aima said to yourself as she headed back to the lounge to find Biggs.

Darth Saqol and Darth Dultash

Darth Saqol was on the command bridge of the Sith Cruiser Black Adder. The Quarren Sith lord was looking Cloud City through the front view port. That was when she felt it. A small disturbance in The Force. A force sensitive Sith had been killed. She could feel the death.

Her deep turquoise eyes stared down at the floating city. Her four tentacles that protrude from her jaw wiggled wildly showing her frustration at this event. What did it mean? Who caused it? It had clearly come from the city.

Her fellow Sith lord, Darth Dultash, dressed in a red and black armor came onto the command bridge.

“Did you feel that?” He asked from behind his traditional Kaleesh mask.

“Yes, who can kill a force sensitive Sith? Do you think there is a Jedi in that City?” Saqol asked.

“Maybe.” The Kaleesh dark lord replied. Dultash had reddish-brown scaly skin, wore the traditional mask which obscured some of his facial features however his large pointed ears, long nostril and large tusks protruded from his upper jaw, and shorter ones jutting from his chin could be seen. Kaleesh had very keen olfactory sense and he detected the brine odor his Quarren partner Saqol gave off. Kaleesh could also detect heat signatures.

“Get a transport ready. We’ll investigate. I’ll contact the Sith empire and warned them about what we just felt.” He ordered. Then he headed over to the communication station told them to report what had just happened.
Twi'lik breasts were something else. They were like magic or something. They were soft as dough yet remained firm when they walked around, and even with ones the size of my head, this one walked around with no effort whatsoever. That's one of the reasons why they were sought after, that and their large appetite. It was arousing to have a warm woman in my hands after so long. It was a tense fear. At any moment either of these two could snap and kill me. This one here, Pimsuco, was loving it, fingers pulling down her tight leather top, exposing her light blue breasts, pinching the maroon nipples between my fingers. "Mmmmmm, yes. That's good, my pet. Feel me up. Touch me. Touch me there," guiding my hands up her mounds and back down. She then grabbed my fingers and guided them to her lips where she took one into her mouth, running her tongue over the length as it slid out.

Her partner was watching. "This one is good" she moaned. "Oh, yes. Very good. My little pet, you are going to be a fine little trophy."

"What does a trophy do for you?" I had to ask. I was trying to bide time to come up with a better escape plan.

"It means, you come to me when I call. You will pleasure me in every way I desire. If you're good, I will let others have fun with you." Part of that was satisfaction from me, the other was to tease her human partner. "Watch out, Moinu. I think you're going to be replaced." That didn't settle well with her partner. He was leering at us. What once was a satisfied grin watching her being pleasured was lost with a scowl of indignation. Perhaps there was a chance here. I knew that look. That was the look of someone that was boiling with anger. Just the right poke would get him to go off. If he exploded, he would attack. This pleasure woman here would be in the middle. Use her as a shield and make a run for the door. What about my blaster? He was holding it on his lap. What about that power that they held, able to throw things with their mind? Could I outrun that? I've outrun things before.

That's she she backed her firm backside, wrapped in that tight, black leather pants, pressed against me, she shivered with a moan, "I can feel you" her eyes looked over at her partner. "That's it, my pet. I can feel you right now" panting dryly. "I want to feel you inside of me, right now" with a pull and quick turn, her massive rack was against me, eyes staring, hands on my shoulders. "You're going to please me, my pet. You will please me in every way," speaking in firm tones. I bet you've been saving yourself for some time, waiting for the next gutter trash whore in Kessel to take you for a few credits" she pressed herself against me. "Now, you're mine!"

"What king of benefits do I get?" I had to ask. Now was the part where I was getting desperate. Not seeing Aima and this other guy was as red as a dying star, he was going to explode and I knew just how to make it happen.

"Benefits?" Pimsuco asked. "You get all of this, my pet" clapping my hands back onto her breasts.

"Well, does that mean I get to have some of this?" pulling my hands away. Her eyes widened with a bit of curiousity before they grabbed her firm backside and she jumped.

"Hehe. Yes, my pet" Pimsuco giggled, her lips wide.

"With an ass like this, I think you can take it" slapping her leather covered ass. The Twi'lik was loving it. "Same thing for these" burrowing my face between her mounds. "I think I cum on these rather easily."

"Yes, my pet. Your sprm belongs to me!

"What about your mouth? Does my sperm go into your mouth?" furrowing an eyebrow and looking her into her eyes. "I bet you can swallow it all."

"Oh, yes! I can. You're so dirty, my pet. I'm going to love having you please me."

"Wait now!" Moinu rose up. "I'm the one that pleases you."

"Not anymore" the Twi'lik daring glanced back. "You've been replaced."

"No one replaces Moinu!" the dark man screamed and hurled my blaster, trying to hit the whore in the back of her head. She sensed it was coming and turned on her heels instantly, catching the flying blaster in her left hand. Smirking and sneering, "You're so predictable."

"How about me?" I asked. Before she could even turn, I grabbed the blaster from her hand, aimed and fired a stun blast into her back between the shoulder blades. She went down but not out. This one was strong. She fell onto her hands and knees, groaning and trying to stand back up. Moinu looked up in time to catch a second blast to his chest. Down he went. Like the first, he was struggling back to his feet immediately. If they were this strong, I didn't want to be around if they could take a laser bolt. Time to run, find Aima and get out of here. If the Sith cruiser knew what was happening, they would blast the Outlander on the pad. I didn't want to lose anything here, not the Outlander, not C-1138, and not Aima. I couldn't lose all three.

Doubtful that Aima knows where I am. Only thing I could do was make a run for it, run back to the ship. If I were to guess where she would go, it would be a place that she at least knew and that was the Outlander. Boots stomping along the bright white floors, blaster in one hand and my communicator in the other, I tried to hail C-1138. "Buddy! Buddy, you there?" nothing. Could just be the walls blocking the signal. That's what I hoped. Glancing back, I could hear the shouts of those Sith people barking at everyone they met, demanding to know where I went.
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Aima had headed to the lounge. She did not find Biggs or the other Sith officers there. She asked the bartender where they had gone, and he had no idea. Then she asked for “Pimsuco” room number, figuring Biggs was being held captive there. The bartender, no friend of the Sith, gave her the room number. Aima headed back out into the corridor to find the room when she heard yelling and running.

“I’ll bet that’s Biggs” Aima said with a smile and took off running toward the noise. Sprinting down the hallway, then Aima ran right into the two Sith officers.

“What… SHOOT HER” The male Sith said. Aima was besieged by blaster fire. She used her lightsabre to deflect the fire as she ducked into a side corridor. She heard the Sith approaching and decided it was time to surprise them. She leaped high into the air just as they came around the corner. She landed with a thunderous kick on the male Sith, which caused the man to stumble backwards. Aima quickly slicing off his head before he got out of the blade's reach. The man’s head bounced along the corridor, his body fell to the floor.

The big breasted Twi'lik turned on her.

“You will pay for that!” The Twi'lik growled, glared at her. A sinister smile grew on her face; She dropped her blaster and pulled out her red lightsabre. She ignited it and leapt at Aima. The Twi’lik prided herself on her skill with a lightsabre.

Despite Twi'lik relentless strikes, Aima was able to defend herself. Aima realized this fighter knew what she was doing and had skill beyond most lightsaber duelists. Aima needed to be careful. Her multicolor blade clashed with the Twi’lik’s, defending against the Twi’lik furious fighting style. Aima was playing defense and seeking a weak point to strike back. Soon, their blades were locked together as the two combatants stared at each other.

“Seems the rumors are true,” Aima mused.

“What are you babbling about?” The Twi’lik asked.

Aima smirked. “The Dark Side does make you ugly.”

Growling in reply, the Twi’lik swiped at her with her weapon as her anger began to grow into hate. “TAKE THIS!” She shouted, whirling around her lightsaber like a tornado.

Aima evaded or deflected her blade. Aima’s comment had trigger the Twi’lik to be reckless. She had found a weakness. At the right moment, Aima flipped over Twi’lik’s head. She grabbed the Twi’lik prehensile tentacles, or "brain-tails" and pulled the Twi’lik’s head back. With lightening speed, Aima cut off the Sith Officer’s head. Her beautiful busty, and now headless body, fell to the floor.

“You should never lose your head in a fight.” Aima quipped. Aima quickly dragged both bodies and their heads to a waste chute and dumped them. She did get the male’s, commlink, security chip, and cloak. Then she headed to the Outlander.

10 minutes later

Aima cautiously entered landing Platform 31. She saw the Outlander being worked on by repair droids, and there were no security personnel around. That was good, but she did notice the droids had just started the repair work. That was bad. They could not leave Cloud City until at least the landing gear was repaired. She headed up entrance ramp and into the ship. “Biggs, C-1138 are you here?” She called out.