The Penis is...

P. B. Walker

Literotica Guru
Nov 21, 2001
(fill in the blank)

250 word limit. 5 min time limit. Ready, set, GO!
The male sexual organ, the penis can be used for many different things including urination, and it's also a good exit point for other bodily fluids when relieving testicular pressure. This can be accomplished by many different methods, although sandpaper is not reccommended. Interesting how to's can be found in the story section's how to category.
I don't know about penises in general, but mine is so bored it's probably going to run away soon and do its own thing.

I think a cock in a not-quite erect state (like in Heavy's AV is very, very sexy....I can't stop looking at it!

guilty pleasure said:
like in Heavy's AV is very, very sexy....I can't stop looking at it!


I'd offer, but I'm in the same boat...
P. B. Walker said:
(fill in the blank)

250 word limit. 5 min time limit. Ready, set, GO!
damnit gone to work with my man again hope they are working on that velcro shit so he can leave it home once in awhile :p
The Penis Is.......

My favorite toy in the WHOLE WIDE WORLD!!! he he he