The Overcrowded Balloon. Who do you throw out & why?


Literotica Guru
Oct 2, 2012
Thought it would be fun to get who I hate off my chest by creating a balloon that's got everyone in it.

The balloon is sinking and the only way to keep it up is by throwing people out.

Who goes overboard & why?

I'll go with Donald Trump. Purely for what he's doing to people he's trying to force out of their homes so he can build his golf course in Scotland.

Also because he looks like a prize knob with that hair thing going on.
Thought it would be fun to get who I hate off my chest by creating a balloon that's got everyone in it.

The balloon is sinking and the only way to keep it up is by throwing people out.

Who goes overboard & why?

I'll go with Donald Trump. Purely for what he's doing to people he's trying to force out of their homes so he can build his golf course in Scotland.

Are we talking currently alive folks now ?.
Sylvio Berlesconi. He give even their politics a bad name.
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Obama and Romney and those at American Apparel who decided to do a "Hurricane Sandy Sale".

That should send the balloon even higher.

Politicians are worse than preachers during an election!
Uh-oh, that case of beer will add weight.

So I think I'll go ahead and give DR. Phil a big old shove over the edge
Dr. Phil? Good choice.

Let's also send Oprah and other talk show hosts off as well!
Bob Geldoff & Bono for their never-ending, self-eulogising, "who should we help now?" campaigns.
The entire Scientology movement. I mean, if they're really descended from aliens they dont need the ballon right?

I'm on the fence with these guys. I mean, yeah they're a little screwy, but like anything else it depends on the personalities.

So for me, I'll leave most of them but

Tom Cruise definitely goes overboard, horse teeth and all.
With the aim of offending as many people as possible, try this:
There is an aircraft, flying over the ocean, carrying a pilot, a Frenchman, a German, an Englishman and a Russian.
The pilot says, "One of you has to sacrifice himself or we all die."
The Frenchman gets up and says, "I die, but viva la France!" and he jumps.
The pilot says, "One more of you has to sacrifice himself or we all die."
The German gets up and says, "For the Fatherland!" and he jumps.
The pilot says, "One more of you has to sacrifice himself or we all die."
The Englishman gets up and says, "There will always be an England!" and he throws the Russian out of the plane.
I thought the "last supper" thread was interesting and invited thought. Ones like this one just seem to invite bitching--most of it pretty petty and inviting shallow thought.
I'm just going to toss myself out because I am not a fan of most people to begin with. Figure it is easier on me.
Ah! The necessity principle at work!

I'm reading a book filled to its gunwales with legal connundrums, like the necessity principle: When is it okay to toss folks overboard or under the bus or eat them or kill them. The author explores all the historical precedents for necessity then adds this: IS IT OK TO HARVEST ORGANS FROM ONE PERSON INORDER TO RESTORE 5 SICK PEOPLE TO HEALTH? That is, take the organs without informed consent. I mean, youd have lots more healthy people by sacrificing one.
I thought the "last supper" thread was interesting and invited thought. Ones like this one just seem to invite bitching--most of it pretty petty and inviting shallow thought.

C'mon - you seriously telling me you never like to get things off your chest? Lighten up a little. Yes it's a little bitchy.

But the thread can rise and fall like all the others as people see fit.

Judging by the responses so far, seems pretty popular.
C'mon - you seriously telling me you never like to get things off your chest? Lighten up a little. Yes it's a little bitchy.

But the thread can rise and fall like all the others as people see fit.

Judging by the responses so far, seems pretty popular.

With the usual people bitching the usual crap. Lovecraft doing his "me big man gonna knock their teeth out" thing and Stella just not being able to contain herself in getting political. There are general issue rant boards--even in other areas of this Web site. Why encourage being bitchy about failure to cope with life on the erotica writing section of this board? As I posted, the "someone to supper" provoked thought. This one just releases the baser instincts (and pretty shallow thinking).

So, I guess at this point, I'm saying it's time to push Exqusiiton outta the balloon. :D
With the usual people bitching the usual crap. Lovecraft doing his "me big man gonna knock their teeth out" thing and Stella just not being able to contain herself in getting political. There are general issue rant boards--even in other areas of this Web site. Why encourage being bitchy about failure to cope with life on the erotica writing section of this board? As I posted, the "someone to supper" provoked thought. This one just releases the baser instincts (and pretty shallow thinking).

So, I guess at this point, I'm saying it's time to push Exqusiiton outta the balloon. :D

Hoist with me own petard.....

Well, the thread is 'floating' in a free forum market. If it sinks....the people have spoken.
Amen to that one.

Now please, do not forget Brown, G..
He managed to screw this country right royally.
[for the benefit of the uninformed, G. (as in Gordon) Brown was a Chancellor and later Prime Minister of the UK. He was not particularly popular.]

HP don't get me started on Mr Prudence. I would be here all night. The hand-out-is-my-right brigade don;t realise the tax payers are now commited to paying private health care companies around 10 x the cost of the miracle hospitals that sprang up under his tenure.

In fact, let's just throw the guy out and his entire entourage. That'll lighten the load and we can use a real compass for navigation as opposed to his moral one.