The Official Authors' Hangout Winter Holidays 2016 Contest Support Thread

On another note, just how kinky do reindeer games get? :cool:

Sorry Tex, I just couldn't resist...


They look pretty adventurous to me....

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That's what I like about this place. If you ask, someone will answer. :D

One more burning question. In Laurel's intro thread she has snowbells. Exactly how do you ring one of those?
That's what I like about this place. If you ask, someone will answer. :D

One more burning question. In Laurel's intro thread she has snowbells. Exactly how do you ring one of those?

If it is cold enough to freeze the balls off a brass monkey, snowbells will ring.

That's probably 100 degrees C below...
If it is cold enough to freeze the balls off a brass monkey, snowbells will ring.

That's probably 100 degrees C below...

Shatter is more like it but at that temp cuddling is a way of life. ;)
I've gotten my Muse's "play through" novella about WWII bisexual aviators drafted, so I can turn back to my Christmas contest piece now. But it will be late posting.
The contest starts tomorrow!

My first story isn't finished yet. :eek:
I'm still chugging away at mine, having let a novella play through. But at 16,000 words and writing.
First draft finished. Now to tidy it up.

Could be submitted sometime tomorrow with the obligatory typos I won't notice until it's posted.
Mine will have to go through an editor and then be cleaned up and reviewed again. Once it posts, though, I won't be reading the Lit. version again, so I won't see typos then. It will be published as a Christmas novella, though, so I'll be reading it again for that.
Yep, looks like the earliest stories have been approved and should start popping up in a few hours. Cheers.
I'm still chugging away at mine, having let a novella play through. But at 16,000 words and writing.

It is eagerly awaited by a host of sock puppets registered globally (at the moment 143 and counting).
I've just hit submit.

On Preview I found three typos I'd missed on the final edit. :eek:
My First Contest Submission: Trailing Along

Well, I had to wait a full year since I couldn't get it done in 2015, but it's up and getting views and comments. My editor and equestrian expert went missing for 6+ months but unexpectedly resurfaced the day after I submitted the story, when it was still pending. If there are any horse related mistakes, it's on me, not her, since she never saw the finished product prior to my submitting.

I'm impressed when other authors manage to submit multiple stories since it took me over a year to cough up just one. No sleigh bells or reindeer but lots of snow and ice.

Ken Nicottii
The competition looks pretty good so far, lots of imagination. For me, there's already one stand out entry. Good luck to everyone who enters.
Ah, I just noticed that the contests entries have started to post. I'd read the 10th as the submission day rather than the first posting day. So, we're off. A starting gun salvo or something would have been a nice touch. Best of luck everyone. I'm still writing mine.
Typos are like fingers. As long as you've got one, you'll have the other. :D
can anyone tell me what the lead-time is on submissions going up for this one?

i had a standard submission queued for a day recently, but the contest entry seems to be lagging.
can anyone tell me what the lead-time is on submissions going up for this one?

i had a standard submission queued for a day recently, but the contest entry seems to be lagging.

For some reason, Laurel has this thing about posting contest stories over the weekend. Especially Sundays.
For some reason, Laurel has this thing about posting contest stories over the weekend. Especially Sundays.

Very little has been posted today, the last time I looked, including one of mine that was scheduled to post today.
Very little has been posted today, the last time I looked, including one of mine that was scheduled to post today.

Well, I'm exhausted. Just got my first entry submitted. Now to finish off the second.

I made it earlier than my usual last minute rush this time... Submitted today

Good luck everyone who entered.

I love the info on Reindeer hump games thanks all ;)
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Very little has been posted today, the last time I looked, including one of mine that was scheduled to post today.

Looks like all the stories which were designated to be posted on the 12th just came up, along with all the stories for the 13th.

must have been a glitch or something