The Official Authors' Hangout Winter Holidays 2016 Contest Support Thread

The Halloween Contest has only just started but there is only a short time between the end of that Contest and the start of the Winter Holidays contest.

Winter Holidays
themes: winter holiday traditions (dreidels, gift giving, etc.), cold weather (snow), holiday mythology (Santa, elves), etc.
starts: November 10
closes: December 7
winners announced: December 14

This thread is to SUPPORT and ENCOURAGE authors to enter stories in the Winter Holidays contest. Bring out your fur-lined boots, your Santa and Elf fantasies, your presents and crackers (or your Christmas themed beach parties for those in the Southern Hemisphere).

There is an advantage to entering stories in one of Literotica's themed contests, apart from the possibility of winning, and that is that your story gets far more exposure and attention than it would normally do.

Some of that attention might be unwelcome, some abusive, but some could be appreciative and helpful.

Yeah. I've thought of doing some thing Christmassy for the summer competition, going to the beach and having a cold collation presented in all its glory on card tables for everyone, bikinis and budgie smugglers, with the kids riding their new bicycles on the hard sand, building sand castles with their new plastic buckets and spades, picking up sun tans like we normally do with the roar of the surf. For the winter competition perhaps I could do the Queen's Birthday holiday? I don't know- I'm still thinking. Winter at the beach? Funny. I think it's best I stick to the winter theme and not worry about Christmas in the cold- I can't think of any thing as gloomy. It is, after all, the winter contest, not the Christmas contest. Wouldn't any story centred around Christmas, or the Queen's Birthday, or New Year, or Thanksgiving be off topic, whether it's for the summer contest or the winter contest? As I said, still thinking! It's Halloween again.
Aussies and New Zealanders certainly should feel free to write a beach winter story. I've written some Bangkok ones, which were hot, humid, and with klong water up to your knees.
Aussies and New Zealanders certainly should feel free to write a beach winter story. I've written some Bangkok ones, which were hot, humid, and with klong water up to your knees.

I too was once in Thailand for Christmas, trekking in the hill tribes area. I missed Christmas that year- didn't realise it was Christmas on the day.
I too was once in Thailand for Christmas, trekking in the hill tribes area. I missed Christmas that year- didn't realise it was Christmas on the day.

The first Christmas I was there, we had ordered a fake Christmas tree from Sears to be sent there. They sent it to Bangor, Maine, instead, and we celebrated with an improvised tree made from a mop handle (repeating what my mother had done during WWII when she was snowed in in the Colorado mountains). While we were decorating the mop--and having a jolly old time, which made it all one of our most memorable Christmases--an army of red ants was munching on the directions for putting together all of the toys we'd ordered from Sears and stashed away in an unused bathroom. That made for a memorable Christmas Eve as well.

That would be foundation for a winter contest story here if it wasn't already written and published in the mainstream.
Winter Experiences

I went surfing on Bondi Beach on a wet and windy Christmas Day just so I could say that I had.

Sensible people stayed in the bars.

I've been swimming in the North Sea on Christmas Day. I won't repeat that experience.

I used to paddle/swim in the fountains in Trafalgar Square on New Year's Eves in the early 1960s. We can't do that anymore. I could park my car within a couple of hundred yards of Trafalgar Square. I kept towels, a change of clothing and a thermos of hot soup in the car. I couldn't park that close to Trafalgar Square now.
I went surfing on Bondi Beach on a wet and windy Christmas Day just so I could say that I had.

Sensible people stayed in the bars.

I've been swimming in the North Sea on Christmas Day. I won't repeat that experience.

I used to paddle/swim in the fountains in Trafalgar Square on New Year's Eves in the early 1960s. We can't do that anymore. I could park my car within a couple of hundred yards of Trafalgar Square. I kept towels, a change of clothing and a thermos of hot soup in the car. I couldn't park that close to Trafalgar Square now.

When I lived in Cyprus, German tourists made it a goal to come to Cyprus in the season and swim in the Mediterranean on Christmas and New Years days. It's cold in Cyprus in late December.
When I lived in Cyprus, German tourists made it a goal to come to Cyprus in the season and swim in the Mediterranean on Christmas and New Years days. It's cold in Cyprus in late December.

Locally we have a Polar Bear club. They go swimming in the North Sea on Boxing and New Year's Days. Some people swim in The Serpentine in London on Boxing Day.

In Estonia they have a swimming club that swims in the Baltic Sea on Christmas Day. Sometimes they have to break the ice first.

None of that is recommended for anyone who isn't acclimatised to cold water. Immersion in water that cold can kill a beginner in seconds.
I have something started that would fit the theme. The way life has been recently, I'm not sure it will be done, though. :rolleyes:
I have something started that would fit the theme. The way life has been recently, I'm not sure it will be done, though. :rolleyes:

Mine's having trouble getting written too. My Muse keeps dropping stories for one of my regular anthologies between me and the winter contest story and insisting I do those first--and I don't need to have that anthology done until sometime next year.
Mine's having trouble getting written too. My Muse keeps dropping stories for one of my regular anthologies between me and the winter contest story and insisting I do those first--and I don't need to have that anthology done until sometime next year.

Yeah, that could be a problem, although I somehow think you'll manage to get it done. ;)
I have something started that would fit the theme. The way life has been recently, I'm not sure it will be done, though. :rolleyes:

Hang in there my dear. :rose::kiss:

Send it along if you need an extra set of eyes or in my case eye.
Now that the Hollowwienie Contest is over, I have a question.

Just for reference you understand, how hung is a reindeer? :D

"No reindeer were harmed in the asking of this question. Or at least I hope that is the case."
Now that the Hollowwienie Contest is over, I have a question.

Just for reference you understand, how hung is a reindeer? :D

"No reindeer were harmed in the asking of this question. Or at least I hope that is the case."

Anytime I start thinking about Reindeer (do not get any ideas) one story keeps coming to mind. A bunch of us watching a Pat's game while at a Christmas party as my parents house and my sister who was totally in the bag, screaming at the defense.

"Blitzen isn't just the name of a fucking reindeer you stupid fucks!"
Anytime I start thinking about Reindeer (do not get any ideas) one story keeps coming to mind. A bunch of us watching a Pat's game while at a Christmas party as my parents house and my sister who was totally in the bag, screaming at the defense.

"Blitzen isn't just the name of a fucking reindeer you stupid fucks!"

The family that drinks together always has the best stories. :D

On another note, just how kinky do reindeer games get? :cool:
Now that the Hollowwienie Contest is over, I have a question.

Just for reference you understand, how hung is a reindeer? :D

"No reindeer were harmed in the asking of this question. Or at least I hope that is the case."

Surely there are google image searches for that. Alternatively, it can be as hung as you want. A giant, glowing, red...
Now that the Hollowwienie Contest is over, I have a question.

Just for reference you understand, how hung is a reindeer? :D

"No reindeer were harmed in the asking of this question. Or at least I hope that is the case."

Fairly large apparently. on a par with male deer. Penises anywhere from 4 to 9 inches long. When not erected, it hangs down and is about 2 or three inches long. When erect, it is shaped like a big pencil, big at the base, and tapers down to a point at the tip, and bows slightly up, and is about 8 or 9 inches

This is a reindeer penis, on display at the Phallological Museum in Reykjavík, Iceland. I investigated this for research purposes only, you understand. :D