The observer gets observed

She was pressed into the couch, his weight comforting above her. She reached up to pull his head down so she could kiss him deeper. Her tongue brushed his lips.

"I need you.."
His firm thick body. He was willing to give or match any movement she made as long as it was in this kind of loving passion embrace. As she said " I need you" he moaned in response. A moan filled with love and desire. He was willing to do what ever she wanted like this.

After he heard her say that, as he moaned to her. He opened his mouth and his tongue came to trace her tongue. He would role his to match hers or just keep his tongue stroking hers if hers stayed still.

A look of controlled passion was clear on his face.
Lily opened her eyes to look at him. "Don't hold back...please." She loved the way his moan felt in his chest and vibrated out into her body. She loved the way he felt against her, above her. Her leg lifted to encircle his hip.
Jon pulled back lightly, to stand by the couch. He kept his eyes on her eyes as he bit his lower lip. He starts to take off his pants dropping them at the side of the couch. He lowers his face to her neck and he starts to kiss her collarbone. He gently starts to push the far side away from her and pulling the near side to him. Moving both sides off her as he teases her till her front is fully uncovered.

Once the robe will no longer be separating there bodys, he kisses up her neck to her lips once more as he slowly lowers him self once more onto his lover, his mate....
Lily watched him undress. She realized she had never done that before. She could see his muscles. She was breathing heavily as she watched him. Naked, he came back to her, undressing her but kissing her as he did.

There was a firm, softness to his kisses. Once more he was above her, his mouth on hers. Her legs parted, his hand moved down on her thigh. His other was touching her. Lily kissed him back. It was deep and passionate. This was not the wild, hard animal like sex they had had.

She moaned and he entered her slowly. Lily cried out as he filled her completely. They held still a moment before Jon began to move slowly within. Over and over, slow with so much passion he made love to her.

Lily could feel the difference. He wasn't fucking her. He was making love to her. She writhed and moved with him. Her hands moved through his hair and clung to his neck. Their mouths moved together in passionate kisses. They came together, he with a deep growl and she with a cry of passion.
Jon wanted to please her so bad, he would do anything for her. He needed her as much as he knew her body craved her.
She held onto him as she let her breathing slowly come back to normal. She kissed him softly.
From the look on his face, in his eyes. It should be clear how much this woman meant to him... How deeply her being is inbeded in his being. He would do anything for her. Be as rough or as soft as she wanted.
Lily was surprised at the intensity in his eyes. "You mean it, don't you?" She whispered the words as her hand touched his cheek.

She hugged him. "We should talk about what we will Are you staying here?"
Jon looked in her eyes and said " I will be as long as you want me here.. Otherwise I can stay in my dugout... But I like being with you. Knowing your happy even if its so you don't have to sand on the cold tub as you shower." Jon lightly kissed her lips for just a fraction of a second. A fast soft kiss.
"Kiss me again." Lily frowned. Her mind was whirling. How could this man be so sure about what he wanted or how he felt about her?

She waited until he kissed her again before propping herself up. "I have never been sure about anything except coming here to this cabin to work."
Jon started the kiss long and soft. He could see she was thinking something by the look, almost questioning he though to him self...

He is willing to kiss her any way she wanted, soft and gentle or hard and intense...

He broke the kiss backing his head back just a hair. A slight movement to give her space as she propped her self up. His body giving to hers. Showing he was willing to let her have the lead for a while.

Sure he could be the rough and rugged man always taking her, but he wanted her to see she could be in the lead too.. To control if it was just a cuddle or if she wanted more.... She would have what he could give her gladly.
"I think I would like it if you were here. I don't know what the future holds. You might figure out I am very annoying but for now. This is nice." Lily touched his cheek again. She shifted.

"Though we really need to do something to make sure I don't get pregnant." She smiled shyly.
"No, they won't have it for two weeks at least. I just meant- never mind." She took his hand and put it on her cheek. "You don't need to do anything. Let me get us coffee." She stood and went to the kitchen and poured two mugs before returning to him.

Lily handed him a mug before sitting once more. "I didn't even ask how you like it..." She looked sheepish. "So? Milk, sugar or black?"
Jon shrugs.. Black works, its nice with cram and sugar too... I am easy to please, now the one drink I cant get enough of is you tho. * Jon smirks with a playful smile*
Lily blushed. "Me?" She took a drink of her coffee. "What is your favourite animal to trap?"

She tried to pull her robe back on as she talked.
Rabit for a short camp like over night. Moose for long term, tho black bear is good too.

Jon makes no movement to stop her from putting on her robe.. After she did he pulled her into him so she was leaning on his chest.
She smiled as he pulled her in. Lily leaned against him and sipped her coffee. "Moose? Bear? How do you trap those?"

She really did enjoy laying against him like this. She curled up comfortably in his lap. "Do you get lonely?"
Both mostly in the fall.. Just before the snow comes. Bears bulk up and are the heavyest then.
"But what sort of trap? Bears are large." She took another drink of her coffee. Lily felt comfortable in his arms. "Why didn't you build a cabin?"
Jon says " Well, I hunt them near the rivers. More a fight really, and I try to save the moos more for winter meat. Tho I start to build up my stock of dried meat in the later fall. Anything bigger then rabbits or beavers/otters would snap most snares."

When she asks about a cabin, Jon turns his head and looks confused at her and says/asks "A dugout is easy to make and I just need a room to sleep in. What would I do with more then one room?"
Lily chuckled. She looked around the room. "Well a place to sleep. A place to prepare food. A place to bathe..."

She sighed. "A roof and warm fire. Wood under your feet to walk on. Dry, clean clothes...I don't know...It is what I know. I like this place. This cabin is the first time I felt like I was home."
Jon says "well in my dugout, my one room has a small fireplace so it stays warm in winter and can cook there. I do most my cooking in a second dugout that's a smoke house. Basicly fill it with wood, light a small fire and when the wood is burnt off the meat is slow cooked and dry. When I do watch, it normaly is in a river. The fire place also keeps the stone warm that is my floor lineing. *shrugs* sounds like I got a little partly below ground 1 room cabin, but I would be glad to give it up to be with you tho. Tho up till last week I was happy with what life I had." Jon smiles at her as he is very happy with his new life with her.
"The river is cold. The shower here is warm." She smiled. "You dugout sounds cozy. I like the space here."

She looked up at him. "I like the porch. I like imagining sitting out there, wrapped in blankets and watching the stars. Do you ever dream of the future?"