The observer gets observed

*shakes his head no* Never had the energy life was to hard. *Jon pulls her hips a bit closer and kisses her on the lips*

Frim, not soft but not hard... As he kisses her, his tongue slips out of his mouth as it pushed his lips apart and licked her lips.
Lily almost dropped her coffee mug as he kissed her. She leaned away and placed the mug on the floor before sitting back up. Lily kissed him. Her tongue slid into his mouth. "I like to think about the future. This place was my future. Is my future...."

She shifted and moved so she straddled his lap. "I can see you being here with me. On the porch, at night..."
Jon grabs her by the ass and stands up. Jon asks " Do you need a shower again? To clean up or do you feel clean all over?" As he ask his cock is quickly hardening as its trapped in the middle of there hips.

Jon is unsure to take to her the bathroom or to the porch.
"No. Take me to the porch and show me what the future might be like....then we can shower."

He was holding her tightly against him. She could feel him hard against her hip. "Take me outside..."
Jon got a devilish look in his eye with that grin that says he is planning something... As he turns he starts taking extra springy steps with a bit of a bounce to them. This was lightly rocking Lily's hips into Jons and rubbing his almost solid cock....

Jon is in a playful/teasing mood
She was watching him wary now as he looked at her. She did not know him well enough to know what that grin meant. He was in a good mood...she thought.
Jon walks outside and off the porch. He starts to lower him self down sitting/falling somewhat hard on his but into the grass... He makes a slight and soft grunt from the impact. Jon then reached around behind him and softly grabbed Lily's ankles as he tries to pull them away from the back of him. He looks at her and wonders if she will release him from her legs grasps.
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Lily was confused as Jon grabbed her ankles but yielded to his grasp. She watched his eyes, her hand on his cheek. He had fallen down onto the porch. Controlled but still hard. "Porch..."

He was on the ground not the porch. She tilted her head. "What are you doing?" Her voice was soft.
Jon didn't say a word as he smiled at her. He moved her legs from behind him and laid on his back in the grass. He moved her legs over his chest so her heals where resting on his chin.....He started to rub his hands up and down the sides of her legs softly and gently. Just to do it and show affection...

Jon couldn't help but to feel a bit cheeky with him self, she wanted to be outside and look up at the stars... Well shes now sitting on him out in the lawn with nothing but the night sky over head. He did what she wanted... He also knew she meant sitting on the porch, but wouldn't this work..... Wasn't he better then some cold wood?
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Lily laid out on him. She reclined out on her back, eyes up at the sky. "Wasn't entirely what I had in mind but..."

She chuckled, her body shaking on top of him.

"Is this what you like? Just laying with me? Being under me?"
Jon started to kiss her heals as he says "huhh huh" with a slight nod for yes

It felt like she was relaxed. He hoped she was enjoying her self on him.
"You aren't like other least men that I have met." She sighed and laid on him. She closed her eyes, feeling his lips on her heel.

"If you fight with bears and haul other animals it must mean I weigh very little to are quite comfortable to lie on."
Jon only smiles hearing that... He dose move her feet so the soles of them are resting on his face. Jon hopes this will be a more comfortable way for her to lay, with it being more natural.

He loves that she is so relaxed on him.
She relaxed for a while. "Um, I need to use the bathroom...." She rolled off of him and headed to the cabin. She went to the bathroom and washed her hands.

Lily went back to stand on the porch. She looked around for him.
Jon let her get up and walk off freely. He stayed laying on his back in the spot. Jon heard her walking back out of the cabin. He looks on with interest as she is standing on the porch looking around.
"Do you want dinner? A glass of wine?" She was unsure what to do. She had never met a man who wanted to just lay there with her. Men wanted sex. In truth, Lily liked sex but she also enjoyed that he liked to be close.
" Dinner and water for me" Jon said in a friendly tone as he started to get up and walked to her. He walked to the stove area and lays on his back.

Jon smiles looking over at her to see if she has a reaction or not.
Lily inhales and walks to the stove. She steps up on him and begins to fill a pot with water before putting it on the stove to boil.

She begins the preparations on a sauce, the whole time standing on him as he liked. Once it was all simmering and close to being ready Lily stepped off of him and went to the bedroom. She tossed on a loose sundress and came back to the room.

She set the table a glass of water for him and a glass of wine for herself. She took up position on him once more to drain the pasta and toss it all together.

"Ready." She brought the bowl to the table and put it down.
Jon enjoyed watching her cook and when she came back with the sundress that was even better as in most the time he was looking up her dress.. Getting to admire her sexy body.

As she walked to the table and said ready, he knew she was done or should be done standing on him for a while. So he got up and went to sit at the table.

He had pasta a few times and was looking foreword to the real treat.

As he sat in the chair he asked. " Do you like to wear allot of dresses? I like how it looks on you and would love to see you in a skirt." Jon smiles as he is happy being with her. He also is happy he got to be a foot warmer for her as she cooked.
"No, field work means more practical clothing. Khaki pants, t-shirts...hiking boots.." Lily looked down at her plate, hiding a faint blush.

"I used to go out a lot when i was home. Jewelry, heels...Don't do that anymore. I am more suited for this sort of life."
Jon says encouragingly "You can do that for me, when your not out hiking" *Jon gives a big smile* Jon adds " I know its not same as city night life, but we can still enjoy it around here."
"Maybe." Lily smiled. "I guess I can try when I am not working. I will be out for long days and usually very tired when I get back. Pj's are usually my go to." She chuckled.

"I have a lot of work, a lot of research to do. It isn't glamorous." Lily brushed her hair out of her face and took a bite of pasta.

"I can try...if that is something you like." She took another few bites and a sip of wine. She frowned and put her glass down. "Doesn't taste right tonight." She stood and dumped the wine down the drain before rinsing the glass out. "I love that wine."

Lily sat back down and finished her pasta. "Do you like it? The pasta?"
Jon was to into talking to her he hasn't tried it.. When Lily says "Maybe" His face lit up knowing she would still do something she enjoyed, even if it was just for his eyes only. Jon nodded in understanding about her being tired from the field.

Jon watched her get up and walk to dump the wine out. He smiled as she looked almost that comfortable on him. That fact she seamed to be getting accustomed to walking and standing on him made him happy.

When she asked about the pasta.. He taken a few bites and nods his head looking at her for a second or two then looks at the plate and starts to inhale it.... He really did enjoy it even tho he ate so fast.

He made quick work of the plate and had a huge smile on his face.

He asks " Got any plans after dinner?"
"Yes, painkillers and reading. Some relaxing. My body still aches from the crash." She cleared the table. "Glad you seemed to enjoy it."

The dishes were put in the sink to be done later. Lily went to the bathroom and took a painkiller and then returned to the living room.

"Do you want to join me on the couch or do you have other plans?"
Jon moves to the couch and lays down on his back.. He asks " What hurts, anything I can rub?"