the nice guy...


Really Experienced
May 27, 2002
why dont nice guys win? women always say they hate head games and abussive people and all that but yet you always see them with an abusive person a game player a dumbass etc. what is it about assholes that is soo appealing?
some women like 'bad boys', whether they mean to or not.

Nice guys just can't compete with that.

magicpenis said:
why dont nice guys win? women always say they hate head games and abussive people and all that but yet you always see them with an abusive person a game player a dumbass etc. what is it about assholes that is soo appealing?

I say that you can be a nice guy, but you have to be an asshole a bit, too.

Be kind, sincere, and loving. But you should also be arrogant and stubborn. Nice guys I love, but with a bit of an attitude.

Fuckheads are just that. I hate true assholes.
I have been with my share of "bad boys" and it made me appreciate the nice guys so much more. I am engaged to a nice guy and I think they really do win in the end. It's a shame you have to kiss so many frogs to find your
Women don't want assholes. The misconception is that a "nice" guy has to be a doormat. We hate doormats. Most women want a man to be a man. Have balls, stand up for yourself, make things a little challenging, tell us when we're being bitchy - don't just sit there and take it. I hate "nice" guys, because whenever I get one, and they seem to be so wishy washy all the time, then I walk all over them, and I hate myself for being like that, and so then I take the anger out on them and the cycle continues. Don't be so focused on being nice, that you give up what makes you a man.
ohh and the other thing i forgott to metion. women seem to love a conformist. they love m-n-m wana bees and xxx wana bees its funny if you arnt just like everyone else they wont like you yet your still supposed to somehow stand out lol
I don't think this is true of every woman.

I grew out of the bad boy phase ....

Give me a man with a wicked sense of humor, intelligence, compassion, who can be affectionate and has a wonderful sense of humor - oh maybe I mentioned that one already.
His_kitty said:
I don't think this is true of every woman.

I grew out of the bad boy phase ....

Give me a man with a wicked sense of humor, intelligence, compassion, who can be affectionate and has a wonderful sense of humor - oh maybe I mentioned that one already.

it is a phase! young women are like this. teenagers. most grow out of it. but the problem is iam 19 and i cant find a 25 y/o that will have me :(
magicpenis said:
it is a phase! young women are like this. teenagers. most grow out of it. but the problem is iam 19 and i cant find a 25 y/o that will have me :(

Amen Brother! Go tell it on the mountain!
I grew out of that phase by the time I was 16 - it was short lived.

I realized rather quickly that I much preferred a man who would treat me the way I should be treated over someone who didn't have self esteem and felt the need to be nasty.
What women want is self-confidence. Doesn't matter who you are, what you do, or what you look like...if you are self-confident you are sexy.

Guys who aren't confident in themselves fade into the background...they don't get noticed by women. They label themselves "nice guys" and moan that women don't want them just because they are "nice". Maybe they are nice guys, who knows, but they are really getting left behind because they have no self-confidence.

The "bad boys", on the other hand, often have loads of self-confidence, which is why they are so attractive to women.
Starblayde said:
Amen Brother! Go tell it on the mountain!

Yesterday you were wanting someone to yell from the top of the mountain about more g/g kissing and today this. I wonder what it will be saying tomorrow. ;)
His_kitty said:
Yesterday you were wanting someone to yell from the top of the mountain about more g/g kissing and today this. I wonder what it will be saying tomorrow. ;)
Heythere are a lot of mountains, and lots of things that need preaching :D
Pyper said:
What women want is self-confidence. Doesn't matter who you are, what you do, or what you look like...if you are self-confident you are sexy.

Guys who aren't confident in themselves fade into the background...they don't get noticed by women. They label themselves "nice guys" and moan that women don't want them just because they are "nice". Maybe they are nice guys, who knows, but they are really getting left behind because they have no self-confidence.

The "bad boys", on the other hand, often have loads of self-confidence, which is why they are so attractive to women.

you know that has alot to do with it , i tend to be kinda shy at times or just feel like "nah i cant get her so i wont even try"
As I get older I notice I encounter a lot less bullshit from women. The trick is finding an older woman who isn't bitter.
One thing I have noticed about the guys who post these "Why don't girls like the nice guys" threads - is that they post it as if they'd like an answer, but selectively choose what they want to hear out of any answers posted.
magicpenis said:
you know that has alot to do with it , i tend to be kinda shy at times or just feel like "nah i cant get her so i wont even try"

LOL... German girl in my class... real babe... I'll pluck up some confidence to say 'guten tag' eventually :D