The New Hot Sex Thread for Friday


Jul 29, 2002
Come one, come all, to the greatest show on earth!!
Here we explore the lascivious mind of BgMma, whose exploits shall be told round the world!

No, just kidding, but it sounded good.

Today we have the list of Lit folks who I would love fuck in a cemetery on hallowe'en at midnight dressed like buccaneers.

No particular order.......

wiggles, because she has a sexy mind and a naughty imagination. Happy now, love?

Rambrat, because I think he needs a bit of shaking up

Pixie Mischief, because I think she'd really be into it

Belilica, because she has some really hot legs

JerseyBoy, because I can really feel for a man who passes out on his doctor. Oh, yes, I remember that story!

Islandman, because that AV gets hotter every time I see it

QuickDuck, because I saw those sweet assed pics on another thread!!

ub6ibfine, because there is something to be said about an insatiable 22 year old man

ezzie, because she likes me oh so much

russell, again, because he is so damn horny

Ezarc, again, because I think he would have fun.

This ends our broadcasting day. Please stay tuned for Gilligan's Goulash.
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Starblayde said:
*taps foot repeatedly for the third day in succession*


She's just saving you for the most special day of the week, duh!
Notice my name does not appear......that's because I was BgMma's prototype graveyard, buckaneer fuckee. Still standing (only just) to tell the tale!
Thank you, thank you, thank you. I feel so special now.

And, you're right, I do like you oh so much. What's not to like? :)
BgMma99 said:

JerseyBoy, because I can really feel for a man who passes out on his doctor. Oh, yes, I remember that story!
Ugh...of all the things to remember!
