The Negro Problem


Literotica Guru
Sep 20, 2001
...pretty cool band. Any fans out there?

This is the part where Modest Mouse jumps in and says he's been following them since 97.
Re: Re: The Negro Problem

lavender said:
I think Modest Mouse just found dreamland.

maybe it's because i just woke up, but even after looking at it for a full 2 minutes, i have no fucking clue what your avatar is.
Re: Re: The Negro Problem

lavender said:
I think Modest Mouse just found dreamland.

Hiya lady.

Don't mention Dreamland. It's the place where ribs are made of pork and I drink the sauce.
Re: Re: Re: The Negro Problem

seXieleXie said:
maybe it's because i just woke up, but even after looking at it for a full 2 minutes, i have no fucking clue what your avatar is.
Looks like a slobbering dog's head on a big orange pillow.:eek: :rolleyes:
Honestly, I had a musical entertainment choice tonite. GO and see Nelly and the ST Lunatics, The Clipse, and Fabolous


The Sauerkrauts Polka Band.

Did I pick the acts talking about iced up 22's or the act whose key number involves the chicken dance?

Too bad it's 50/50 or I'd say you'd never guess.
I don't dance but a pitcher of Paulander OKTO as opposed to Coors lite will make me ponder anything.
Thanks for the correction. I lived in Denver a spell, I couldn't stand when they said Westminister instead of Westminster. I don't really drink anymore. However, since I decided to tonite I opted with the better brew. No matter if each set included three accordions.
Wurst Fest. Texans in general aren't on my good side this week(my good side is still kinda sharp). It was fairly close to Austin, so at least it wasn't in Abilene. That and there were a lot of drunk-dancing senior citizens with chicken and viking hats present.
Re: Re: Re: The Negro Problem

Marxist said:
Hiya lady.

Don't mention Dreamland. It's the place where ribs are made of pork and I drink the sauce.

Holyfuckingshit. Those ribs maked my gazongada hard as a rock.