The Naked Party Thread

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can't think of any place I'd rather be right now... ;)

Except maybe traveling around with this guy on television. Ever going diving on the great barrier reef in Australia VM?
It's not on my bucket list. But if the chance arose I'd certainly take a snorkel and fins run through the inside of it. Interesting place, Australia. I want to go baramundee fishing and hunt water buffalo in the North and eat shrimp barbecue and ogle the girls at Surfer's Paradise. There's even a place where it's supposed to be possible to catch marlin off the shore. I find that one hard to believe.
Three words that would keep me out of Australian waters:

Great White Sharks


Being eaten alive has got to be the worst way to go.
I'd be happy to just see the reef and lay on the beach... Though I'd prefer a local quiet beach to the tourist side I think...

Nice romantic getaway:rose:
Three words that would keep me out of Australian waters:

Great White Sharks


Being eaten alive has got to be the worst way to go.

I think I'd prefer eaten by sharks to any number of other animals. Gotta be faster than say ants...:eek:
I think I'd prefer eaten by sharks to any number of other animals. Gotta be faster than say ants...:eek:

Most GWS just take a huge bite out of you. They don't usually eat the entire human. We either don't taste right or don't have enough fat to satisfy them. They prefer seals. Of course, having a ten or fifteen pound chunk taken out is pretty generally fatal . . . even if they don't swallow.
Most GWS just take a huge bite out of you. They don't usually eat the entire human. We either don't taste right or don't have enough fat to satisfy them. They prefer seals. Of course, having a ten or fifteen pound chunk taken out is pretty generally fatal . . . even if they don't swallow.

I've heard that about sharks... Mostly that when they bite people it's exploratory and they don't really like us.;)

So, are the wildflowers all over Texas?

:p Secret :kiss:

Yup, wildflowers and pollen... turned my white car yellow, literally!:rolleyes:

But the flowers are pretty. Just don't inhale too deeply. You'll be sneezing for the rest of the season!

How are you VM?
Yup, wildflowers and pollen... turned my white car yellow, literally!:rolleyes:

But the flowers are pretty. Just don't inhale too deeply. You'll be sneezing for the rest of the season!

How are you VM?

Busy in the garden, the kitchen, the workshop . . . Tree and weed pollen is the bane out here. I have to take three expectorants a day to keep from hacking like a three-pack-a day smoker. How're things down your way?
Busy in the garden, the kitchen, the workshop . . . Tree and weed pollen is the bane out here. I have to take three expectorants a day to keep from hacking like a three-pack-a day smoker. How're things down your way?

Good, looking at possibly buying a house. Baby in and out of dr's offices, but nothing serious. Today has been a weird day. Lots of dumb things happened, started the day by backing into someone's parked car and ended the day with a speeding ticket. I won't mention the rest of the stupid stuff in between. Tomorrow has to be better!
So Dave wants to know who my new boyfriend is...;)
He pointed out that the last time I was on the Lit forums I was was flirting with some guy in Texas...
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