The Naked Party Thread

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Hell yes, I have come to the right place! :D

Rolf, two shots of your best tequila, and don't be afraid to be generous!

*settles back into the cushions with a smile*

And if you want a little more heat just have them poke up the fireplace or add a log or two. There's never any shortage of good hardwood firelogs.
Good question. Here it is almost the end of March and I'm still in my Harris tweed? What nonsense.

Back in a coupla hours. We're off to dinner.
This is what comes of trusting groundhogs...freezing temperatures in freaking March.


When I lived in Atlanta, it was fairly common to have ice storms in April. The Red Buds, Dogwoods, Iris, Crocus, Tulips and such were coated with ice. It was weird. :rolleyes:
When I lived in Atlanta, it was fairly common to have ice storms in April. The Red Buds, Dogwoods, Iris, Crocus, Tulips and such were coated with ice. It was weird. :rolleyes:

Tennessee has had the most freakish weather this year, I I understand the rest of planet Earth has also been suffering the wrath of mother nature.

*Wanders in, tosses Panama onto the peg, rolls a keg of Winter Lager over next to the sofa, pokes up the fire, pours himself a mug or twelve . . . *
I was just thinking of you, sweet bear. How are you feeling? Allergies under control again?

Fit as a fiddle again. I'm taking expectorant to keep my post nasal drip flowing easily and the tree/weed pollen count is down. Of course, having just had quite a bit of rain helps with that. So I'm good. How are you and yours?
Oooh, winter lager, the Bear has taste. :) *slips off her robe by the door and finds a comfy chair by the fire, bottles clinking in her hand* It has been one long weekend.

I don't know about the rest of you, but when you're looking forward to a Monday.....yeesh.
Fit as a fiddle again. I'm taking expectorant to keep my post nasal drip flowing easily and the tree/weed pollen count is down. Of course, having just had quite a bit of rain helps with that. So I'm good. How are you and yours?

Well, the plague I brought home is turning my family into snarling, snapping brats. My cat disappeared. We hope he finds his way home. The dog is all dressed up (groomed with pretty little bows) and has no place to go because the flu is keeping us home and I'm playing nursemaid to the ingrates of the world. Except for Joey. I fixed him a pot of soup, tidied up his kitchen--spent less than an hour doing it. He was far more grateful than my husband and kid. :rolleyes:

I'm glad to hear you're doing better, though. Stay healthy.
Well, the plague I brought home is turning my family into snarling, snapping brats. My cat disappeared. We hope he finds his way home. The dog is all dressed up (groomed with pretty little bows) and has no place to go because the flu is keeping us home and I'm playing nursemaid to the ingrates of the world. Except for Joey. I fixed him a pot of soup, tidied up his kitchen--spent less than an hour doing it. He was far more grateful than my husband and kid. :rolleyes:

I'm glad to hear you're doing better, though. Stay healthy.

Best of Luck, Molly.
Have a rest; what drink would you like ?
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