The Literotica Tag team competition?

With the odd number for pairings, I'll make it easy and bow out. I know I'm the last person everyone wants to be partnered with anyway, so that takes away that worry. Good luck to everyone.
With the odd number for pairings, I'll make it easy and bow out. I know I'm the last person everyone wants to be partnered with anyway, so that takes away that worry. Good luck to everyone.

Naaah, that would be me.
When I get home tonight I'll go through and list who is in. I pm' Marie Writer last night and if I do not hear back by tomorrow night we'll move on without her as she seems to be the only maybe in the list right now.

With the odd number for pairings, I'll make it easy and bow out. I know I'm the last person everyone wants to be partnered with anyway, so that takes away that worry. Good luck to everyone.

Feels premature Royce. Why not keep your name in the hat until LC has the final list? Might not hurt to have a person or two "on deck" in case of other drop-outs.
Feels premature Royce. Why not keep your name in the hat until LC has the final list? Might not hurt to have a person or two "on deck" in case of other drop-outs.

I was thinking of joining up, but I'm not sure how it all works. I might take Royce's spot, if that's alright with everyone.
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Okay how is this for the theme. In spirit of this competition the theme should be


It could involve sports the work place college students any situation that involves two people or a group of people working together.

How does that sound?
Okay how is this for the theme. In spirit of this competition the theme should be


It could involve sports the work place college students any situation that involves two people or a group of people working together.

How does that sound?

Works for me.
Didn't think you entered it JB. Regardless, I'm out.

Pay attention, I didn't enter it. But if I had TEAMWORK is as alien to me as sucking a dick. I cant imagine anyone welcoming me for a partner. But a few here may get the only honest feedback they'll ever get at LIT.
Pay attention, I didn't enter it. But if I had TEAMWORK is as alien to me as sucking a dick. I cant imagine anyone welcoming me for a partner. But a few here may get the only honest feedback they'll ever get at LIT.

To be honest JB, I think you'd be fun to write something with. You like going outside the lines and paint a different picture of things and I like that. Honest feedback is the only feedback worthwhile getting. 'Stroke my ego' comments are nice, but do nothing to point out faults they're overlooking.
Honest feedback is all I really want. Later, after I am famous, I will pay people to kiss my ass and stroke my ego.

Many world class performers attest to editing themselves, cuz they know whats good and bad about what they do. Like broccoli or rutabaga folks may love or hate it but it does have standards that are discernible, regardless of personal appeal.
To be honest JB, I think you'd be fun to write something with. You like going outside the lines and paint a different picture of things and I like that. Honest feedback is the only feedback worthwhile getting. 'Stroke my ego' comments are nice, but do nothing to point out faults they're overlooking.

My lines have training wheels.

I'm reading OUR MUTUAL FRIEND by Dickens; some of the chapters are sublime (many suck), and I wanna master his sublime prose before I die. But it cant be taught. The average teen knows when he's gotta fart, or she knows when she has an itch, but that's about the zenith of their sense. Dickens has them explore the wells of human mysteries like they was Jacque Cousteau, and makes it seem plausible.
Okay how is this for the theme. In spirit of this competition the theme should be


It could involve sports the work place college students any situation that involves two people or a group of people working together.

How does that sound?

Several ideas jump to mind around that general theme. I approve.

Honest feedback is all I really want. Later, after I am famous, I will pay people to kiss my ass and stroke my ego.

Note: If you're kissing my ass, I'd prefer you were stroking something more tangible than my ego. :D
Works for me...

But, "Wild one-on-one consensual sex." I guess group sex is out.

But other things jump to not a pairs, naked, trampoline competition. Although... :devil:
That didn't take long to decide, lmao. I just got a new assignment from my boss that obviously has to be done immediately. Looks like I won't be able to try it after all. Only up side is a trip to warmer climes for the next 2 weeks. :D

Hopefully there will be more of these and I can get in on one.
Works for me...

But, "Wild one-on-one consensual sex." I guess group sex is out.

But other things jump to not a pairs, naked, trampoline competition. Although... :devil:

I thought the same thing, though Lit's categories are often rather loose. For example, if the couple has anal sex, does that automatically classify it as an anal story instead of EC? Same would be true if one half of the couple is substantially older than the other partner: does that mean it's better placed within Mature? And heaven forbid if they are different races!

Personally, I use the general theme of my story as placement guidance. The first chapter of my story "Mindy's Moving Day" felt best in the Fetish category because it focused around a CFNM pegging. The second chapter was accepted into "Interracial" which I felt was appropriate because our "hero" was taken by a large black man and that was the thematic focal point of the story. Based on content, the story could have fallen back into Fetish or Exhibitionist & Voyeur or more.

I think it's up to the author team to satisfactorily meet the expectations of the category.

Just my 2 cents. :)
I thought the same thing, though Lit's categories are often rather loose. For example, if the couple has anal sex, does that automatically classify it as an anal story instead of EC? Same would be true if one half of the couple is substantially older than the other partner: does that mean it's better placed within Mature? And heaven forbid if they are different races!

Personally, I use the general theme of my story as placement guidance. The first chapter of my story "Mindy's Moving Day" felt best in the Fetish category because it focused around a CFNM pegging. The second chapter was accepted into "Interracial" which I felt was appropriate because our "hero" was taken by a large black man and that was the thematic focal point of the story. Based on content, the story could have fallen back into Fetish or Exhibitionist & Voyeur or more.

I think it's up to the author team to satisfactorily meet the expectations of the category.

Just my 2 cents. :)

In general, it seems like the central THEME of an erotic couplings tale is a one-on-one relationship. In many of the stories, various detours are take along the way, threesomes are not uncommon, nor are various other eccentricities, as long as the main story revolves around an erotic coupling.

As for me, I'm sitting on the sidelines and waiting to be told what to write, and who to write it with. It sounds like a fun diversion.

Wednesday is fine by me.
I thought the same thing, though Lit's categories are often rather loose. For example, if the couple has anal sex, does that automatically classify it as an anal story instead of EC? Same would be true if one half of the couple is substantially older than the other partner: does that mean it's better placed within Mature? And heaven forbid if they are different races!

Personally, I use the general theme of my story as placement guidance. The first chapter of my story "Mindy's Moving Day" felt best in the Fetish category because it focused around a CFNM pegging. The second chapter was accepted into "Interracial" which I felt was appropriate because our "hero" was taken by a large black man and that was the thematic focal point of the story. Based on content, the story could have fallen back into Fetish or Exhibitionist & Voyeur or more.

I think it's up to the author team to satisfactorily meet the expectations of the category.

Just my 2 cents. :)

I ask myself WHO THEY WANNA SCORE WITH? If they don't care, its EC.

Heres a topic for yuh: WOODIES.