The Legend of Zelda


Literotica Guru
Apr 13, 2002
Alright... ~I~ Saw it on the Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets promo reel... has anyone else seen it?

And along the same line... Who's seen the Metroid commercial?
Dantetier said:
Alright... ~I~ Saw it on the Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets promo reel... has anyone else seen it?

And along the same line... Who's seen the Metroid commercial?

Nope, haven't seen it.

Concerning Metroid Prime: If it's what it looks like -and it looks like another shitty first-person shooter from the commercials- then I will be seriously disappointed. I thought Nintendo had higher standards than that.

I dislike first-person shooters because, in general, they suck. Hard.
if you're talking about the old video game then you're talking about one of my all time favorites. it's the only one i could kick the crap out of my three step-sons at the time and it pissed them off royally.

as i recal the one eyed monster that you had to kill at the end was named zuni.

edited to say that i also ruled at duck hunt.:D
Okay... What I'm talking about are the actual commercials. ..

On the Metroid one... where they had some person dressed up as Samus... the graphics looked cool as hell. (I'm not referring to the game... just the commercial)

And Zelda the same thing... the preview for the game was shown in a movie theater... so I thought it was a live action Zelda movie. I went batty in the theater... and then when they showed me it was just a game. I yelled out "FUCK!" in the middle of the theater... filled with kids...

Anyway... if they can keep the Lord of the Rings feel, and have those badass graphics and filming from the commercials... I'd LOVE to see a Metroid or Zelda movie
unclej said:
if you're talking about the old video game then you're talking about one of my all time favorites.

Actually, we're referring to the latest installment of the Metroid series, which is due to be released soon for the Gamecube.
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Is there a new Zelda coming out?

PLEASE Tell me there is!

I am so out of touch.

Fill me in here, please.
bknight2602 said:
Didn't see this trailer, must have been out getting pop corn!

I've asked my friends... and NO ONE other than me has seen it... I am under the impression I was hallucinating, but my brother swears he was at the theater with me and he saw it too
well, i haven't been inside of a movie theatre for over ten years so it shouldn't surprise anyone that i'm just a wee bit out of touch.

i never shot the dog but if i had thought of it i would have.:D
Starfish said:
Is there a new Zelda coming out?

PLEASE Tell me there is!

I am so out of touch.

Fill me in here, please.

Yeah, a new Zelda will be coming out. It'll be called "Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker." As with every Zelda since Zelda II it will be a prequel, and is taking several radical steps for the francise. Link will have a sister. Gannon won't be a force to be reckoned with since his origins were revealed in Ocarina of Time (N64) - so there'll be a new baddie to face this time. Obviously related to the wind.

The most controversial (sp?!) step is the move to cel-shade the whole game. If you liked the CGI rendered Link in the commercials and movie reels, then you might be disappointed. He's a walking cartoon, and so is eveything else. But if you like anime or cartoons in general, you might love it then. Link will feature a HUGE amount of facial and body expressions as he wanders about. A living cartoon world. So far as I'm concerned, they pulled of realistic graphics like none-before with Metroid Prime, so Nintendo very well might have done the same with this title.

Additionally, they're rehashing Zelda: Ocarina of Time with the unreleased 64DD expansion pack version of the game in Japan if you pre-order it through Nintendo. So if you liked the old Zelda you get a quasi-new one to play with also. Hopefully they'll do the same for here also.

The GBA will see a re-hash of Zelda: Link to the Past (SNES), with a four-player multi-player treasure hunting game built-in (called Four Swords). It's both co-operative and combative, since you'll need to work together to uncover the treasures, but then you'll be bashing each other just to gather it. Backstabbing your buddy is very likely. Sounds promising, but not worth buying the game by itself in my opinion.

That help?
I've had odd thoughts about all the zelda games, I still know the original map of the first zelda in my head like I grew up there, I guess I played it too much in college. Although I liked the ocarina of time, I have always been disappointed with the N64 graphics, even with the expansion pak. I think they are foggy, and not at crisp as the playstation. I think in the begining they tried to sell on the cart vs the cd speed, but the fact of the matter is the console just didn't have the ooomph of the PS1 to compete. Now for Metroid, I loved every version of this game, although I never played the gameboy version, I have gotten to the end of each game, and yes for some reason this game series and starfox I was a whiz at, verses some of the popular first person shooters which are pretty much boring anymore.

Metroid has a website Metroid Prime , and I hope well for this one however I am going to switch to another console, I just haven't heard much good about the cube to stick with nintendo this time. I may be faithfull but I was dissappointed by the N64, mostly by titles since Sony beat them at their own game which is amazing that you can go from number one to number 3 just like that, but they have, and in my opinion are losing to the xbox, and whatever new beast sega maybe working on.....abiet the short run of their last console. Which I hear is next to impossible to find games for. Reminds me of the Neo Geo.....expensive system, some good games, no support.

So who has any intellivision games to sell?
I have an extra copy of AD&D (the mountain one) and Tron Deadly Disks each. If you want BlackJack and Poker, I can fill ya in... :)

I won't sell the system though. Besides the aforementioned games, Sanfu, Burger King, Beauty and the Beast and a few other miscellaneous but superior titles still work fine. Night Stalker! Yeah, baby, yeah!

As for Zelda, yeah, I too want to wait and see. I don't own any current-gen systems, none have convinced me they're worth the investment (no not even the PS2 with both GTAs). I did by a Sega Dreamcast after it died to fill my eclectic games void. Samba de Amigo, Seaman, DDR. I :heart: Samba!!!

I'm curious to see how Zelda turns out regardless.
Starfish ( and anyone else interested ) you might want to check out for previews and news about what's coming up in the gaming industry.

Metroid Prime ( Nintendo GC ) and Metroid Fuzion ( Nintendo GameBoy Advance ) have both already been released and they rock.

I am looking forward to the new Zelda in '03. IIRC it is going to be released in Feb. No matter what the new look is .... Zelda always delivers one game play. So it's all good as far as I am concerned. :D
Dantetier said:
Alright... ~I~ Saw it on the Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets promo reel... has anyone else seen it?

And along the same line... Who's seen the Metroid commercial?


Re: Re: The Legend of Zelda

DarkAngel said:


*L* Thanks. Someone remembered the original meaning of the thread. Didn't you like.. die? I swear, I was ready to rip out some throats in the theater with the movie/game Zelda tease...