The Last Thing You Thought...

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Hey now! You have to share, it's only fair. ;)

Uh huh, that's what I thought. SLUTS, both of ya. Next time I want in on it. :rose:

I know im a slut..... I do share sometimes....but remember though her heart is all mine and I do not share that...
Hey I was getting my birthday present.... why does that make me a slut....oh never mind I always new i was a slut...LOL
I know im a slut..... I do share sometimes....but remember though her heart is all mine and I do not share that...
You do to share that dammit, I luv's her Freak, don't make me pout.. I'm pitiful when I pout. licks his cheek and hugs him See I'm sweet and nice.. share. :D
Awwwwwwww :eek: now I have sensitive mushies again. :heart:
awwww cuteded!
ears perk up
yes sluts, both of them, me too, you too, I love the sluts.. giggles birthday. Coming up in a couple of weeks and it's not a happy thought.
Why is it with age women just grow older, but men grow more distinguished? birthday. Coming up in a couple of weeks and it's not a happy thought.
Why is it with age women just grow older, but men grow more distinguished?

Happy thoughts. Always happy thoughts. :rose:

I'm not touching the topic though :cool: birthday. Coming up in a couple of weeks and it's not a happy thought.
Why is it with age women just grow older, but men grow more distinguished?

I always look at it as getting... more refined.. achieving a deeper, richer... flavor, like cognac.
Well my age issues have caused some to have a giggle. All's good , I can live with that. :rose: xxx
Nina you fucking crack me up :D
Well.... damn man... Really! what the hell are ya gonna say to someone that can do that. i effin wanna know what he would look like with a cunt on one shoulder and a dick on the other.... hmm... thier might be something wrong with me afterall.
Uh're not going to bake me are you?

*thinks of slipping away quietly*
Bake.. bake..... no.. i want sculputres.. and that so wont work if your all hot an mushy.
Oh crap Nina's on and I haven't posted yet to the story she likes! *goes to work on it after food*

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