The Last Thing You Thought...

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Well.... damn man... Really! what the hell are ya gonna say to someone that can do that. i effin wanna know what he would look like with a cunt on one shoulder and a dick on the other.... hmm... thier might be something wrong with me afterall.

Bake.. bake..... no.. i want sculputres.. and that so wont work if your all hot an mushy.


Yeah.. no. I'm rather fond of him just the way he is. No taking apart and rearranging my pet, Nina. :cool:
LT - Suddenly craving a guy in a suit, complete with a tie, and Fedora, and a cane to come claim me as his Kitten for the night. o////o
LT Heaven help me, why do I shop at this website?

Oh right...Christmas presents, not stuff for me.

*Goes back to the Jinx website*
Last Thoughts

Ah, maybe I need to clear out my threads...cuz Massacre seems to be not moving AGAIN.

And Noon has been having writing issues...

Also...Mina...focus on Mina...

and do I have a solo piece for The Cavern??

And sometimes, not often, but sometimes....

I wish I could go back just two weeks...

Honestly????.,I was so hoping that the Christmas tree in Rockerfeller Center would have shorted out.,But it did not.,so.,I am out of $20 :mad:
LT ~ I should so have bunny ears and tail right now...along with a giant pocket watch...!!
LT- It's been a rough week. I need a swift kick in the ass though it's not easy admitting it when I'm wrong. :(
LT- It's been a rough week. I need a swift kick in the ass though it's not easy admitting it when I'm wrong. :(

*Delivers said swift kick, followed by a few firm spanks and a nice long fondling of Cherry's ass*

There ya go. ;) :p :D
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LT - I would really love some more cashews.
(hey, some days are simple days)
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