The Last Thing You Thought...

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Loved the Solitary post you left for me Dryfter... :D ... Gives me plenty to work with... :rose: ... You are one of the best...

Loved the start to the new story... I will definitely be following that....!!!!!

Taps his foot, waiting impatiently

Watches the wolf make an irritant of himself, ignoring the mess he just created, snapping my fingers and making it all go away.

Stop being an ass, darling. It's ugly and not at all charming as you might think. Besides, you lack the necessary boobs in order to pull off being a brat well.

Boobs do make being a brat more tolerable that is for certain. Then again I do not tend to tolerate much bratiness. Oh and you never did tell me what you wanted for Christmas, kiddo.

Slow grin

Did it EVER occur to you that this was REAL LIFE POST.

As in I could give TWO fucks about the bullshit that occurs on LIT and I don't care about the cyber hissy fits or snow ball throwing, water dumping...blah blah blah...

I was writing about a REAL LIFE PERSON...


I don't care enough about cyber shit to be mad about any fucking thing that occurs here.


Circles arms around her to hug her tight

I'm around if you wanna blow off steam m'dear.
well given the current line of Posts on the forums at the time you posted this i thought it had been directed at me, but i refuse to apologize for an error that was caused by just bad timing,

Hope things go better for you im sorry your so pissed off

Really, dude? You can't just say, "Didn't realize, sorry I misunderstood?"

well given the current line of Posts on the forums at the time you posted this i thought it had been directed at me, but i refuse to apologize for an error that was caused by just bad timing,

Hope things go better for you im sorry your so pissed off

I didn't bother to READ the current line of banter before I posted.
I was in the process of cooling down after having the cops called to my real life home.
and honestly do you think I give a fuck if you apologize for deciding that i took a poke at you?
No. I don't.

Because, and I will say this again, this is a fucking porn board. No one here (besides kitty and a random few others) are REAL to me.

NO one (cept for a VERY random few) here can get under my skin enough to either get an apology from me or owe me one.

You jumped to a conclusion that happened to be wrong and NOW you are acting like I did something to you.

Really, dude? You can't just say, "Didn't realize, sorry I misunderstood?"


*looks to scutt*

this time? not really, as previously stated, with the way the posts were being written i honestly thought it had been directed at me,

Luna's last post made it clear she was talking about someone else so just the timing of reading her post from my end was bad for me, so *shrugs*
Really, dude? You can't just say, "Didn't realize, sorry I misunderstood?"




I love this time of year, it is always beautiful.

That was a very pleasant drive. Makes me miss one of my old jobs where I got to drive around a large portion of the day and listen to music. Such tremendous freedom.

I just watched my dog bark and make lots of noise at another animal because I paid it a little attention, then he lifted his leg and pissed to mark his territory. Reminds me of some idiots around her. It is cute when my dogs do it, when people do it? It is just sad.

Damnit People.

Logan! Damn straight I know you're playing and you'll get yours.

Second, never, ever, think that Luna is talking about you (generalized you here) unless she quotes you or uses your name. She could be simply letting off steam at work, god knows she probably runs into all kinds at her job.

Third, will you peoples just relax around here. Fuck. Some of you all take things way too seriously when something is said and it's either not pointed at you or you just think it is.

I swear. I'm beginning to think everyone is on their period lately. Go find some chocolate, grab a blankie and your teddy bears and find a dark corner to crawl into.

I'm leaving, again. Get yer damn asses on right and play nice, for fuck's sake.
Last Thought

Time to remove myself from this fucking thread before I get even more irate than I was before I decided to try and use a fucking porn board to blow off steam.
For you to willingly give up the power of three words.

I do not give those words power doll, you do. Though I could tie ya down and just say them over and over and over and over. Maybe, just maybe they would start losing effect. Either that or you might just die.

Damnit People.

Logan! Damn straight I know you're playing and you'll get yours.

Second, never, ever, think that Luna is talking about you (generalized you here) unless she quotes you or uses your name. She could be simply letting off steam at work, god knows she probably runs into all kinds at her job.

Third, will you peoples just relax around here. Fuck. Some of you all take things way too seriously when something is said and it's either not pointed at you or you just think it is.

I swear. I'm beginning to think everyone is on their period lately. Go find some chocolate, grab a blankie and your teddy bears and find a dark corner to crawl into.

I'm leaving, again. Get yer damn asses on right and play nice, for fuck's sake.


*hides in her corner*
Logan! Damn straight I know you're playing and you'll get yours.

I swear. I'm beginning to think everyone is on their period lately. Go find some chocolate, grab a blankie and your teddy bears and find a dark corner to crawl into.

I'm leaving, again. Get yer damn asses on right and play nice, for fuck's sake.

yea i was thinking that too
*looks to scutt*

this time? not really, as previously stated, with the way the posts were being written i honestly thought it had been directed at me,

Luna's last post made it clear she was talking about someone else so just the timing of reading her post from my end was bad for me, so *shrugs*

Okay. You made an honest mistake. Then you make an honest apologize, and you come out of it sounding like a decent person who just made a mistake.

The first one was a misunderstanding. The second one was all you.
*a slow, sad shake of the head*

You're the one distracted by shiny things, remember?

Not true!
Unless they are expensive.
Then I'm distracted.

I do not give those words power doll, you do. Though I could tie ya down and just say them over and over and over and over. Maybe, just maybe they would start losing effect. Either that or you might just die.

Die. Probably die.
Let's go with, I want you never to use them again. Evar.

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