The Jeep Wave


Ms Snooby Pants
Mar 18, 2001
Men do it much more than women. Two theories - (1) women don't know about the Jeep Wave, or (2) they are not comfortable waving at fellow Jeep drivers, most of whom are male. Thoughts? Comments? Questions?
That's it. First you insult my heritage, and now Mr. Mischka. I am so coughing all over you first chance I get.
You can keep the jeep wave and just pay me the 20 bucks when I pull your stuck jeepass out of ditch.
Mischka said:
That's it. First you insult my heritage, and now Mr. Mischka. I am so coughing all over you first chance I get.

Hey, that's bitchin'! I'll make sure to place my hand firmly on the back of your head and place my erect manjunk near your mouth and thrust in unison with your coughs.

I'm so looking forward to this!
Motorcycle riders wave, too. It took me a while before I would take my hand off the handle. Now I am an old hand...

RV owners, however, do not wave. Such a shame.
Problem Child said:
Hey, that's bitchin'! I'll make sure to place my hand firmly on the back of your head and place my erect manjunk near your mouth and thrust in unison with your coughs.

I'm so looking forward to this!
You would take advantage of a poor, sick woman? That is just wrong.

*hack* *cough*
Re: Re: The Jeep Wave

IrishWolfhound said:
Uhmmm...what the heck are we talking about?
Jeep Wrangler drivers wave at each other when passing on the road. A small gesture, just raising the fingers of one hand off the steering wheel.
Re: Re: Re: The Jeep Wave

Mischka said:
Jeep Wrangler drivers wave at each other when passing on the road. A small gesture, just raising the fingers of one hand off the steering wheel.

The pinky finger. Usually whilst wearing a salmon-colored Izod shirt with the collar turned up.
Re: Re: Re: The Jeep Wave

Mischka said:
Jeep Wrangler drivers wave at each other when passing on the road. A small gesture, just raising the fingers of one hand off the steering wheel. we RAV4 drivers do with our middle fingers. Got it.
Mischka said:
...he says as his av puffs away.

I was wondering if anyone else noticed that.

And yes, we do the Jeep wave also.. only it's from a Suzuki Samauri. That is accepted behavior in our county.

PC... read the sig line.
Re: Re: Re: Re: The Jeep Wave

Problem Child said:
Usually whilst wearing a salmon-colored Izod shirt with the collar turned up.
Salmon is so last season. Dusty sage is way cooler.
Re: Re: Re: The Jeep Wave

Mischka said:
Jeep Wrangler drivers wave at each other when passing on the road. A small gesture, just raising the fingers of one hand off the steering wheel.

Around here you'll see people doing a full hand wave, not just the fingers. In my observations, it seems people from the South use just their fingers more than those from around here (New England), and more men than women use just their fingers.

Just an observation...

Willies was okay, but that's not really jeep, it's a willies. AMC got it and it became a real jeep not a real willies.

Don't be such a poopftapuffer.

Now this looks like fun. I'd raise my finger to it...
KillerMuffin said:

Willies was okay, but that's not really jeep, it's a willies. AMC got it and it became a real jeep not a real willies.

Don't be such a poopftapuffer.

You are sooooo wrong on this one. AMC ruined Jeep just like they ruined Harley.

(I'm now imagining every female on this thread sampling my manjunk.)
I am so not wrong. I don't care what they called it, it was a Willies. AMC made a Jeep cause they weren't Willies. Willies made the Willies GP vehicle. AMC made a knock off. So phooey.

You'd better be tied up in the back of my MOPAR if you're fantasizing about me sampling your manjunk.