The Isolated Blurt Thread XXXIV: Like Books & Black Lives, Albums Still Matter

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I admit G would be furious if I cut my hair. I cut about six inches off this year and we are both a little uncomfortable with it. But I don't want short hair so it's something we are united on. If it were a health reason he'd be supportive about it I know. I also discuss things like colour change ( Only happened once .last year and he said when he had had enough) with him. He had to look at it, I think it's fair he should say what he thinks. I also say what I think about his :)

People who have been around here for a while know my feelings. And yeah colour isnt great either.
I kind of hope this doesn't turn into a pissing contest. If it does, 2017 could have social media drowning in "woe-is-me" in an attempt to claim bragging rights over 2016.
In other news, gas is up 10 cents since the last time I filled up and the wind is now out of the north.
I cut most of my hair off this year. I liked my hair long, but I love it short. It's much easier to care for and I get great bed head now! It was very freeing to chop it off. Some days I miss my long locks, but not enough to grow it back, yet.

Even the Grumpster seems to like it, I wasn't sure he would.
There were so many of us for 2015 - it was like 2016 just decided they could only come up with one.

And I know someone said your av looks like Kate Hudson but I think Blake Lively.

I thinks she resembles Carol Kane (I remember her from Scrooged). She was cool.
Got a cool gift for Christmas. A jail broke fire stick.

Anyone else have one of these lil beauties?

6, 8, 9, 2, 4, 1.

Those six were immediate off the bat..."not many" people must have Mr. Magoo eyes! :D
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