The Isolated Blurt Thread XLII : Saint Peter is a douchebag

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Better the whipping wind than the whipping post.

Well maybe not for this crowd.

It all depends on the post.

she took all my money

wrecks my new car

Brand new tires and one is bulging out already. I did, however, manage to run over a metal gate on 94 near Madison. Making the entrance where 90/94 merge there it was at the end of the ramp. I had no time nor the room to avoid it. I did 't notice it until yesterday. Thankfully, I made it home, and they are slapping on a new one free of charge.
Now she's with one of my good time buddies
They're drinkin in some cross town bar
Laurel has done a stellar job of dealing with the bullshit from you and others. She has proved that lines are lines. Cross it and get warned. Cross it again and be gone.

Why she puts up with it is beyond me. I would have closed this board years ago.

I think that is generally true, with some leniancy given inconsistantly.

I don't approve of people who, for whatever reason, find themselves crosswise- causing trouble and extra work but the part that seems especially offensive to me are those who insist on pushing that line because they do think that they are favored. I can't imagine doing something like that to my friend's board.

The latest examples of this are not even bothering to cloak it in sophmoric word substitution. Blatently offensive; blatently bannable, blatently inconsiderate to put her in that position.
My mother just threw shade at me because she knows I can’t sit still. That bitch
dont be jelly that mine was so much better

Yours was okay. Mine? Mine links together two blurt titles for the added funny wham. Laurel would not let me name the last one "AJ is a douchebag" because it was mean. And true. Saint Peter is no douchebag! He is a nice boy with a clean mind and spotless soul.

Has anyone here watched Teen Wolf?

Binging it now with the oldest, the adults on this show are smokin’.
Has anyone here watched Teen Wolf?

Binging it now with the oldest, the adults on this show are smokin’.

Nope, but my niece comes over once a week for girl time and we watch the Vampire Diaries. It's not very good but all the men are pretty damn hot.

It's fun watching Paul Johnson's Georgia Tech offense. I remember the first time I saw it back when he was coaching Navy.

The system requires discipline and athleticism in the backfield.

I'm sure it's difficult for opposing teams to defend against because, if for no other reason, they never see it until they run into Georgia Tech.


'twas damn cold out on the bicycle yesterday. I should have worn my "dead of winter" tights. It was hard to believe there were two guys out there wearing shorts. At 41° with steady winds of 20+ mph and gusts of 30, the wind chill made it feel like it was 30°.

I pray that I don't get a flat tire in that kind of weather. I very much doubt that I could get my fingers to work well enough to change a tube. It'd be a long and miserable walk back.


What Was Russia's Role In 2016 U.S. Election: Two Former KGB Officials Weigh-In
by Lucian Kim

...Gennady Gudkov, a retired KGB colonel, peered at me across his dark, vaulted office in an old Moscow manor house.

"I'm going to tell you something that I've never told anyone before," he said. "About 10 years ago, Russia had the opportunity to seriously influence election results in France."

Gudkov, then a Russian lawmaker for a pro-government party, says he was given damaging material on a French presidential candidate that could have tipped the election. Gudkov says he passed the information to the Russian Foreign Ministry, which told him that if the material leaked out, it would pose an "enormous, insane risk" for future relations with Paris.

There was no leak...


..."It's funny for Russians that 500-ruble ads on Facebook are being examined by Congress and that the U.S. is attaching so much value to amateurish trolling."...


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