The Isolated Blurt Thread V: For Vendetta

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Fur flies over 16th century 'rocket cats' warfare manual

Researcher baffled by document written by artillery master Franz Helm featuring pictures of jetpacks strapped to cats and doves

I don't know how to feel about that. All my adolescent angst, turned upside down. My formative years were based on the wrong premise. I guess it doesn't matter now.
snowball's chance in hell that she pulls the rip chord now....

In the event that I'm not around to start the new Blurt thread the moment it's needed, this is how it will work: post #5,000 and any proceeding posts will be split to the new thread (once I'm back online). This means that whoever makes post #5,000 will be King/Queen of the next Blurt thread. I will then close the old thread (that would be this one).

Good luck, all!

for the sake of fuck all
and feathers...
the post at which you finally get to this heinous deed
should be commemorated as well...

ban that poster for evahhhhhhh!
as a sacrifice?

to reconsecrate the soils?

kinda like a shirley jackson lottery....

just a thought?
for the sake of fuck all
and feathers...
the post at which you finally get to this heinous deed
should be commemorated as well...

ban that poster for evahhhhhhh!
as a sacrifice?

to reconsecrate the soils?

kinda like a shirley jackson lottery....

just a thought?

What if the king or queen chooses not to start it? Food for thought.
You, yes you! You haven't seen my smile lately, but I am told I am still darn near impossible when I am thinking of you. :rose:

starting from 7:52, i'm left with a wtf taste in my mouth.
and I thought LT was bad. is this a common opinion?

i'm flabbergasted.

What are you doing watching that crap? What am I doing watching that crap?

But IF that 20 yr. old woman slept with that 13 yr. old kid then yeah, she ought to be in prison. So I agree with that. When the dude went off about black women carrying std's I paused that shit. Thats getting into loony territory.

Yes to your last question. I think LT is bad as well which is a rather common opinion around here. :)
What are you doing watching that crap? What am I doing watching that crap?

But IF that 20 yr. old woman slept with that 13 yr. old kid then yeah, she ought to be in prison. So I agree with that. When the dude went off about black women carrying std's I paused that shit. Thats getting into loony territory.

Yes to your last question. I think LT is bad as well which is a rather common opinion around here. :)

insomnia. youtube hopping.
yes, I need something better to do with sleepless nights.

the guy goes rabid on black women. it's weird!
I have been fasting since yesterday and I'm not in a good mood.

How am I even supposed to get up without caffeine?
It's goddamn cold out there this morning again.
But the weekend is supposed to make it into the 40's...I can't wait.
First person who complains about hot weather in this area is going to get throat punched.
I have to buy a new bed. My bed isn't firm enough and it's not good for my back.

Fucking bills up to my eyeballs and I have to fork out for a new bed.

Fucking fuck fuuuuuccckkk.

But other than that I'm feeling heaps better, which is great. :)
I wish I had ace bandages wrapped around my rib cage. And maybe crossed between my shoulder blades.
I woke up and didn't think of her for at least a whole minute.

Maybe that's a start.
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