The Isolated Blurt Thread V: For Vendetta

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What ever happened to that face thread.. I like faces.

What a week.
So my boss has trouble remembering words. He talks fast and sometimes the wrong word comes out, and sometimes no word at all. We're working on a renovation of a lecture hall at a college building, and he can't remember the name of the spaces on the sides of the stage. I say "Wings". Yeah, that's it. And every time, every time, he says "those rooms", and I say "Wings". "Wings"...

It was funny to me.
If I ever did a vanity search that would have fucked my results right up!
Someone did my absolute favorite thing for me last night. Just to be nice to me. I want to pay it forward (minus the cheezy movie part, of course).
I thought a new one of these is supposed to be started at 5000 posts.

What gives.

laurel is too busy getting laid and sleeping like a cat to be here every second of every day. give a girl a break, why don't cha?
laurel is too busy getting laid and sleeping like a cat to be here every second of every day. give a girl a break, why don't cha?

What does that have to do with starting the new thread according to her rules?

She can lock the old thread later or tomorrow.

I figured you'd all be dying to be the thread starter.
What does that have to do with starting the new thread according to her rules?

She can lock the old thread later or tomorrow.

I figured you'd all be dying to be the thread starter.

have you read the last 20 posts? she said she may not be here, but would cut and begin anew once she returned. it's not an automatic function. there's an actual person there who must be present for the change to occur.
i'm done with my blurt threads for now. i need a break. you should go for it. it's not so hard. just timing.
have you read the last 20 posts? she said she may not be here, but would cut and begin anew once she returned. it's not an automatic function. there's an actual person there who must be present for the change to occur.

No. I didn't. I guess I don't understand how it works.

Anyhow. Can I suggest "Isolated Blurt Thread V: The V is For Vagina" ?
i'm done with my blurt threads for now. i need a break. you should go for it. it's not so hard. just timing.

I'm busy getting laid and sleeping with my cat. I'm not here every second of every day. Give a guy a break why dontcha?

I'm busy getting laid and sleeping with my cat. I'm not here every second of every day. Give a guy a break why dontcha?


you're the one asking questions. be a good girl and clean your ass.
Laurel, The Queen of May (flowers, flowers) and May Not, posted-

In the event that I'm not around to start the new Blurt thread the moment it's needed, this is how it will work: post #5,000 and any proceeding posts will be split to the new thread (once I'm back online). This means that whoever makes post #5,000 will be King/Queen of the next Blurt thread. I will then close the old thread (that would be this one).

Good luck, all!

*humble and modest curtsey*
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