the i should really take a shower, but i kinda don't feel like it right now thread

and i have no idea what that smell is or why i'm smelling it. i might not be me, though. i'm not sure if that's good or bad.
oh, it's not that bad. well, it might be since you really can't smell yourself, but hey, it's just people juice. hopefully tears. if not i may need to check my lock.
if i hadn't needed to go to the store there's a good chance i wouldn't have showered until right before bed.
The second my brain thinks 'I need a shower' it becomes all I can think about until I actually shower. That's OCD in a nutshell.
You're having a me day.

WQ can't accept that.

No. By the time most people think about having a shower, I've had 2 already and am thinking about needing another.
I simply cannot comprehend nit having one as soon as the thought is there *shudders*
No. By the time most people think about having a shower, I've had 2 already and am thinking about needing another.
I simply cannot comprehend nit having one as soon as the thought is there *shudders*

This is a kippies day.

Your day is next Thursday.
Now her OCD will kick in. I wonder if she'll make her pretend husband's pretend dead friend's pretend funeral about her.

That's already been set up.

She will be the ONLY one attending.

While milking a goat, sheering a sheep and fighting off a bad case of bubonic plague, all with one arm.

Impeccably all in black.