The Horror beneath/ church of the protectors

Aug 30, 2013
I keep getting drawn back to the Horror Beneath stories by Danielle'sadvisor, I know the guy isn't posting any more and those reasons are sad but I really enjoy those stories, is there anyone out there who'd be willing to do something in the same universe and a similar style of story? I remember they're easy to read, enough story to be going on with but a lot more sex than plot and I like them for that.
You should at least link them if you want people to take a look.

The short answer though most likely is no though. Most authors are extremely squeamish about taking other people's works without permission and lit posters that aren't posting are generally impossible to get a hole of. They've probably stopped checking any email connected to this and you'll have a hard time getting someone to break the unwritten rule of don't play with other people's toys.

You're best bet (after posting a link so someone can read those stories) is to give a breif discription of how they worked so people will read them and perhaps what you want. I mean you might find someone willing to write something very similar. Just from your discription it sounds like your talking HP Lovecraft and thus the characters if they are unique is the only unique part anyway.

However it is the duty of the poster to provide all necessary information in their post, not my job to do a google or any other sort of search on what they want me to know.