Intensely Erotic Supernatural Story Featuring Social Media Star


Aug 11, 2024
Hello there, long time reader of stories on the site; Finally made an account (Don't know why I didn't do it before).

Anyway, I was hoping to get some writers to indulge my request for erotic stories featuring a social media personality. It's a Tumblr/OF user named GlamerinaLune. She's been a favorite of mine for a long time, and I'd really like to see a story or a series of stories crafted of this sexy redhead.

I was looking in the realm of the supernatural; Vampires in particular. I'm not looking for graphic horror per se, but intense supernatural horror erotica. Something along the lines of a vampire seeking a lover to fulfill his insatiable sexual appetite; He happens to discover her, through some means: Be it he's a vampire who's been around and evolved with time to know what a computer is, and finds her page, or he sees her one night while she's out for a walk. He becomes infatuated with her, and seduces her by manipulating her mind, taking her back to his castle where he indulges in intense sexual acts with her. I was envisioning his biting her to be more of a sexual thing (I'm taking cues from a chat thread I read once that biting heightens their arousal, and also does the same for the victim; It's more a hormone thing). I want her to remain human, and he turns her into his sexual slave, his whore, as she succumbs to the intense pleasure he gives her.

I'd love to see something come from this; If there's anyone who'd research her and craft stories around this idea, I'd be greatly appreciative!
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