Goblin horror story


Literotica Guru
Apr 19, 2021
I like the idea of goblins in fantasy stories. I usually prefer the idea of a massive horde of lil green guys with sharp teeth and knives swarming and pillaging but I also like ones about one goblin having to depend on luck and brains to survive being completely outmatched.

Anywho I thought of one idea which is a subversion of typical stories with goblins.

The idea: following a war, a village is on the brink of ruin. Their land is in dispute between two of the winners in said war, many of their young men died in said war, and between tributes paid during the war and a famine, they don’t have much.

As if things weren’t bad enough, they find out there’s a group of goblins in the forest. With no help coming, the few men left in the village go to the woods, hoping to at least buy time for the remaining villagers to flee…only thing is, there is no battle. Instead, the men come back saying they’ve made an alliance with the goblins.

The story would then be journal entries from the townsfolk. Essentially the men reveal the goblins were willing to help their village prosper: all they asked was that the men breed with their women and for the village to give them access to a mine that had been closed some time ago. Men agree: the mine was too dangerous for them to use and the goblin women are strange but beautiful in their own way.

Goblins start mining and they give the villagers all the resources they mine up, leading to the village having wealth for the first time. Village of course throw a celebration and invite the goblins who are surprisingly gracious guests. Of course with all the liquor, a few of the village women end up sleeping with the goblins but again, the goblins aren’t forceful and are actual quite tender yet passionate lovers. Town ultimately decides it would be hypocritical to ban the women from sleeping with the goblins so soon goblin babies are getting born in the village.

Of course eventually outsiders and adventurers come calling and the villagers decide to keep things a secret, covering for the goblins and even knocking out or killing adventurers.

Within a decade the town is pretty much all goblins. All children being born are goblins and the village has happily accepted their wealth and role in taking care of outsiders. The goblins then invite the villagers down into the mine and reveal the truth: they wanted access to the mine because sleeping at the bottom is a sealed god. The only thing they now need is a blood sacrifice to awaken it. The story ends with the last surviving villager writing about how their goblin children hid them…not realizing they wanted someone to write the account of their god’s ascension

So effectively a horror story involving goblins but one where instead of being little murder rapists, they are closer to deep ones and take advantage of a town’s weakened state to bolster their numbers and get protection
Personally I prefer goblin stories where the goblins aren't outright evil, but clearly that's not what you're going for here.

It's a fine concept, but the way you have it outlined it's really only the twist ending that has a horror element. I think that only works as a horror story if it is very short; otherwise it's just a pleasant story with an out-of-nowhere dark ending.

So if you want it to be a horror story, I think there should be a sense of dread or wrongness about the whole situation from the beginning. Either you could foreshadow that the goblins are up to something, but another way to do it, if you want to retain the twist, would be to introduce another horrifying menace that the goblins and humans band together to defeat (perhaps something like a werewolf or wendigo), only to then reveal the goblins' treacherous plot.
But goblins arnt nice,they are evil and nasty, i can understand wanting a mine but the village has little to offer,why dont the goblins just take the mine for themselves, if they offer the use of the mine and to breed there villages wifes and in return the goblins protect the village ,that makes more sense
But goblins arnt nice,they are evil and nasty, i can understand wanting a mine but the village has little to offer,why dont the goblins just take the mine for themselves, if they offer the use of the mine and to breed there villages wifes and in return the goblins protect the village ,that makes more sense
But villains are never villains in their own minds. The best stories recognize that the bad guys think they are the good guys and go from there.
I like the idea of goblins in fantasy stories. I usually prefer the idea of a massive horde of lil green guys with sharp teeth and knives swarming and pillaging but I also like ones about one goblin having to depend on luck and brains to survive being completely outmatched.

Anywho I thought of one idea which is a subversion of typical stories with goblins.

The idea: following a war, a village is on the brink of ruin. Their land is in dispute between two of the winners in said war, many of their young men died in said war, and between tributes paid during the war and a famine, they don’t have much.

As if things weren’t bad enough, they find out there’s a group of goblins in the forest. With no help coming, the few men left in the village go to the woods, hoping to at least buy time for the remaining villagers to flee…only thing is, there is no battle. Instead, the men come back saying they’ve made an alliance with the goblins.

The story would then be journal entries from the townsfolk. Essentially the men reveal the goblins were willing to help their village prosper: all they asked was that the men breed with their women and for the village to give them access to a mine that had been closed some time ago. Men agree: the mine was too dangerous for them to use and the goblin women are strange but beautiful in their own way.

Goblins start mining and they give the villagers all the resources they mine up, leading to the village having wealth for the first time. Village of course throw a celebration and invite the goblins who are surprisingly gracious guests. Of course with all the liquor, a few of the village women end up sleeping with the goblins but again, the goblins aren’t forceful and are actual quite tender yet passionate lovers. Town ultimately decides it would be hypocritical to ban the women from sleeping with the goblins so soon goblin babies are getting born in the village.

Of course eventually outsiders and adventurers come calling and the villagers decide to keep things a secret, covering for the goblins and even knocking out or killing adventurers.

Within a decade the town is pretty much all goblins. All children being born are goblins and the village has happily accepted their wealth and role in taking care of outsiders. The goblins then invite the villagers down into the mine and reveal the truth: they wanted access to the mine because sleeping at the bottom is a sealed god. The only thing they now need is a blood sacrifice to awaken it. The story ends with the last surviving villager writing about how their goblin children hid them…not realizing they wanted someone to write the account of their god’s ascension

So effectively a horror story involving goblins but one where instead of being little murder rapists, they are closer to deep ones and take advantage of a town’s weakened state to bolster their numbers and get protection
I've actually written a similar story to a group of Goblins having their way with people. Mine was based on the Yaoi "Goblin Cave" and it had three parts. It's called "Ogre Orgy" if you're interested in reading it.