The Great Lit Orgasm Challenge


Intelligence is sexy
Aug 18, 2008
Its easy.

Send the pre-written challenge (see below) to the person(s) of your choice.

1 - they confirm on the thread that the dirty deed is done
2 - they post how long it took (from the time of the challenge)
3 - and provide any details they care to share (or not)
4 - they issue the challenge to TWO other people.

The Great Lit Orgasm Challenge:
Dear Litster, you are nearby challenged to have an orgasm and post on the following thread to confirm this is done (instructions on first page...don't forget to challenge two other people)
For a bit of extra fun, post a secret message too
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You've never had me and never will. That's because our luv is so special! It's the waiting that counts, the perpetual waiting and anticipation.

Admit it, you want me.

Of course ... what woman doesn't want you?
Alright munch- you caught me on an off week.

It took me 2 days and approximately 15 hours to complete my mission.

now off to challenge some unsuspecting Litster :devil:
I'm always "up" for a challenge, especially from one of the more "stimulating" female litsters!

And I beat her handily! (no pun intended). 3 minutes and 17 sec. Although I have to admit that males have an anatomical advantage for quick (and self-administered) orgasms :devil:

And as my proof ... (I used black paper for "contrast").
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I'm always "up" for a challenge, especially from one of the more "stimulating" female litsters!

And I beat her handily! (no pun intended). 3 minutes and 17 sec. Although I have to admit that males have an anatomical advantage for quick (and self-administered) orgasms :devil:

Yea ouchie!!!!! And damn nice proof sexy!
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Alright munch- you caught me on an off week.

It took me 2 days and approximately 15 hours to complete my mission.

now off to challenge some unsuspecting Litster :devil:

Sheesh, definitely slacking there m'dear lol

Just as well Ouchy made up for it!
I think I did pretty well at 45 minutes, considering I had to get three 11 year olds out of the house first. I helped them make a bucket of water balloons, sent them out in the yard, and locked my bedroom door. I found an inspirational video, got out my favorite toy, and set to work. Quickly. Kids, remember? Ten minutes later, here I am! That's as much detail as I'm spilling :p
I think I did pretty well at 45 minutes, considering I had to get three 11 year olds out of the house first. I helped them make a bucket of water balloons, sent them out in the yard, and locked my bedroom door. I found an inspirational video, got out my favorite toy, and set to work. Quickly. Kids, remember? Ten minutes later, here I am! That's as much detail as I'm spilling :p

HW- you so totally kicked my ass!!!

I want a do over when I *don't* have to be at a waterpark when I get the challenge! Lol
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It took me about 20 minutes from when I got the message, but the package was delivered with surprisingly good speed.
It took me 50 minutes which is ok as I basically just wanted to go to bed - to sleep. I was a little turned on, but wanted to remain in that mood for extra sweet dreams. But then the OP sent me this challenge (after weeks of not talking to me^^) and ruined my plans. Bad man!
2 or 3 little stories from here helped.
Thanks munch you pain in the ass today. I'd been busy publishing 2 more of my stories and you interrupted.
Challenge was sent to my inbox at 7:14 EST and it's now 11pm on the dot.