The Great Biden Betrayal: Redefining dereliction of duty on steroids


Literotica Guru
Mar 22, 2020
In the esteemed role of chief executive officer of the United States, the paramount duty is unmistakably the safeguarding of our nation's security. This is a sacred trust, a commitment to the citizens of our great country to protect them from external threats and ensure their safety and freedom. It is a role that defines the presidency and one that demands unwavering resolve and vigilance.

Sadly, intelligence from some of our three-letter agencies admits that terrorist attacks on United States soil are imminent.

What do they know that we don’t?

Think about it. They know terrorists are on our soil, but they’re not saying how they got here. Duh … Ask any third grader which border they likely came over from and they’ll likely tell you from our southern border.

But it gets worse. Who is going to be in charge of fighting these terrorists when they attack our infrastructure and cause so much damage that it makes 9/11 look like a stroll through Central Park?

But unlike George W. Bush, whose popularity soared to 90% after 9/11, Biden will be met with even mainstream Democrats who will want to ride him out of town on a rail. Why? Innately everyone will know the blame clearly falls on Biden’s shoulders. And for once, even the “Blame Trump First “ crowd will actually shut up because they will be too busy ducking for cover.

Think about it. Who on earth would want the culprit who let in these terrorists be the one allowed to clean up the mess?
OR, perhaps, is there a hope that such an incident will occur so the administration will step in and appear to be strong to ride on the same wave that Bush II did? Do know that as fact? No. I have no more a window into their mind than you. But given this administrations track record that is a question that must be asked.
In the esteemed role of chief executive officer of the United States, the paramount duty is unmistakably the safeguarding of our nation's security. This is a sacred trust, a commitment to the citizens of our great country to protect them from external threats and ensure their safety and freedom. It is a role that defines the presidency and one that demands unwavering resolve and vigilance.

Sadly, intelligence from some of our three-letter agencies admits that terrorist attacks on United States soil are imminent.

What do they know that we don’t?

Think about it. They know terrorists are on our soil, but they’re not saying how they got here. Duh … Ask any third grader which border they likely came over from and they’ll likely tell you from our southern border.

But it gets worse. Who is going to be in charge of fighting these terrorists when they attack our infrastructure and cause so much damage that it makes 9/11 look like a stroll through Central Park?

But unlike George W. Bush, whose popularity soared to 90% after 9/11, Biden will be met with even mainstream Democrats who will want to ride him out of town on a rail. Why? Innately everyone will know the blame clearly falls on Biden’s shoulders. And for once, even the “Blame Trump First “ crowd will actually shut up because they will be too busy ducking for cover.

Think about it. Who on earth would want the culprit who let in these terrorists be the one allowed to clean up the mess?

The betrayal, was the corrupt orange traitor sabotaging TWO immigration reform and border security bills.


The betrayal, was the attempted overthrow of America democracy by the corrupt orange traitor and the MAGAts on J6, and their continuing effort to undermine democracy here and abroad.


The betrayal, was the corrupt orange traitor siding with Putin against America’s intelligence community, and the corrupt orange traitor sharing top secret information with rich randos.


The betrayal, was the corrupt orange traitor encouraging cops to be rough with people in handcuffs just before Derek Chauvin murdered George Floyd while he was in handcuffs, setting off mass protests, along with isolated riots and looting.


The betrayal, was anyone who supported the corrupt orange traitor.



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Sadly, intelligence from some of our three-letter agencies admits that terrorist attacks on United States soil are imminent.

What do they know that we don’t?

When you post delusional paranoid conspiracy theories you’re required to use “wacky capitalization and punctuation”. Example:

WhaT dO THeY KnOW thaT WE doN’T???!??!!?

I hope this helps. You’ll never be fully accepted into the Conspiracy Nut Clown Party if you don’t follow the rules.
OR, perhaps, is there a hope that such an incident will occur so the administration will step in and appear to be strong to ride on the same wave that Bush II did? Do know that as fact? No. I have no more a window into their mind than you. But given this administrations track record that is a question that must be asked.
I believe that the administration is cowed and kowtowing to the loud, angry voices in their party. The only voice of sanity coming out of the Democrats seems to be the stroke victim. They need more stroke victims and less senility in their ranks.

They know an incident is coming and they cannot do anything about it or those angry Leftists that are their slim margin of victory won't show up to the polls if they begin to behave proactively and open to the serious charges that they are engaged in Racism and Xenophobia (and maybe even transgender hate ;) ;) )...

Those breaking the law to take jobs from American citizens will breed the voters of the future who will gravitate towards the Party that did not view their undocumented citizen parents as law breakers. As far as the Democrats are concerned this is an investment in their future and they will deal with the unintended consequences comfortably in the future where there will be one-party rule.

Obviously, taxes will need to be raised (on documented citizens).
I believe that the administration is cowed and kowtowing to the loud, angry voices in their party. The only voice of sanity coming out of the Democrats seems to be the stroke victim. They need more stroke victims and less senility in their ranks.

They know an incident is coming and they cannot do anything about it or those angry Leftists that are their slim margin of victory won't show up to the polls if they begin to behave proactively and open to the serious charges that they are engaged in Racism and Xenophobia (and maybe even transgender hate ;) ;) )...

Those breaking the law to take jobs from American citizens will breed the voters of the future who will gravitate towards the Party that did not view their undocumented citizen parents as law breakers. As far as the Democrats are concerned this is an investment in their future and they will deal with the unintended consequences comfortably in the future where there will be one-party rule.

Obviously, taxes will need to be raised (on documented citizens).

Haha. Look at this example of delusional paranoiac lunacy!
Look at this pathetic attempt at ascription because someone is too stupid for intelligent, learned rebuttal.
The Libertarians are a subdued lot with no microphone or bullhorn.

Your problem seems to be one of black and white thinking. If you ain't us, then you're them!
The Libertarians are a subdued lot with no microphone or bullhorn.

Your problem seems to be one of black and white thinking. If you ain't us, then you're them!

I see where you went wrong. You think I’m against conservatives. I’m actually just against conspiracy nuts like you.

I hope we’ve cleared that up.
So, the premise of the thread seems to be that 1) there are terrorist cells who have infiltrated the United States and 2) they arrived in the US through the lightly defended Mexican border.

A couple issues with this: First of all, despite how apparently easy it is to get OUT of Mexico into the US, the question needs to be asked, how easy could it have been for these terrorists to get IN to Mexico from, presumably, somewhere in the Middle East or northern Africa? They obviously couldn't just cross into Mexico from across the Atlantic. Are Mexico's immigration laws regarding overseas immigrants as lax as America's border patrol evidently is? The danger from Mexican immigrants seems to be more from cartel and organized crime members rather than terrorists, and that is not to downplay the threat these people pose. But gang members do not typically plan mass casualty events.

Second, it is worth noting that most of the terrorists who participated in the most violent attacks on US soil did NOT come through that border. Mohammed Atta, for example (who helped orchestrate the Sept 11, 2001 attacks), came from Germany to Florida on a 5 year B1/B2 buisness visa. The Tsarnaev brothers were home-grown sons of former Soviet immigrants who later became radicalized after living in the US for some time. Tim McVeigh, well, he was "A victim of a judicial witch hunt by a weaponized FBI for political gain" (according to some people anyway.) But the point is, he was a home grown domestic terrorist, not a foriegn national who crossed over from Mexico.

Overall, the premise of the original post seems more intended to stoke paranoia and fear than to present any real logic.
This just in... the FBI doing their job. From the Idaho news:

A Coeur d’Alene man was arrested over the weekend for allegedly planning an attack on local churches in the name of the Islamic State group — his plans foiled at the last minute by the FBI. The Department of Justice said in a news release that Alexander Mercurio, 18, “pledged his allegiance” to the Islamic militant group and planned to attack individuals at Coeur d’Alene churches using knives, firearms and fire. The FBI’s Joint Terrorism Task Force began monitoring Mercurio in 2021 when he started spreading the group’s propaganda online, the release said. Over the next several years, Mercurio became active in online groups and chats related to the Islamic State. TOP VIDEOS Top Videos 00:19 01:30 Piroshky Piroshky preorder service: Delivery comingto Boise Messages sent by Mercurio indicated that his parents attempted to stop his behavior, according to the release. “My parents want me to stop being Muslim and praying and drop everything 100 percent tomorrow or they take away absolutely everything and send me to in-person school to make sure I don’t pray or if that doesn’t work send me to youth camp or juvenile hall or something IDK please I just don’t know what to do, this will probably be my last message in a long while,” Mercurio wrote in a message to fellow extremists, the FBI said. Mercurio’s behavior escalated in early 2024, according to a police affidavit. The FBI said he selected at least one specific church, which the FBI did not name, for an attack on Sunday, April 7. He planned to potentially “incapacitate his father, restrain him using handcuffs and steal his firearms” to maximize the number of casualties, according to the affidavit.

Read more at:

Considering that Coeur D'Alene is pretty close to the Canadian border, it is assumed that he snuck in through the Canadian border. And if his suspicious activities started in 2021, as indicated, it is likely he was radicalized well before that- when the previous administration was still in office, and failed to secure the Canadian border against terrorists.

Again, kudos to the FBI for nipping a potential terrorist threat, but I'm cynically wondering when the usual suspects (Rightguide, the Hisarpy/Icanhelp wizzard guy, etc) will start clamoring about how the FBI was "Weaponized" to commit a "Judicial Witch Hunt" on a suspect who "Hasn't Been Convicted of Anything Yet." (Because, seriously....)
I see where you went wrong. You think I’m against conservatives. I’m actually just against conspiracy nuts like you.

I hope we’ve cleared that up.
The only "nut" that I have encountered over the last couple of days is, well, you: the ascription nut.

You see conspiracy everywhere. I am not your Julia Roberts...
The only "nut" that I have encountered over the last couple of days is, well, you: the ascription nut.

You see conspiracy everywhere. I am not your Julia Roberts...

You’re not a conspiracy nut? Let’s look at an example in this thread …

They know an incident is coming and they cannot do anything about it or those angry Leftists that are their slim margin of victory won't show up to the polls if they begin to behave proactively and open to the serious charges that they are engaged in Racism and Xenophobia (and maybe even transgender hate ;) ;) )...

Those breaking the law to take jobs from American citizens will breed the voters of the future who will gravitate towards the Party that did not view their undocumented citizen parents as law breakers. As far as the Democrats are concerned this is an investment in their future and they will deal with the unintended consequences comfortably in the future where there will be one-party rule.

Seriously wacko conspiracy rant. An inCIdeNt iS COMinG!!! BreeDINg VOterS!!! ONE-PArTY RuLE!!!1!!!!!!!! !

Conspiracies are hidden and secret affairs.

I refer to public spectacles. No conspiracy there. It's in the sunlight, not the shadows.

You should not let your hate preclude your reason and intellect from forming your thoughts...
Conspiracies are hidden and secret affairs.

I refer to public spectacles. No conspiracy there. It's in the sunlight, not the shadows.

You should not let your hate preclude your reason and intellect from forming your thoughts...

Your fearmongering and wacko conspiracy theories are hilarious and so easy to make fun of.
A conspiracy is a group of malcontents each with the power to be contented by exposing the conspiracy.
I suggest you reread your Machiavelli...
