The God King (closed for Kililia)

Sean Renaud

The West Coast Pop
Feb 5, 2004
"Please don't do this! I know you are the true king." Vice Chancellor cried as he was brought before the now God King. "I can aid you! I know the people in ways you do not!"

"I know that your people starve beneath king stefan," he spat the foul words from his mouth, "and that you are here to try to extend his rule." Marco raised one hand. Every soul in attendence felt their bowls clutch as just the difference between his clenched fist and his salute was a atter of life and death.

After a long pause he saluted and then motioned him to the low seats. Those were people who might be allowed to keep their heads and other parts.

Marco stood from the ancient throne of silver and stone and surveyed the goathered people. Most were his own warriors from family or conquest. He had won some of them over and those he hadn't feared his cruelty. That was something he wanted to correct. At least somewhat.

There was a long string of the former Kingsmen who were brought before him and most were allowed to continue. Then came the women, the things they were using to bargain with.

Marco let a tight grin purse his lips as the ladies came forward promising their virginity and how delightful they would be warming his bed. He was mostly entertaining people he fully intended to execute and quite publicly. Marco was growing weary of the women but then one caught his attention. "Shoo the rest of these. . .women aside. Bring that one to my feet and see if she is worthy." He shouted making a grand flourish with his arms. The other women knew their fates and those of their clan had just been sealed as he stood.
Lilith was quite petite (4'11) wore a long beautiful black dress,her raven hair was in a french braid. She looked up with her dark midnight eyes at the new king and instantly caught his attention. This man was the most feared as his conquests were well known through the world. She was asked by her lord to kill his false king and had no choice to accept the mission. She gasped as the new king guard gripped her arms her, dragging and threw her down at his feet, she looked like a dark fairy with a pale porcelain skin. She landed on her knees before as the two guard stood on each of her side, she knew it was a suicide mission.

She seemed as though she was about to grovel at his feet like all the other men/ women. Without warning she pulled her small blades and spun , slicing the guards ankles and immediately taking them down. She dash straight for her target and dodged as the third guard that swung his sword at her head, luckily her small frame dodged and lunged and stabbed him in the rib. She spun around like dancer and slice through the throat of his last guard. She ran towards the king and dodged his move as she went to stab down at his throat from above. She smirked as the king gripped her wrist and simply open her hand dropping the knife. She quickly grabbed the knife with her other hand and lunges to stab up into his head from down to up.
Marco was lucky he had survived the attemted assassination. It was just muscle memory and instint had him grab her wrist. His eyes followed the blade for a fraction of a second. Lillith had barely scooped up the blade when he twisted her wrist and slammed her face first into the throne.

"Well speak bitch, why shouldn't I end you right here and now?"
Lilith cursed as he hit her face into the throne and lost her balance. She look up at him and smirked :" even if you kill me, more will come till your dead"

She knew the chances of success was slim and now she was faithed to die:. " Just kill me" * unlike so many, she accepted death sentence*
Marco laughed softly before taking her knife and tossing it aside. "Well that is one idea. But how to kill you. There are so many ways that one can die. My personal favorite is to look a man in a cage where he has to stay on his toes in order to breathe. Sooner or later exhaustion sets in." He pushed her forward grinding her cheek against the mostly soft throne seat. "How does that sound to you?"
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Lilith hissed at the new king, she already hated her lord now this bastard was just enjoying torturing her:" your sicker than they claim, your majesty..."

She hated this men of power alway had...:" As rather you kill me than you keeping me around, at your side to witness your sick games..."
Marco grinned and released her for a moment. "Keep an assassin by my side? Can you imagine how many reasons that would be against my best interests? I like keeping my insides, inside rather than spilled on the floor like these guys."

He took a few steps back from her. "So I guess we have our options open here, but I need something from you."
She smirked:" oh come now, how you know that till you try having them outside..."

She slowly got up and looked at him:" and what that might be? Let me guess, I kill or give you identity of person that sent me to kill you?
"So you are as intelligent as you are attractive. Yes that is precisely what I want before we start anyting that could be called a negotiation." He watched her rise to her feet and even stepped toward her just a bit.

"You should think of it however as a mercy though. There is no actual reason why I shouldn't send my armies to . . .depopulate your men, enslave all the women, figure out what to do about the kids. PRobably kill them too. My grandfather told me the old regime had made was letting him live. Young ones who have witnessed what he did will always come back to haunt you." He kicked the corpse of one of his guards. "This way only those responsible will die. And I don't hand over your lands to people who have sworn fealty to me. I believe that is more than generous."

Marco shrugged.
The whole situation from the beginning had caused her more trouble than worth. She honestly did not care much on who sat on the throne. She sighed: It was the Lord appears you cut down some profit and affected his income....he was always a greedy bastard..." * She pushed back her long raven French braid :" " so, is this the part where you betray me and cut my head?"
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"No this is nto the part where I betray you and cut off your head." He picked up her blade. He walked to the main entrance to the room and summoned his guards. "Men, you have a very simple job here. Bare witness to what's about to happen."

Ten more men, these ones in armor unlike the largely ceremonial guards who she had slain, came in. "If she kills me see to it that her village is decimated and do not kill her. Just break enough bones that when you bring her to bear witness she poses no threat."

The group unamously stated they understood.

Marco walked over to Lilith and spun the knife around so she could grasp it by the grip. He even tilted his head back.
Lilith rolled her eyes and did not even bother trying kill him. She felt either he was mocking him or trying prove his point.

She glared at him:" you made your point, already... What exactly do you want from me or do I get to leave this shit hole?"
"Well you've already fufilled my wish." He took the blade and tucked in the front of his pants. "Understand that you will never be leaving here, at least not alive but your life doesn't need to be unpleasant. Perhaps it would fair for you to make a request of sorts."
She looked at him confused:" am I your prisoner? How can my stay here not be unpleasant? I have no reason to be here... I have no role to play....or do you expect me to do here? "

This was even more insane than she thought:" you already decline my request to leave.... What do you want me to do here? Be a maid?"
"A maid? have you never actually seen yourself? You don't put such esquisite beauty cleaning chamber pots." He shook his head. "No for the time being I want you by my side and perhaps between my sheets."
She was taken back by his unexpected compliment. She looked confused:" By yours side? You already have enough guards..... "
She glared at him:" I'm sorry, your majesty but I only bed the man I marry and I already have my eye on another man..." * She actually never had sex even less had time to date men. But no way, she plan be the new king's whore and have bastard children*
"Yes by my side." He smiled softly. "I guess if you don't want to warm my bed there are other things I could put you to use doing. But I caution you against taking that particular route in life."

"While its true I have 'enough' guards whatever that means." He made a sweeping gesture to his now dead guards. "I think you have just shown that one woman, albeit with the advantage of surprise is more deadly than my men."
Strangely enough, she started to like this king: what do you mean, by my side? I thought you mean as a bodyguard...."

She shrugged: " well, you might like depending on a women to assassinate but I don't sleep with strange kings...'*smirk. Unlike most men, he was bluntly honest which she appreciated*

She looked at the dead bodies and back at him: " So you want me at your side as your protector cause ppl will not expect me to protect or kill for you? But whats the pay?"
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"For most people able tow arm thebed of a King would be more than sufficient payment for services as exquisite as yours." Marco paced back forth for a moment before cupping her chin. "I guess before I have your lord killed I will have to ask him if you have a sister or cousin. Someone who would like what was offered to you"
Lilith blink as he cupped her chin:" actually, I was an orphan .. your lord bought me and had me train to kill for him...." * She hesitated* " I am truly flattered that you desire me in your bed but I am not one of experience...therefore, I would be unable to please you in the bedroom"
"Then I shall teach you how to be pleasing." Marco said softly giving her a slightly shove as he released her chin. It wouldn't hurt her at all, it was just the dismissive way a tired parent might a child refusing to go to bed might.

"If you're lord didn't begin training you the ways of pleasure he's a fool. Not just for the obvious reasons," he Marco said turning his back on her for a moment. "I mean if instead of killing my men and trying to kill me here you could easily have poisoned my wine. Choked me in my sleep. Drown me in a bath." He went on for a few moments listing off some comically easy ways a woman trained in the arts of seduction could have eliminated him. "Perhaps that is what I should do. Since you refuse my generous offer maybe I should simply train you to be a better assassin. You can maintain your virtue but claiming I threatened your home."

It wasn't wasted on him that she might have no real loyalty to her home village. Many assassins were motivated by money or other ideals and even if she had killed him her chances of getting out had been small. She was willing to die. If she was paying attention to his tone his threat would barely qualify as idle. Marco was determined to get his way but if he did harm her home it would have been just a whim unless she negotiated.

"Why did you give up your lord, does he mistreat you?" MArco finally asked narrowing the question intentionally.
"My lord did not teach me such arts cause he knows nothing of it. He may hide it but he sleep with young men....mistreat, I don't know...though he used to beat me with his fists if I failed perform technique and beat me with his cane when I failed a mission....right now, he probably kill me." She sighed knowing her lord would kill her to cover his tracks*" my lord....true, I could of easily killed you in other ways. But I like to look my target in the eyes and give them a chance to survive....honestly my odd of comic back alive from this mission was less than 1%. Honestly, what would I return too? There would be a severe consequence to my success as much as my failure. Either way, I die and we both know that. I sure as hell, did not want this suicide mission but I can't refuse...." She shrugged :" He once was obsessed with a very young man and when that man kept making advance to me....he was enraged and stabbed me in middle of the night as he called me a whore.... He is not a man, I can trust but I am still his property."

She smiled:" I had hoped that you kill me so that he does no sell me or worse as he did the last female assassin that now is on opium and lives in a brothel after she failed her mission"
"You're life must be a special kind of horrible." He shrugged. "Is not clear I have no actual intention of killing you, at least not if I can get some sort of better alternative out of this? Strip., That is not a request. That is a requisite of our continued negotiations unless I should just throw you to my men and be done.
Lilith tense up at his command and knew she could not refuse as he was the king. She began to slip out of her clothing. Removing each pieces till she stood naked before him. Though for on the slender side,she was curvy and natural C cup and hairless:" satisfied?"
"No." He took a half step toward her. "I am going to touch you. Remain still." While he was trying to phrase it as a demand if she followed the flicker of his eyes it was at least implied to be a request.