The GLBT Currently Masturbating Thread

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Edging right now. I might have the opportunity to get sucked off by an older guy later. But, I hope I don't chicken out. I wish I didn't always hold back. I just want to fuck so many assholes and suck so many dicks.
In the office. Alone. Thinking of a woman and a guy 'interrupting' me and the missus......
very multi talented....I am trying to look at some pics and stroking......I love to continue to do it over a long period of time.....
Just started, and I'm gonna make it an all nighter. So I'm going to see how many I can crank out this weekend. you and me and the bottle makes three, tonight!
I am!

But I cut my hand today, so I'm having a hard time... any creative ideas anyone? or just anyone to help me?
surreptitiously stroking myself under the table at work keeping an eye on the door

Been there! I used to have a job where I was in an office at the end of a long hallway, no one ever went back that way. I used to rub one out pretty often in there.

A bit late posting btw, blew it all over my chest about 10 minutes ago.
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