The Glades...WTF?


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Jun 15, 2006
This just in...The Glades on A&E has been cancelled! Cancelled? Yes, cancelled!

No more Jim Longworth, in fact season finale had Jim laying on the kitchen floor of a house he just bought for his bride to be Callie Cargill after being shot twice in the back. WTF?

This was one of my favorite summer series. I haven't missed an episode since it came on. It was funny and all the characters were likable.

I just Jim's way of doing things...well I guess the writers just ran out of gas as there was a sameness about every case Jim pursued.

Ah well they will all be me at least.

RIP The Glades. :(
This just in...The Glades on A&E has been cancelled! Cancelled? Yes, cancelled!

No more Jim Longworth, in fact season finale had Jim laying on the kitchen floor of a house he just bought for his bride to be Callie Cargill after being shot twice in the back. WTF?

This was one of my favorite summer series. I haven't missed an episode since it came on. It was funny and all the characters were likable.

I just Jim's way of doing things...well I guess the writers just ran out of gas as there was a sameness about every case Jim pursued.

Ah well they will all be me at least.

RIP The Glades. :(

Sounds like they may be doing reruns of the original Dallas "Who Shot JR" the dumb ass cliff hanger. Just so you know it was all a dream or was that a different cliff hanger? It's been a long time ago and I forget.
Sounds like they may be doing reruns of the original Dallas "Who Shot JR" the dumb ass cliff hanger. Just so you know it was all a dream or was that a different cliff hanger? It's been a long time ago and I forget.

That trick caused a lot of laughter in the UK.
Sounds like they may be doing reruns of the original Dallas "Who Shot JR" the dumb ass cliff hanger. Just so you know it was all a dream or was that a different cliff hanger? It's been a long time ago and I forget.

No, they actually cancelled the series. :( :mad:
This just in...The Glades on A&E has been cancelled! Cancelled? Yes, cancelled!

No more Jim Longworth, in fact season finale had Jim laying on the kitchen floor of a house he just bought for his bride to be Callie Cargill after being shot twice in the back. WTF?

This was one of my favorite summer series. I haven't missed an episode since it came on. It was funny and all the characters were likable.

I just Jim's way of doing things...well I guess the writers just ran out of gas as there was a sameness about every case Jim pursued.

Ah well they will all be me at least.

RIP The Glades. :(
We've all lost dear friends to the network programming demons. At least now with boxed sets and Netflix they aren't truly gone.
We've all lost dear friends to the network programming demons. At least now with boxed sets and Netflix they aren't truly gone.

True, but you can only watch the same old episodes so many times before you just throw up you hands in disgust at the fools who are in charge of bullshit decisions.
True, but you can only watch the same old episodes so many times before you just throw up you hands in disgust at the fools who are in charge of bullshit decisions.

Indeed. Do not get Mr. Penn started on Fox's cancellation of Firefly.
Another reason I don't feel bad not watching television; I don't get disappointed.

My wife was still bitching to someone the other day they cancelled "Smash"

I guess they knew it and gave it some form of rushed closure, but she was still pissed.

I did get hooked on Game of thrones, but now that I power watched all three seasons, I have already faded into "whatever" mode and unless someone reminds me most likely won't watch season four. I just don't get attached.

No one who knows me-with my horror and comic book background-can believe I don't watch walking dead. I read the series up until the "crazy town" story arc that included Rick's hand being severed, the girl with the swords being sodomized and her nailing the guys dick to the floor in revenge. WD is what's wrong with comics today. No longer fun, but horrifically violent and made for adults, not kids.

I am not supporting the show. Even though my store was mentioned in the letters page of issue #10:D

I am oddly tempted to look at Foxes new Sleepy Hollow series. I've always enjoyed that Legend.
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Another reason I don't feel bad not watching television; I don't get disappointed.

My wife was still bitching to someone the other day they cancelled "Smash"

I guess they knew it and gave it some form of rushed closure, but she was still pissed.

I did get hooked on Game of thrones, but now that I power watched all three seasons, I have already faded into "whatever" mode and unless someone reminds me most likely won't watch season four. I just don't get attached.

No one who knows me-with my horror and comic book background-can believe I don't watch walking dead. I read the series up until the "crazy town" story arc that included Rick's hand being severed, the girl with the swords being sodomized and her nailing the guys dick to the floor in revenge. WD is what's wrong with comics today. No longer fun, but horrifically violent and made for adults, not kids.

I am not supporting the show. Even though my store was mentioned in the letters page of issue #10:D

I am oddly tempted to look at Foxes new Sleepy Hollow series. I've always enjoyed that Legend.

Well, fine, but many of us can watch TV and get over a show being cancelled.

As far as Walking Dead, I can tell you definitively that the things you mentioned about the crazy town (Woodbury, right?) did not happen that way, at all. Likely they toned it down for TV, but it wasn't anything like that and Kirkman has written many episodes, so he is responsible for many of the changes. They have changed A LOT of things from the comics on TWD -- they have left out characters, and invented new ones for the show that are not in the comic, and hence there are story lines that are both left out and created new.

The show is pretty good. I haven't read much of the comic, so can't say, but for many reasons, comparing the doesn't work. They are two very different products.
Part of me wondered if they would have toned that arc down.

AMC is not a paid channel so I figured they might whereas if this was HBO or showtime it would have been full bore.

In fact when Jamie gets his hand hacked off in GOT my first thought was Rick. I think I read up to issue 48 then the violence got to the point it was gratuitous and Kirkman was getting carried away

I know you're a comic geek and if you like Kirkman you need to read marvel Zombies(the first series is the only one he did I think) it is mostly hilarious, but a little disturbing as well. Basic premise is the marvel universe becomes Zombies including the line

"Hulk is hungriest of them all" and someone asking zombie spiderman how Aunt May tasted.

Funny how WD took off. When I opened in 2003 the series was going so slow Image sent me 10 copies of #3 for free. I liked it and ordered a bunch of # 1&2 as it started to gain momentum I took them all home and sat on them, selling a couple here and there.

I had one #1 left and got $500 for it just before the first episode debuted. Probably could get even more now, but oh, well

Kirkman started at marvel with Captain America and was Ho-hum. Image struck gold when they gave him the green light with WTD
Well, fine, but many of us can watch TV and get over a show being cancelled.

True, but I can understand Zeb's pain. I went into a long and deep depression when Farscape was cancelled. That was an all out betrayal, as it had previously been approved for two more seasons. Then zip-- nothing.
True, but I can understand Zeb's pain. I went into a long and deep depression when Farscape was cancelled. That was an all out betrayal, as it had previously been approved for two more seasons. Then zip-- nothing.

I do miss shows that I like that get cancelled, Firefly being a primary example. But this is not the kind of thing I have control over, so I don't get too worked up. I don't have the time for it.
Too bad they won't cancel their news programming, Talk about fiction:rolleyes:

Too bad all the news channels are guilty of that. It's gotten so bad over at CNN that on both their channels during latenight that they are running reruns of true crimes and Anthony Bordain. I guess there is no real news to report.
This just in...The Glades on A&E has been cancelled! Cancelled? Yes, cancelled!

No more Jim Longworth, in fact season finale had Jim laying on the kitchen floor of a house he just bought for his bride to be Callie Cargill after being shot twice in the back. WTF?

This was one of my favorite summer series. I haven't missed an episode since it came on. It was funny and all the characters were likable.

I just Jim's way of doing things...well I guess the writers just ran out of gas as there was a sameness about every case Jim pursued.

Ah well they will all be me at least.

RIP The Glades. :(

The show never caught on for me. The Mrs. is from FL and I lived there for many years, too. Their sense of Florida geography was remarkably poor.
Too bad all the news channels are guilty of that. It's gotten so bad over at CNN that on both their channels during latenight that they are running reruns of true crimes and Anthony Bordain. I guess there is no real news to report.

Well when the president is a disgrace and every story would point that out, the propaganda media outlets that kiss his ass don't have very much to say now do they?

Sorry, my "GB" is showing.
Actually, Fox has been prolific in cancellations of good, solid shows after only one season. :mad:

Yes, and then they kept something like "The Following" going -- ugh. Although I think that's been cancelled as well. *whew*

I never did watch The Glades, mostly because once A&E was "A&E" and no longer about Arts & Entertainment, I lost interest in the channel as a whole. There was one show, I can't remember if it was A&E or AMC, about a radio station back in the '30s called "Remember WENN" and I did love that. However, if The Glades was a good show, then I'm sorry it's gone because there are never enough of those.

Too bad all the news channels are guilty of that. It's gotten so bad over at CNN that on both their channels during latenight that they are running reruns of true crimes and Anthony Bordain. I guess there is no real news to report.

My mom's always asking if I saw this or that on a news channel, and I always say no. I do not turn on any news channel (unless there is a breaking story), mostly b/c of my kids, because it seems to be all opinion and discussion (ahem) and no real reporting of news. I used to like Headline News until they... didn't do much of either.
Yes, and then they kept something like "The Following" going -- ugh. Although I think that's been cancelled as well. *whew*

Unfortunately "The Following" will most definitely be back. It was one of the highest rated shows of the year.
Unfortunately "The Following" will most definitely be back. It was one of the highest rated shows of the year.

Will it? Good grief. I wanted to like this show, because I like Kevin Bacon and James Purefoy, but I barely made it through the premiere. Although I watch plenty of violent stuff, this hit the wrong nerve for me, I guess; I've had quite enough of ridiculously genius theatrical serial killers.
The show never caught on for me. The Mrs. is from FL and I lived there for many years, too. Their sense of Florida geography was remarkably poor.

They did have a bad habit of being able to be in the Everglades and then up Tampa way pretty quickly. I can forgive that. What I can't forgive is the way they left it! :(
The show never caught on for me. The Mrs. is from FL and I lived there for many years, too. Their sense of Florida geography was remarkably poor.

Many shows are bad with their local geography, likely because they don't/can't shoot in those actual settings. I got a kick of the season "24" set in Washington, DC, because of such things.
The city gummint of Washington DC is not very production friendly to movies/TV shows shooting here. To the contrary, much as the "city fathers" [Mayor, City Council] protest otherwise, they set cumbersome roadblocks for anyone desiring to film in DC to clear before approval of any project. Ergo, few DC shows actually show Washington DC.
The city gummint of Washington DC is not very production friendly to movies/TV shows shooting here. To the contrary, much as the "city fathers" [Mayor, City Council] protest otherwise, they set cumbersome roadblocks for anyone desiring to film in DC to clear before approval of any project. Ergo, few DC shows actually show Washington DC.

Oh I wasn't bothered by that. It was more the way they referred to local stuff. Of course the "I'll be there in 20 minutes" is always funny, but they also referred to "the 270," which is not how East Coasters refer to their roads. But I guess we'll cut Jack a break since he's from LA.
I do miss shows that I like that get cancelled, Firefly being a primary example. But this is not the kind of thing I have control over, so I don't get too worked up. I don't have the time for it.

Firefly, YES! Luckily I never heard of it until after it was cancelled, then I already knew that there were a limited number of episodes. So I just enjoy the re-runs when I can, if I'm in the mood. But as you say, There isn't time to worry about it.

I think the series I regret the most is "Remember WENN" from AMC back in the days when they didn't have commercials. But that's probably because they never have re-run them. But hey, it's just TV.

As for Glades, I used to like it when it was first on, but it just got too predictable and boring. I'm surprised it went on for that long.