The General Commentary Thread

some wonderful reads in there, P... just sorry i didn't get to contribute more. real busy time of year for us here, getting the ground ready and planting. country life, eh? šŸ™ƒ
Thanks butters, I quite understnd that this a very busy time for you and as always quality is more important than quantity
I wish I could write poetry.

We all start somewhere. If you're not reading much poetry, you could begin there, see what appeals to you, what kind of poetry that you like. If you decide to write a poem, you can post it here and ask for advice. I will say that this forum is a little slow, there aren't many of us active, so it could take a little patience to get the advice or critique. Still, there are lots of threads in here with information, and challenges, and all sorts of reading that can be done. It may feel daunting, trying new things often does, but if it's something you're interested in, give it a try. Welcome to PF&D. :)
I've been trying to peek in most days, but because of other stuff, and now Covid (my number finally got called!), my time and attention span has been limited. The Covid has been fairly mild, mostly sapping energy and brain function, so have been pretty lucky where that's concerned.

Hope I can spend some time in the not too distant future to catch up on some of the writing that's been going on, and maybe even manage to put some words together myself. Thanks to those of you who still keep this little train slowly chugging along. šŸ˜˜
Caili - I hope it stays mild and you are back at the pen/keyboard soon.
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I've been trying to peek in most days, but because of other stuff, and now Covid (my number finally got called!), my time and attention span has been limited. The Covid has been fairly mild, mostly sapping energy and brain function, so have been pretty lucky where that's concerned.

Hope I can spend some time in the not too distant future to catch up on some of the writing that's been going on, and maybe even manage to put some words together myself. Thanks to those of you who still keep this little train slowly chugging along. šŸ˜˜
so sorry to hear you got it in the end but hope it passes asap and with no lingering effects. thank goodness for vaccines, right? be well, littlebug :rose:
from thread "Watch me stroke my thick cock and cum"

are you looking for general feedback or critique on your poem?

i'd suggest you check spelling errors before submitting it, though i did think 'looming' was rather unusually fitting. Maybe think about some line breaks, a title to give it extra dimension, and maybe not being a dick posting this on the poetry discussion forum.

I love you. :D I'm just getting to the point, thankfully, where I can laugh safely, too haha

The original post has been removed, but I had to reply to this. It's just so good.
I'm not numbering my 30 in 30 poems, Ku says it's required. :p
I need a ruling. -_-
winter fare's latest in writing live... exhausting reminder of all a parent has to do BEFORE starting their paid job. Being a parent is 24/7, and the idea that stay-at-home parents are somehow shirking work is brought low by the poem, which underlines just how freakin' in-your-marrow-tiring trying to cope with a full-time job while being a parent is.
how fab to see you posting!!! how's life?
Hello dear friend. ā¤

Well of late life has been icky as I've had horrid sinus infections and nasty side effects from the antibiotics given to me. However I'm slowly improving and in general I'm good, fam is good, life is good. Not being able to post here has put a real damper on my muse. Maybe that'll change if I can keep sneaking past my server's firewall!

I know how the forum is doing (slowwww) cause I read here. But I'm so impressed with you stalwarts (you know who you are!) who've kept the place going.

Big hugs to you, Harry and all you wild and crazy poets!
sorry about your health issues, Angelinadreamer, but it does my heart good to see you here xx
Love reading everyone's poetry.

Good to see Angeline as well. I had wondered where you wandered off.

In the time since I have been writing here, I have felt more and more at home here over the years. Now I can't imagine my Lit experience without the Poetry forum, and all of you. I wish good things for every one of you. May your 2023 be excellent in all ways.